
Ch 2 - Appearance of the Tathagata 如來現相



At that time, all the Bodhisattvas and Leaders of World had these thoughts: "What are the grounds of the Buddhas? What are the realms of the Buddhas? What are the empowerments of the Buddhas? What are the practices of the Buddhas? What are the powers of the Buddhas? What are the fearlessnesses of the Buddhas? What are the samādhis of the Buddhas? What are the spiritual powers of the Buddhas? What are the sovereign powers of the Buddhas? What are the inconceivable aspects of the Buddhas? What are the eyes of the Buddhas? What are the ears of the Buddhas? What are the noses of the Buddhas? What are the tongues of the Buddhas? What are the bodies of the Buddhas? What are the minds of the Buddhas? What are the body-lights of the Buddhas? What are the radiances of the Buddhas? What are the voices of the Buddhas? What is the wisdom of the Buddhas? May the World Honored One, out of compassion for us, explain and expound these!

Furthermore, all Buddhas in the oceans of worlds throughout the ten directions explain to all Bodhisattvas about the ocean of worlds, ocean of beings, ocean of dharmas, ocean of establishments, ocean of Buddhas, ocean of Buddha pāramitās, ocean of Buddha liberations, ocean of Buddha transformations, ocean of Buddha teachings, ocean of Buddha names, ocean of Buddha lifespans, as well as the ocean of all Bodhisattva vows, ocean of all Bodhisattva aspirations, ocean of all Bodhisattva aids to enlightenment, ocean of all Bodhisattva vehicles, ocean of all Bodhisattva practices, ocean of all Bodhisattva transcendences, ocean of all Bodhisattva spiritual powers, ocean of all Bodhisattva pāramitās, ocean of all Bodhisattva grounds, and ocean of all Bodhisattva wisdom. May the World Honored One also explain these to us in the same way!"


At that time, by the divine power of all the Bodhisattvas, from within the clouds of all offering implements, spontaneous sounds emerged speaking these verses:

無量劫中修行滿,   菩提樹下成正覺,  為度眾生普現身,   如雲充遍盡未來。 

Having practiced for countless kalpas, Attaining perfect enlightenment beneath the Bodhi tree, Manifesting bodies everywhere to liberate beings, Like clouds pervading everywhere until the end of time.

眾生有疑皆使斷,   廣大信解悉令發,  無邊際苦普使除,   諸佛安樂咸令證。 

Dispelling the doubts of all beings, Inspiring vast faith and understanding, Removing boundless suffering everywhere, Leading all to realize the bliss of Buddhahood.

菩薩無數等剎塵,   俱來此會同瞻仰,  願隨其意所應受,   演說妙法除疑惑! 

Bodhisattvas as numberless as kṣetras’ dust particles Have gathered here together in reverence, May they receive according to their capacities The wondrous Dharma that removes all doubts!

云何了知諸佛地?   云何觀察如來境?  佛所加持無有邊,   願示此法令清淨! 

How can we understand the grounds of all Buddhas? How can we observe the realms of the Tathāgatas? The Buddha's empowerments are boundless, Please reveal this pure Dharma!

云何是佛所行處,   而以智慧能明入?  佛力清淨廣無邊,   為諸菩薩應開示! 

What are the places where Buddhas practice, And how can wisdom clearly enter them? The Buddha's pure powers are vast and boundless, Please reveal them to the Bodhisattvas!

云何廣大諸三昧?   云何淨治無畏法?  神通力用不可量,   願隨眾生心樂說!

What are the vast samadhis? How are the fearless dharmas purified? The uses of spiritual powers are immeasurable, Please teach according to beings' desires! 

諸佛法王如世主,   所行自在無能制,  及餘一切廣大法,   為利益故當開演!

The Kings of Buddha Dharma are like world-rulers, Their sovereign, unrestrained actions, And all other vast dharmas as well, Should be explained for beings’ benefit! 

佛眼云何無有量?   耳鼻舌身亦復然?  意無有量復云何?   願示能知此方便! 

How are the Buddha's eyes measureless? And likewise ears, nose, tongue and body too? How is the mind also without measure? Please show us the means to understand!

如諸剎海眾生海,   法界所有安立海,  及諸佛海亦無邊,   願為佛子咸開暢! 

Like oceans of kṣetras and oceans of beings, And oceans of establishments in the Dharmadhātu, The oceans of Buddhas too are boundless, Please explain them fully for the children of the Buddha!

永出思議眾度海,   普入解脫方便海,  所有一切法門海,   此道場中願宣說!」

Forever transcending conceivable oceans of perfections, Universally entering oceans of liberating skillful means, All the oceans of Dharma gateways there are, Please proclaim them in this sacred place!


At that time, the World-Honored One knew what was in the minds of all the bodhisattvas, and from between his teeth, he emitted lights as numerous as dust particles in buddha kṣetras, namely: the light of universal illumination of precious flowers, the light adorning the Dharmadhātu with various sounds, the light of spreading subtle wonderful clouds, the light manifesting spiritual transformations of buddhas seated at sites of enlightenment throughout the ten directions, the light of all precious flame cloud canopies, the light unobstructedly filling the Dharmadhātu, the light universally adorning all buddha kṣetras, the light establishing pure vajra jeweled banners far and wide, the light universally adorning all bodhisattva assemblies at sites of enlightenment, and the light of wondrous sounds praising all buddhas' names...

Each of these lights, as numerous as dust particles in buddha kṣetras, had retinues of lights also as numerous as dust particles in buddha kṣetras. All these lights possessed the colors of various wonderful jewels and illuminated world-systems as numerous as dust particles in a billion buddha kṣetras throughout the ten directions. Within these lights, all the bodhisattvas in those ocean-like world-systems could see this Flower Treasury Adornment Ocean of Worlds. By the Buddha's spiritual power, these lights spoke verses before all the assemblies of bodhisattvas:

無量劫中修行海,   供養十方諸佛海,  化度一切眾生海,   今成妙覺遍照尊。 

Throughout oceans of kalpas cultivating practice, Making offerings to oceans of Buddhas in the ten directions, Liberating oceans of sentient beings, Now becoming the Perfectly Enlightened One, universally illuminating all.

毛孔之中出化雲,   光明普照於十方,  應受化者咸開覺,   令趣菩提淨無礙。 

From within each hair pore emanating transformation clouds, Light universally illuminating the ten directions, All those ready for transformation attain awakening, Leading them to bodhi, pure and unobstructed.

