Avataṃsaka Sūtra (LUSB Standardized Ed.)

Avataṃsaka Sūtra (LUSB Standardized Ed.)

Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra 大方廣佛華嚴經

"The Great, All-Inclusive Sutra on the Miraculous Adornments of the Buddha."


Translated from the Chinese version of Śikṣānanda, circa 699 (T.279)

FIRST ASSEMBLY - At the Site of Enlightenment

🍃Ch 1 - Wonderful Adornments of the Leaders of the World 世主妙嚴🍃Ch 2 - Appearance of the Tathagata 如來現相🍃Ch 3 - Samantabhadra Samadhi 普賢三昧 🍃Ch 4 - The Completion of Worlds 世界成就🍃Ch 5 - The Flower Treasury World 華藏世界🍃Ch 6 - Vairocana 毘盧遮那

SECOND ASSEMBLY - At the Universal Palace of Light

🍃Ch 7 - The Titles of the Thus Come Ones 如來名號 🍃Ch 8 - Four Noble Truths 四聖諦 🍃Ch 9 - Awakening by Light 光明覺🍃Ch 10 - A Bodhisattva Asks for Clarification 菩薩問明🍃Ch 11 - Purifying Practice 淨行🍃Ch 12 - Chief in Goodness 賢首

THIRD ASSEMBLY - At the Trāyastriṃśa Heaven

🍃Ch 13 - Ascent to the Peak of Mt. Sumeru 昇須彌山頂🍃Ch 14 - Eulogies on Mt. Sumeru 須彌頂上偈讚🍃Ch 15 - The Ten Abodes 十住🍃Ch 16 - Brahmacarya 梵行🍃Ch 17 - The Merit of the Initial Determination for Enlightenment 初發心功德🍃Ch 18 - Clarifying Dharma 明法

FOURTH ASSEMBLY - At the Suyama Heaven

🍃Ch 19 - Ascent to the Palace of the Suyama Heaven 昇夜摩天宮 🍃Ch 20 - Eulogies in the Palace of the Suyama Heaven 夜摩宮中偈讚🍃Ch 21 - The Ten Practices 十行 🍃Ch 22 - The Ten Inexhaustible Treasuries 十無盡藏

FIFTH ASSEMBLY - At the Tuṣita Heaven

🍃Ch 23 - Ascent to the Palace of the Tuṣita Heaven 昇兜率天宮品 🍃Ch 24 - Eulogies in the Palace of the Tuṣita Heaven 兜率宮中偈讚🍃Ch 25 - The Ten Transferences 十迴向

SIXTH ASSEMBLY - At the Parinirmita-vaśavartin Heaven (Bliss from Others’ Transformations)

🍃Ch 26 - The Ten Stages 十地

SEVENTH ASSEMBLY - At the Universal Light Palace

🍃Ch 27 - The Ten Concentrations 十定 🍃Ch 28 - The Ten Super Powers 十通🍃Ch 29 - The Ten Kṣānti 十忍 🍃Ch 30 - Asaṃkhyeya (’Incalculable’) 阿僧祇🍃Ch 31 - Life Span 壽量🍃Ch 32 - The Abodes of All Bodhisattvas 諸菩薩住處🍃Ch 33 - Inconceivable Dharmas of Buddhas 佛不思議法🍃Ch 34 - The Ocean of Characteristics of the Ten Bodies of the Tathāgata 如來十身相海🍃Ch 35 - The Merit of the Light of the Embellishments of the Thus Come One 如來隨好光明功德🍃Ch 36 - The Practices of Samantabhadra 普賢行🍃Ch 37 - Manifestation of Tathāgata 如來出現

EIGHTH ASSEMBLY - At the Universal Light Palace

🍃Ch 38 - Detachment from the World (lokottaraparivarta) 離世間

NINTH ASSEMBLY - Back in this world, at the Jeta Grove

🍃Ch 39 - Entering the Dharmadhatu 入法界