佛昔往來諸趣中,   教化成熟諸群生,  神通自在無邊量,   一念皆令得解脫。 

The Buddha, traveling through all destinies in the past, Teaching and maturing all living beings, With boundless spiritual powers at will, In a single thought enabling all to gain liberation.

摩尼妙寶菩提樹,   種種莊嚴悉殊特,  佛於其下成正覺,   放大光明普威耀。 

The wondrous maṇi jewel bodhi tree, Adorned with all kinds of extraordinary decorations, Under which the Buddha attained perfect enlightenment, Emitting great light, universally majestic and radiant.

大音震吼遍十方,   普為弘宣寂滅法,  隨諸眾生心所樂,   種種方便令開曉。 

Great sounds thundering throughout the ten directions, Universally proclaiming cessative Dharma, According to all beings' hearts' desires, Using various skillful means to bring understanding.

往修諸度皆圓滿,   等於千剎微塵數,  一切諸力悉已成,   汝等應往同瞻禮。 

Having perfected all the pāramitās in past practice, Equal to the particles of dust in a thousand kṣetras, All powers now completely accomplished, You should all go to pay reverence together.

十方佛子等剎塵,   悉共歡喜而來集,  已雨諸雲為供養,   今在佛前專覲仰。

Children of the Buddha from the ten directions, as numerous kṣetras’ dust particles, All gather together with joy, Having rained clouds of offerings, Now before the Buddha, they gaze in attentive devotion. 

如來一音無有量,   能演契經深大海,  普雨妙法應群心,   彼兩足尊宜往見。

A single sound of the Tathāgata is measureless, Able to expound sutras as deep as the ocean, Universally raining wonderful Dharma responding to all minds, One should go see that Supreme One. 

三世諸佛所有願,   菩提樹下皆宣說,  一剎那中悉現前,   汝可速詣如來所。 

The vows of all Buddhas of the three times, Are proclaimed beneath the bodhi tree, All manifesting in a single instant (kṣaṇa), You should quickly go to where the Tathagata is.

毘盧遮那大智海,   面門舒光無不見,  今待眾集將演音,   汝可往觀聞所說。」

Vairocana, ocean of great wisdom, Emits light from his face for all to see, Now waiting for the assembly to gather before broadly proclaiming, You should go observe and hear what is spoken.


At that time, all assemblies in the ten directions' oceans of worlds, having been awakened by the Buddha's light, came together to Vairocana Buddha's place to draw near and make offerings. Namely—


To the east of this Flower Treasury Adornment Ocean of Worlds, there was an ocean of worlds called Pure Light Lotus Flower Adornment. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Mani Jewel Necklace Vajra Treasury, with a Buddha named Dharma Water Awakened King of Boundless Space. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Contemplating Supreme Dharma Lotus Banner, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of clouds of Bodhisattva form-body appearances filling space without dispersing; they further manifested ten kinds of clouds raining all kinds of precious lotus light, ten kinds of Mount Sumeru jeweled peak clouds, ten kinds of sun-wheel light clouds, ten kinds of precious flower necklace clouds, ten kinds of clouds of all kinds of music, ten kinds of powdered incense tree clouds, ten kinds of clouds of perfume and various forms of burning incense, ten kinds of all fragrant tree clouds... Such offering clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, the bodhisattvas bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the eastern direction, they each created by transformation various flower light treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


To the south of this Flower Treasury Ocean of Worlds, there was next an ocean of worlds called Treasury of All Jewel Moon Light Adornments. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Boundless Light Perfect Adornment, with a Buddha named Universal Wisdom Light Virtue Mount Sumeru King. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Universal Illumination Dharma Sea Wisdom, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of all-adorning light treasury maṇi king clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of clouds raining all jeweled adornments universally illuminating maṇi king clouds, ten kinds of jewel flame blazing praising Buddha's name maṇi king clouds, ten kinds of speaking all Buddha dharmas maṇi king clouds, ten kinds of wondrous trees adorning the sites of enlightenment maṇi king clouds, ten kinds of jewel light universally illuminating manifesting transformation Buddhas maṇi king clouds, ten kinds of universally manifesting all sites of enlightenment adornment image maṇi king clouds, ten kinds of dense flame lamp speaking Buddha realms maṇi king clouds, ten kinds of inconceivable Buddha kṣetra palace image maṇi king clouds, ten kinds of universally manifesting Buddhas of the three times image maṇi king clouds... Such maṇi king clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the southern direction, they each created by transformation indigo jewel and jambūnada gold lotus treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


To the west of this Flower Treasury World-Ocean, there was next an ocean of worlds called Delightful Precious Light. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Producing Supreme Wondrous Life-Supporting Requisites, with a Buddha named Fragrant Flame Merit Jewel Adornment. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Moonlight Fragrant Flame Universal Adornment, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of all precious fragrant wondrous flower tower clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of boundless-hued precious king tower clouds, ten kinds of jewel lamp fragrant flame tower clouds, ten kinds of all pearl tower clouds, ten kinds of all precious flower tower clouds, ten kinds of precious necklace adorned tower clouds, ten kinds of universally manifesting all adornments light treasury tower clouds in the ten directions, ten kinds of various jewel powder interwoven adornment tower clouds, ten kinds of pervading all adorned tower clouds in the ten directions, ten kinds of flower gate bell net tower clouds... Such tower clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the western direction, they each created by transformation true gold leaf great precious treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


To the north of this Flower Treasury World-Ocean, there was next an ocean of worlds called Vaiḍūrya Lotus Light Perfect Treasury. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Utpala Flower Adornment, with a Buddha named Universal Wisdom Banner Sound King. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Lion Vigor Light, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of all fragrant maṇi wondrous tree clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of dense-leaved wondrous fragrance adorned tree clouds, ten kinds of manifesting all boundless-hued tree adorned tree clouds, ten kinds of all flower spreading adorned tree clouds, ten kinds of all precious flame perfect light adorned tree clouds, ten kinds of manifesting all sandalwood fragrance Bodhisattva body adorned tree clouds, ten kinds of manifesting past sites of enlightenment inconceivable adorned tree clouds, ten kinds of precious garment treasury sun-like light tree clouds, ten kinds of universally emanating all pleasing sound tree clouds... Such tree clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the northern direction, they each created by transformation maṇi lamp lotus treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


To the northeast of this Flower Treasury World-Ocean, there was next an ocean of worlds called Jambu Gold and Crystal Color Banner. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Many Jewels Adornment, with a Buddha named Fearless Lamp of All Dharmas. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Supreme Light Lamp Inexhaustible Merit Treasury, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of boundless-hued precious lotus treasury lion throne clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of maṇi king light treasury lion throne clouds, ten kinds of all adorned with various decorations lion throne clouds, ten kinds of precious garland lamp flame treasury lion throne clouds, ten kinds of universally raining precious necklace lion throne clouds, ten kinds of all fragrant flower precious necklace treasury lion throne clouds, ten kinds of manifesting all Buddha seat adorned maṇi king treasury lion throne clouds, ten kinds of doors, windows, steps and various necklace adorned lion throne clouds, ten kinds of all maṇi tree precious branch and stem treasury lion throne clouds, ten kinds of precious fragrance interwoven sunlight treasury lion throne clouds... Such lion throne clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the northeastern direction, they each created by transformation precious lotus maṇi light banner lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


To the southeast of this Flower Treasury World-Ocean, there was next an ocean of worlds called Gold Adornment Vaiḍūrya Light Universal Illumination. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Pure Fragrant Light, with a Buddha named Universal Joy Deep Faith King. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Wisdom Lamp Universal Light, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of all wish-fulfilling king maṇi canopy clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of indigo jewel all flower adorned canopy clouds, ten kinds of all fragrant maṇi canopy clouds, ten kinds of precious flame lamp canopy clouds, ten kinds of manifesting Buddha's spiritual powers teaching Dharma maṇi king canopy clouds, ten kinds of manifesting all garment adornment form maṇi canopy clouds, ten kinds of all precious flower cluster light canopy clouds, ten kinds of precious net bell sound canopy clouds, ten kinds of maṇi platform lotus net canopy clouds, ten kinds of manifesting all inconceivable adornment form canopy clouds... Such precious canopy clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the southeastern direction, they each created by transformation precious lotus treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


To the southwest of this Flower Treasury World-Ocean, there was next an ocean of worlds called Universal Sunlight Illumination. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Lion Sunlight, with a Buddha named Universal Wisdom Light Sound. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Universal Flower Light Flame Crown, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of wondrous adorned precious canopy clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of light adorned flower canopy clouds, ten kinds of boundless-colored pearl treasury canopy clouds, ten kinds of emanating all Bodhisattvas' compassionate sound maṇi king canopy clouds, ten kinds of wondrous precious flame garland canopy clouds, ten kinds of wondrous jewel adorned hanging net bell canopy clouds, ten kinds of maṇi tree branch adorned canopy clouds, ten kinds of sunlight universally illuminating maṇi king canopy clouds, ten kinds of all perfume and incense canopy clouds, ten kinds of sandalwood treasury canopy clouds, ten kinds of vast Buddha realm universal light adorned canopy clouds... Such precious canopy clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the southwestern direction, they each created by transformation indigo jewel light flame adorned treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


To the northwest of this Flower Treasury World-Ocean, there was next an ocean of worlds called Precious Light Illumination. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Many Fragrances Adornment, with a Buddha named Boundless Merit Ocean Light. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Inexhaustible Light Maṇi King, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of all-precious perfect light clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of all precious flame perfect light clouds, ten kinds of all wondrous flower perfect light clouds, ten kinds of all transformation Buddha perfect light clouds, ten kinds of Buddha lands in ten directions perfect light clouds, ten kinds of Buddha realm thunder sound jeweled tree perfect light clouds, ten kinds of all vaiḍūrya jewel maṇi king perfect light clouds, ten kinds of manifesting boundless beings' forms in a single thought perfect light clouds, ten kinds of proclaiming all Tathāgatas' great vow sounds perfect light clouds, ten kinds of transforming and teaching all beings' sounds maṇi king perfect light clouds... Such perfect light clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the northwestern direction, they each created by transformation inexhaustible light majestic virtue treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


Below this Flower Treasury World-Ocean, there was next an ocean of worlds called Lotus Fragrance Wondrous Virtue Treasury. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Precious Lion Light Illumination, with a Buddha named Dharmadhātu Light. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Dharmadhātu Light Flame Wisdom, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of all maṇi treasury light clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of all fragrant light clouds, ten kinds of all precious flame light clouds, ten kinds of clouds emitting all Buddhas' Dharma-teaching sounds light, ten kinds of manifesting all Buddha lands' adornments light clouds, ten kinds of all wondrous flower tower light clouds, ten kinds of manifesting all Buddhas teaching beings throughout all kalpas light clouds, ten kinds of all inexhaustible precious flower pistil light clouds, ten kinds of all adorned seat light clouds... Such light clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the lower direction, they each created by transformation precious flame lamp lotus treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


Above this Flower Treasury World-Ocean, there was next an ocean of worlds called Maṇi Jewel Radiant Adornment. Within those world-systems, there was a land called Signless Wondrous Light, with a Buddha named Unobstructed Merit Light King. Among that Buddha's vast assembly, there was a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Unobstructed Power Diligent Wisdom, who came to where the Buddha was together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. Each manifested ten kinds of boundless-hued precious light flame clouds filling space without dispersing; further manifested ten kinds of maṇi jewel net light flame clouds, ten kinds of all vast Buddha land adornment light flame clouds, ten kinds of all wondrous fragrance light flame clouds, ten kinds of all adornment light flame clouds, ten kinds of Buddha transformation light flame clouds, ten kinds of wondrous tree flower light flame clouds, ten kinds of all vajra light flame clouds, ten kinds of speaking boundless Bodhisattva practices maṇi light flame clouds, ten kinds of all pearl lamp light flame clouds... Such light flame clouds as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds filled all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as an offering. Then in the upper direction, they each created by transformation Buddha sound-proclaiming light lotus treasury lion thrones, and sat in full lotus posture upon those thrones.


In these oceans of worlds as numerous as dust particles in ten billion Buddha kṣetras, there were Bodhisattva-mahāsattvas as numerous as dust particles in ten billion Buddha kṣetras, each surrounded by retinues of Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. Each of these Bodhisattvas manifested various adorned offering clouds as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds, filling all of space without dispersing. Having manifested these clouds, they bowed to the Buddha as offerings. According to their directions of origin, they each created various jewel-adorned lion thrones and sat in full lotus posture upon them.

After being seated, from each hair pore of these Bodhisattvas' bodies emerged various-colored lights of all jewels as numerous as dust particles in ten oceans of worlds. Within each light appeared Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in ten oceans of worlds, all seated on lotus treasury lion thrones.

These Bodhisattvas could enter all dust particles in the oceans of establishments throughout the Dharmadhātu. Within each particle of dust were vast kṣetras as numerous as dust particles in ten Buddha worlds, and in each kṣetra were Buddhas, World-Honored Ones of the three times. These Bodhisattvas could go everywhere to draw near and make offerings. In each thought-moment, through dream mastery, demonstrating dharma gateways, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. In each thought-moment, through the Dharma gateway of demonstrating celestial birth and death, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. In each thought-moment, through the Dharma gateway of explaining all Bodhisattva practices, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. In each thought-moment, through the Dharma gateway of universally shaking all kṣetras and praising Buddha's merits and spiritual transformations, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. In each thought-moment, through the Dharma gateway of purifying all Buddha lands and revealing all oceans of great vows, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. In each thought-moment, through the Dharma gateway of being able to rain clouds of all Buddha dharmas, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. In each thought-moment, through the Dharma gateway of light universally illuminating lands in the ten directions and pervading the Dharmadhātu to manifest spiritual transformations, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. In each thought-moment, through the Dharma gateway of universally manifesting Buddha bodies filling the Dharmadhātu and all Tathāgatas' powers of liberation, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. In each thought-moment, through the Dharma gateway of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva establishing all assemblies at sites of enlightenment, awakening beings as numerous as dust particles in oceans of worlds. Thus pervading throughout the Dharmadhātu, according to beings' minds, enabling all to be awakened. In each thought-moment, in each land, enabling beings as numerous as dust particles in Mount Sumeru who have fallen into evil destinies to forever escape from their suffering. In each thought-moment, in each land, enabling beings as numerous as dust particles in Mount Sumeru to escape from evil destinies, enter the ranks of those assured of enlightenment, be born in heavenly realms according to their desires, dwell in the stages of Śrāvakas and Pratyekabuddhas, serve good teachers and accumulate merit, give rise to the aspiration for supreme enlightenment, progress to the stage of non-retrogression, gain the pure wisdom eye to see all the equal dharmas that the Tathāgata sees, abide in the oceans of powers and vows using inexhaustible wisdom as means to purify Buddha lands, and abide in Vairocana's vast ocean of vows, being born in the family of the Tathāgatas.


At that time, from within the lights of all the Bodhisattvas, voices simultaneously emerged speaking these verses:

諸光明中出妙音,   普遍十方一切國,  演說佛子諸功德,   能入菩提之妙道。 

From within all lights emerge wondrous sounds, Pervading all lands throughout the ten directions, Proclaiming the merits of the Buddha's children, Who can enter the wondrous path of bodhi.

劫海修行無厭倦,   令苦眾生得解脫,  心無下劣及勞疲,   佛子善入斯方便。 

Through oceans of kalpas practicing tirelessly, Liberating suffering beings, With minds neither inferior nor weary, Children of the Buddha easily enter these skillful means.

盡諸劫海修方便,   無量無邊無有餘,  一切法門無不入,   而恒說彼性寂滅。

Through all oceans of kalpas cultivating skillful means, Immeasurable, boundless, without remainder, Entering all dharma gateways without exception, While always speaking of their quiescent nature. 

三世諸佛所有願,   一切修治悉令盡,  即以利益諸眾生,   而為自行清淨業。 

The vows of all Buddhas of the three times, All are cultivated to completion, Using this to benefit all beings, As their own practice of pure karma.

一切諸佛眾會中,   普遍十方無不往,  皆以甚深智慧海,   入彼如來寂滅法。 

In the assemblies of all Buddhas, Going everywhere throughout the ten directions, All with profound oceans of wisdom, Enter the Tathāgata's quiescent dharma.

一一光明無有邊,   悉入難思諸國土,  清淨智眼普能見,   是諸菩薩所行境。

Each light is boundless, Entering inconceivable lands, Seen by pure wisdom eyes - This is the realm where Bodhisattvas practice. 

菩薩能住一毛端,   遍動十方諸國土,  不令眾生有怖想,   是其清淨方便地。

Bodhisattvas can dwell on a single hair-tip, Moving all lands in the ten directions, Without causing beings to feel fear - This is their pure ground of skillful means. 

一一塵中無量身,   復現種種莊嚴剎,  一念沒生普令見,   獲無礙意莊嚴者。

In each particle of dust there are countless bodies, Again manifesting various adorned kṣetras, In a single thought universally showing birth and death, Attaining unobstructed, adorned mind. 

三世所有一切劫,   一剎那中悉能現,  知身如幻無體相,   證明法性無礙者。

All kalpas of the three times, Are able to be manifested in a single kṣaṇa, Knowing the body is like an illusion without substance, Realizing the unobstructed nature of dharmas. 

普賢勝行皆能入,   一切眾生悉樂見,  佛子能住此法門,   諸光明中大音吼。」

Able to enter all Samantabhadra's supreme practices, Delighting all beings who see them, The Buddha's children can dwell in these dharma gateways, Roaring great sounds amid the lights.


At that time, the World-Honored One, wishing to enable all the great assembly of Bodhisattvas to attain the Tathāgata's boundless realm of spiritual powers, emitted light from between his eyebrows called "All Bodhisattvas' Wisdom Light" illuminating the treasuries of the ten directions. This light appeared like clouds of jewel-colored lamps, illuminating all Buddha kṣetras in the ten directions, revealing all the lands and beings within them. It also universally shook the network of worlds, manifesting countless Buddhas within each dust particle. According to the different natures and desires of beings, it universally rained clouds of all Buddhas' wonderful Dharma wheels of the three times, revealing the ocean of Tathāgata pāramitās; it also rained immeasurable clouds of transcendence, enabling all beings to forever cross beyond birth and death; and it further rained clouds of Buddhas' great vows, revealing them throughout the worlds of the ten directions. After performing these deeds, the assembly at Samantabhadra's site of enlightenment circumambulated the Buddha to the right and entered beneath his feet.


At that time, a great lotus flower suddenly appeared before the Buddha. This flower possessed ten kinds of adornments surpassing all other lotus flowers, namely: its stem was made of various interwoven jewels; its receptacle was made of sovereign maṇi jewels; its petals were made of universal Dharma realm jewels; its stamens were made of fragrant maṇi jewels; its platform was adorned with jambūnada gold; it was covered by wonderful nets of pure radiance; in a single thought it manifested boundless Buddha transformations; it could universally produce all sounds; sovereign maṇi jewels reflected Buddha bodies; and within its sounds it could universally proclaim all the practices and vows cultivated by Bodhisattvas. After this flower appeared, in an instant, from the Buddha's characteristic white tuft of hair between his eyebrows emerged a Bodhisattva-mahāsattva named Supreme Sound of All Dharmas, together with Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in an ocean of worlds. They circumambulated the Buddha countless times to the right and bowed at his feet.


Then, Supreme Sound Bodhisattva sat upon the lotus platform, while the assembly of Bodhisattvas sat upon the lotus stamens, each dwelling there in sequence. This Supreme Sound of All Dharmas Bodhisattva comprehended the profound Dharmadhātu and gave rise to great joy; entered the Buddha's practices with unobstructed wisdom; entered the unfathomable ocean of Buddha's Dharma body and went to all Tathāgatas in all kṣetras; manifested spiritual powers from all his pores, contemplating all realms of dharmas in every moment; received power from all Buddhas of the ten directions, enabling him to universally abide in all samādhis, constantly seeing throughout future kalpas the Buddhas' boundless ocean of bodies of Dharmadhātu merit, including all samādhis, liberations, and spiritual transformations. Then in the assembly, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, he observed the ten directions and spoke verses, saying:

佛身充滿於法界,   普現一切眾生前,  隨緣赴感靡不周,   而恒處此菩提座。 

The Buddha's body fills the Dharmadhātu, Manifesting before all beings, Responding to conditions without missing any, While always dwelling on this bodhi seat.

如來一一毛孔中,   一切剎塵諸佛坐,  菩薩眾會共圍遶,   演說普賢之勝行。 

Within each of the Tathāgata's hair pores, Sit Buddhas as numerous as dust particles in all kṣetras, Surrounded by assemblies of Bodhisattvas, Expounding the supreme practices of Samantabhadra.

如來安處菩提座,   一毛示現多剎海,  一一毛現悉亦然,   如是普周於法界。

The Tathāgata, seated on the bodhi seat, Manifests many oceans of kṣetras from a single hair, Each and every hair manifests likewise, Thus pervading throughout the Dharmadhātu. 

一一剎中悉安立,   一切剎土皆周遍,  十方菩薩如雲集,   莫不咸來詣道場。 

Established in each and every kṣetra, Pervading all kṣetras everywhere, Bodhisattvas from the ten directions gather like clouds, All coming to the site of enlightenment.

一切剎土微塵數,   功德光明菩薩海,  普在如來眾會中,   乃至法界咸充遍。 

As numerous as dust particles in all kṣetras, Oceans of Bodhisattvas of merit and light Are present in the Tathāgata's assembly, Pervading throughout the Dharmadhātu.

法界微塵諸剎土,   一切眾中皆出現,  如是分身智境界,   普賢行中能建立。 

In kṣetras as numerous as dust particles in the Dharmadhātu, Manifesting among all assemblies, Such is the objective realm of wisdom of these transformation bodies, Established within the practices of Samantabhadra.

一切諸佛眾會中,   勝智菩薩僉然坐,  各各聽法生歡喜,   處處修行無量劫。

In the assemblies of all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas of supreme wisdom sit serenely, Each listening to the Dharma with joy, Practicing everywhere throughout countless kalpas. 

已入普賢廣大願,   各各出生眾佛法,  毘盧遮那法海中,   修行克證如來地。 

Having entered the vast vows of Samantabhadra, Each giving rise to the Dharmas of all Buddhas, Within Vairocana's ocean of Dharma, They practice and realize the Tathāgata ground.

普賢菩薩所開覺,   一切如來同讚喜,  已獲諸佛大神通,   法界周流無不遍。 

Awakened by Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, Praised and delighted in by all Tathāgatas, Having attained the great spiritual powers of all Buddhas, Flowing throughout the Dharmadhātu without exception.

一切剎土微塵數,   常現身雲悉充滿,  普為眾生放大光,   各雨法雨稱其心。」

As numerous as dust particles in all kṣetras, Constantly manifesting clouds of bodies filling all, Universally emitting great light for beings, Each raining Dharma rain according to their minds.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Contemplating All Supreme Dharmas Lotus Light Wisdom King who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses:

如來甚深智,   普入於法界,  能隨三世轉,   與世為明導。

The Tathāgata's profound wisdom Universally enters the Dharmadhātu, Can turn according to the three times, And serves as a bright guide for the world. 

諸佛同法身,   無依無差別,  隨諸眾生意,   令見佛色形。

All Buddhas share the same Dharma body, Without support and without distinction, According to beings' minds, They manifest Buddha's form and appearance.

具足一切智,   遍知一切法,  一切國土中,   一切無不現。 

Perfect in all wisdom, Knowing all dharmas everywhere, In all lands, All is manifested without exception. 

佛身及光明,   色相不思議,  眾生信樂者,   隨應悉令見。

The Buddha's body and light, Form and characteristics inconceivable, For those with faith and joy, All is shown according to their capacity. 

於一佛身上,   化為無量佛,  雷音遍眾剎,   演法深如海。

From one Buddha body, Transform into countless Buddhas, Thunder sounds pervade all kṣetras, Expounding Dharma deep as the ocean. 

一一毛孔中,   光網遍十方,  演佛妙音聲,   調彼難調者。

Within each hair pore, Light nets pervade the ten directions, Proclaiming Buddha's wondrous sounds, Taming those difficult to tame. 

如來光明中,   常出深妙音,  讚佛功德海,   及菩薩所行。

Within the Tathāgata's light, Always emerge profound wondrous sounds, Praising the ocean of Buddha's merits, And the practices of Bodhisattvas. 

佛轉正法輪,   無量無有邊,  所說法無等,   淺智不能測。 

The Buddha turns the wheel of true Dharma, Boundless and without limit, The Dharma spoken is unequaled, Beyond shallow wisdom to fathom.

一切世界中,   現身成正覺,  各各起神變,   法界悉充滿。 

In all worlds, Bodies are manifested attaining enlightenment, Each displaying spiritual transformations, Filling the entire Dharmadhātu.

如來一一身,   現佛等眾生,  一切微塵剎,   普現神通力。」

Each and every body of the Tathāgata, Manifests Buddhas equal to sentient beings, In kṣetras numerous as all dust particles, Spiritual powers are universally displayed.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Dharma Joy Wisdom Light who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses:

佛身常顯現,   法界悉充滿,  恒演廣大音,   普震十方國。 

The Buddha's body constantly manifests, Filling the entire Dharmadhātu, Always proclaiming vast sounds, Shaking all lands in the ten directions.

如來普現身,   遍入於世間,  隨眾生樂欲,   顯示神通力。 

The Tathāgata universally manifests bodies, Pervading and entering all worlds, According to beings' desires, Displaying spiritual powers.

佛隨眾生心,   普現於其前,  眾生所見者,   皆是佛神力。

Buddha follows beings' minds, Appearing everywhere before them, What beings perceive Is all Buddha's spiritual power. 

光明無有邊,   說法亦無量,  佛子隨其智,   能入能觀察。 

Light without bounds, Teaching Dharma without measure, Buddha's children according to their wisdom, Can enter and observe.

佛身無有生,   而能示出生,  法性如虛空,   諸佛於中住。 

Buddha's body has no birth, Yet can manifest birth, Dharma nature is like space, Where all Buddhas dwell.

無住亦無去,   處處皆見佛,  光明靡不周,   名稱悉遠聞。

Neither dwelling nor departing, Buddha is seen everywhere, Light pervading all, Name and fame heard far. 

無體無住處,   亦無生可得,  無相亦無形,   所現皆如影。 

Without substance or dwelling place, No birth can be found, Without characteristics and formless, All manifestations being like reflections.

佛隨眾生心,   為興大法雲,  種種方便門,   示悟而調伏。 

Buddha follows beings' minds, Raising great Dharma clouds, Various skillful means, Teaching and subduing.

一切世界中,   見佛坐道場,  大眾所圍遶,   照耀十方國。 

In all worlds, Buddha is seen seated at enlightenment sites, Surrounded by great assemblies, Illuminating lands of the ten directions.

一切諸佛身,   皆有無盡相,  示現雖無量,   色相終不盡。」

All Buddha bodies Have inexhaustible characteristics, Though manifestations are boundless, Form and characteristics never end.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Fragrant Flame Light Universal Bright Wisdom who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses:

此會諸菩薩,   入佛難思地,  一一皆能見,   一切佛神力。 

The Bodhisattvas in this assembly Have entered the Buddha's inconceivable grounds, Each able to see All Buddhas' spiritual powers.

智身能遍入,   一切剎微塵,  見身在彼中,   普見於諸佛。 

Their wisdom bodies can pervade All dust particles in all lands, Seeing their bodies therein, Universally seeing all Buddhas.

如影現眾剎,   一切如來所,  於彼一切中,   悉現神通事。

Like reflections appearing in all kṣetras Before all Tathāgatas, Within all of these, Manifesting spiritual powers. 

普賢諸行願,   修治已明潔,  能於一切剎,   普見佛神變。

Having purely cultivated All of Samantabhadra's practices and vows, They can in all kṣetras Universally see Buddha's transformations. 

身住一切處,   一切皆平等,  智能如是行,   入佛之境界。 

Their bodies dwell everywhere, All being equal, Wisdom can practice thus, Entering the Buddha's realm.

已證如來智,   等照於法界,  普入佛毛孔,   一切諸剎海。 

Having realized Tathāgata wisdom, Equally illuminating the Dharmadhātu, Universally entering Buddha's hair pores, And all oceans of kṣetras.

一切佛國土,   皆現神通力,  示現種種身,   及種種名號。 

In all Buddha lands, Manifesting spiritual powers, Displaying various bodies, And various names.

能於一念頃,   普現諸神變,  道場成正覺,   及轉妙法輪。 

Able in a single thought To universally manifest transformations, Attaining enlightenment at sites of awakening, And turning the wondrous Dharma wheel.

一切廣大剎,   億劫不思議,  菩薩三昧中,   一念皆能現。 

All vast kṣetras Throughout inconceivable billions of kalpas, Within the Bodhisattvas' samādhi, Can be manifested in a single thought.

一切諸佛土,   一一諸菩薩,  普入於佛身,   無邊亦無盡。」

In all Buddha lands, Each and every Bodhisattva Universally enters the Buddha's body, Boundless and endless.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Lion Vigor Wisdom Light who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses:

毘盧遮那佛,   能轉正法輪,  法界諸國土,   如雲悉周遍。

Vairocana Buddha Can turn the wheel of true Dharma, Throughout all lands in the Dharmadhātu, Like clouds pervading everywhere. 

十方中所有,   諸大世界海,  佛神通願力,   處處轉法輪。 

In all the ten directions, The great oceans of worlds, Through Buddha's spiritual power and vows, Everywhere turns the Dharma wheel.

一切諸剎土,   廣大眾會中,  名號各不同,   隨應演妙法。

In all kṣetras, Among vast assemblies, With different names, Teaching wondrous Dharma according to capacity. 

如來大威力,   普賢願所成,  一切國土中,   妙音無不至。

The Tathāgata's great power, Fulfilled through Samantabhadra's vows, In all lands, Wondrous sounds reach everywhere. 

佛身等剎塵,   普雨於法雨,  無生無差別,   現一切世間。

Buddha bodies equal to dust particles in kṣetras, Universally raining Dharma rain, Without birth or distinction, Manifesting in all worlds. 

無數諸億劫,   一切塵剎中,  往昔所行事,   妙音咸具演。 

Through countless billions of kalpas, Within each dust particles’ of kṣetras, Past practices and deeds, All proclaimed in wondrous sounds.

十方塵國土,   光網悉周遍,  光中悉有佛,   普化諸群生。 

In the dust particles of lands throughout the ten directions, Light nets pervade everywhere, Within the lights are Buddhas, Universally transforming all beings.

佛身無差別,   充滿於法界,  能令見色身,   隨機善調伏。

Buddha's body without distinction, Fills the entire Dharmadhātu, Enabling the seeing of form bodies, Skillfully taming according to capacity. 

三世一切剎,   所有眾導師,  種種名號殊,   為說皆令見。 

In all kṣetras of the three times, All the guiding teachers, With various different names, Are revealed through teachings.

過未及現在,   一切諸如來,  所轉妙法輪,   此會皆得聞。」

Past, future and present, All Tathāgatas, Their turned wondrous Dharma wheels, This assembly all can hear.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Dharma Sea Wisdom Merit Treasury who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses

此會諸佛子,   善修眾智慧,  斯人已能入,   如是方便門。 

The Buddha's children in this assembly Have well cultivated all wisdom, These ones have already entered Such gateways of skillful means.

一一國土中,   普演廣大音,  說佛所行處,   周聞十方剎。 

In each and every land, Universally proclaiming vast sounds, Speaking of where Buddhas practice, Heard throughout the kṣetras of the ten directions.

一一心念中,   普觀一切法,  安住真如地,   了達諸法海。

In each and every thought, Universally observing all dharmas, Abiding in the ground of true suchness, Understanding all oceans of dharmas. 

一一佛身中,   億劫不思議,  修習波羅蜜,   及嚴淨國土。 

Within each Buddha body, Through inconceivable billions of kalpas, Cultivating the pāramitās, And adorning pure lands.

一一微塵中,   能證一切法,  如是無所礙,   周行十方國。

Within each particle of dust, Able to realize all dharmas, Thus without obstruction, Traveling throughout lands of the ten directions. 

一一佛剎中,   往詣悉無餘,  見佛神通力,   入佛所行處。 

In each Buddha kṣetra, Going everywhere without exception, Seeing Buddha's spiritual powers, Entering where Buddhas practice.

諸佛廣大音,   法界靡不聞,  菩薩能了知,   善入音聲海。 

The Buddhas' vast sounds Are heard throughout the Dharmadhātu, Bodhisattvas can understand them, Skillfully entering the ocean of sounds.

劫海演妙音,   其音等無別,  智周三世者,   入彼音聲地。 

Through oceans of kalpas proclaiming wondrous sounds, These sounds being equal without distinction, Those whose wisdom pervades the three times Enter that ground of sound.

眾生所有音,   及佛自在聲,  獲得音聲智,   一切皆能了。 

All sounds of beings, And Buddha's sovereign sounds, Attaining wisdom of sound, Understanding all.

從地而得地,   住於力地中,  億劫勤修行,   所獲法如是。」

Progressing from ground to ground, Dwelling in the ground of powers, Diligently practicing for billions of kalpas, Thus are the dharmas attained.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Wisdom Lamp Universal Light who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses.

一切諸如來,   遠離於眾相,  若能知是法,   乃見世導師。 

All Tathāgatas Are far removed from all characteristics. If one can know this dharma, Then one sees the World Guide.

菩薩三昧中,   慧光普明了,  能知一切佛,   自在之體性。 

Within the Bodhisattvas' samādhi, Wisdom light universally illuminates, Able to know all Buddhas' Sovereign essential nature.

見佛真實體,   則悟甚深法,  普觀於法界,   隨願而受身。 

Seeing Buddha's true essence, Then awakening to profound dharma, Universally observing the Dharmadhātu, Taking birth according to vows.

從於福海生,   安住於智地,  觀察一切法,   修行最勝道。 

Born from the ocean of merit, Abiding in the ground of wisdom, Observing all dharmas, Practicing the supreme path.

一切佛剎中,   一切如來所,  如是遍法界,   悉見真實體。

In all Buddha kṣetras, Before all Tathāgatas, Thus pervading the Dharmadhātu, All seeing the true essence. 

十方廣大剎,   億劫勤修行,  能游正遍知,   一切諸法海。 

In vast kṣetras of the ten directions, Diligently practicing for billions of kalpas, Able to traverse perfect wisdom, All oceans of dharmas.

唯一堅密身,   一切塵中見,  無生亦無相,   普現於諸國。 

With only one solid, dense body, Seen within all dust particles, Without birth and without characteristics, Universally manifesting in all lands.

隨諸眾生心,   普現於其前,  種種示調伏,   速令向佛道。

According to beings' minds, Universally appearing before them, Showing various ways of taming, Quickly leading them to the Buddha path. 

以佛威神故,   出現諸菩薩,  佛力所加持,   普見諸如來。 

By the Buddha's spiritual power, Bodhisattvas appear, Sustained by Buddha's power, Universally seeing all Tathāgatas.

一切眾導師,   無量威神力,  開悟諸菩薩,   法界悉周遍。」

All guiding teachers, With immeasurable spiritual powers, Awakening all Bodhisattvas, Pervading throughout the Dharmadhātu.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Flower Flame Crown Universal Bright Wisdom who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses.

一切國土中,   普演微妙音,  稱揚佛功德,   法界悉充滿。 

In all lands, Universally proclaiming wondrous sounds, Praising Buddha's merits, Filling the entire Dharmadhātu.

佛以法為身,   清淨如虛空,  所現眾色形,   令入此法中。 

Buddha takes Dharma for a body, Pure like empty space, Manifesting various forms, Leading all to enter this Dharma.

若有深信喜,   及為佛攝受,  當知如是人,   能生了佛智。 

Those with deep faith and joy, And those embraced by Buddha, Know that such people Can give rise to understanding of Buddha's wisdom.

諸有少智者,   不能知此法,  慧眼清淨人,   於此乃能見。

Those of little wisdom Cannot know this Dharma, Those with pure wisdom eyes Are able to see this. 

以佛威神力,   觀察一切法,  入住及出時,   所見皆明了。 

By Buddha's spiritual power, Observing all dharmas, When entering, dwelling, and departing, All is seen clearly.

一切諸法中,   法門無有邊,  成就一切智,   入於深法海。 

Among all dharmas, Dharma gateways are boundless, Accomplishing all wisdom, Entering the profound Dharma sea.

安住佛國土,   出興一切處,  無去亦無來,   諸佛法如是。

Abiding in Buddha lands, Appearing in all places, Without coming or going, Such is the Buddhas' Dharma. 

一切眾生海,  佛身如影現,  隨其解差別,   如是見導師。 

In the ocean of all beings, Buddha's body appears like reflections, According to their different understandings, Thus they see the Guide.

一切毛孔中,   各各現神通,  修行普賢願,   清淨者能見。

Within all hair pores, Each displaying spiritual powers, Practicing Samantabhadra's vows, The pure ones can see. 

佛以一一身,   處處轉法輪,  法界悉周遍,   思議莫能及。」

With each and every body, Everywhere turning the Dharma wheel, Pervading the entire Dharmadhātu, Beyond conceivable thought.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Majestic Virtue Wisdom Inexhaustible Light who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses.

一一佛剎中,   處處坐道場,  眾會共圍遶,   魔軍悉摧伏。 

In each Buddha kṣetra, Everywhere seated at sites of enlightenment, Surrounded by assemblies, The armies of Mara subdued.

佛身放光明,   遍滿於十方,  隨應而示現,   色相非一種。 

Buddha's body emitting light, Filling the ten directions, Manifesting according to conditions, Forms and characteristics not of one kind.

一一微塵內,   光明悉充滿,  普見十方土,   種種各差別。 

Within each particle of dust, Light completely filling, Seeing lands in all directions, Each with various distinctions.

十方諸剎海,   種種無量剎,  悉平坦清淨,   帝青寶所成。

Oceans of kṣetras throughout ten directions, Various boundless kṣetras, All level, pure, Made of indigo jewels. 

或覆或傍住,   或似蓮華合,  或圓或四方,   種種眾形相。

Some covered, some standing beside, Some like closed lotus flowers, Some round, some square, Various forms and appearances. 

法界諸剎土,   周行無所礙,  一切眾會中,   常轉妙法輪。 

Throughout the kṣetras of the Dharmadhātu, Traveling without obstruction, In all assemblies, Always turning the wondrous Dharma wheel.

佛身不思議,   國土悉在中,  於其一切處,   導世演真法。 

Buddha's inconceivable body, All lands contained within, In all places, Guiding the world, expounding true Dharma.

所轉妙法輪,   法性無差別,  依於一實理,   演說諸法相。 

The turned wondrous Dharma wheel, Dharma nature without distinction, Based on one real truth, Expounding characteristics of all dharmas.

佛以圓滿音,   闡明真實理,  隨其解差別,   現無盡法門。 

Buddha with perfect sound, Clarifying true principles, According to different understandings, Manifesting endless Dharma gateways.

一切剎土中,   見佛坐道場,  佛身如影現,   生滅不可得。」

In all kṣetras, Buddha seen seated at enlightenment sites, Buddha's body appearing like reflections, Birth and extinction cannot be found.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Dharmadhātu Universal Bright Wisdom who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses.

如來微妙身,   色相不思議,  見者生歡喜,   恭敬信樂法。 

The Tathāgata's wondrous body, With inconceivable forms and marks, Those who see it give rise to joy, Respectfully believing and delighting in the Dharma.

佛身一切相,   悉現無量佛,  普入十方界,   一一微塵中。

All the characteristics of the Buddha's body, Manifest boundless Buddhas, Universally entering the realms of the ten directions, Within each and every dust particle. 

十方國土海,   無量無邊佛,  咸於念念中,   各各現神通。 

In oceans of lands in the ten directions, Boundless, limitless Buddhas, All in every moment, Each displaying spiritual powers.

大智諸菩薩,   深入於法海,  佛力所加持,   能知此方便。

Great wisdom Bodhisattvas, Deeply enter the Dharma sea, Sustained by Buddha's power, Can know these skillful means. 

若有已安住,   普賢諸行願,  見彼眾國土,   一切佛神力。

If one is already established In the practices and vows of Samantabhadra, They see in those many lands All Buddha's spiritual powers. 

若人有信解,   及以諸大願,  具足深智慧,   通達一切法。

If one has faith and understanding, Along with great vows, Possessing profound wisdom, Penetrating all dharmas. 

能於諸佛身,   一一而觀察,  色聲無所礙,   了達於諸境。 

Able to observe Each and every Buddha body, Unobstructed by form or sound, Understanding all realms.

能於諸佛身,   安住智所行,  速入如來地,   普攝於法界。 

Able within all Buddha bodies, To abide in wisdom's practice, Quickly entering the Tathāgata ground, Universally encompassing the Dharmadhātu.

佛剎微塵數,   如是諸國土,  能令一念中,   一一塵中現。 

As numerous as dust particles in Buddha kṣetras, Such are all these worlds, Able in a single thought To manifest within each dust particle.

一切諸國土,   及以神通事,  悉現一剎中,   菩薩力如是。」

All lands And spiritual powers Manifest within a single kṣetra - Such is the Bodhisattvas' power.


At that time, there was another Bodhisattva-mahāsattva in the assembly named Diligent Power Unobstructed Wisdom who, receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, observed the ten directions and spoke these verses.

佛演一妙音,   周聞十方剎,  眾音悉具足,   法雨皆充遍。

Buddha proclaims one wondrous sound, Heard throughout kṣetras in ten directions, All sounds completely perfect, Dharma rain filling everywhere. 

一切言辭海,   一切隨類音,  一切佛剎中,   轉於淨法輪。

All oceans of speech, All sounds adapting to each kind, In all Buddha kṣetras, Turning the pure Dharma wheel. 

一切諸國土,   悉見佛神變,  聽佛說法音,   聞已趣菩提。 

In all lands, All see Buddha's spiritual transformations, Hearing Buddha's Dharma-teaching sounds, Upon hearing, progress toward bodhi.

法界諸國土,   一一微塵中,  如來解脫力,   於彼普現身。 

In the lands of the Dharmadhātu, Within each dust particle, The Tathāgata's power of liberation Universally manifests bodies therein.

法身同虛空,   無礙無差別,  色形如影像,   種種眾相現。 

Dharma body is like empty space, Unobstructed and without distinction, Forms like reflections, Manifesting various appearances.

影像無方所,   如空無體性,  智慧廣大人,   了達其平等。

Reflections have no location, Like space without inherent nature, Those of vast wisdom Understand their equality. 

佛身不可取,   無生無起作,  應物普現前,   平等如虛空。 

Buddha's body cannot be grasped, Without birth or arising, Responding to things, universally appearing, Equal like empty space.

十方所有佛,   盡入一毛孔,  各各現神通,   智眼能觀見。 

All Buddhas of the ten directions Enter completely within a single hair pore, Each displaying spiritual powers, Visible to the wisdom eye.

毘盧遮那佛,   願力周法界,  一切國土中,   恒轉無上輪。

Vairocana Buddha, His vow power pervades the Dharmadhātu, In all lands, Always turning the supreme wheel. 

一毛現神變,   一切佛同說,  經於無量劫,   不得其邊際。」

A single hair displaying spiritual transformations, All Buddhas speaking together, Through immeasurable kalpas, Their limits cannot be found.


In this site of enlightenment of the four continents, by the Buddha's spiritual power, from each of the ten directions came assemblies of Bodhisattvas as numerous as dust particles in a billion oceans of worlds to gather together. One should know that in all oceans of worlds, in each site of enlightenment of the four continents, it was also thus.