
Ch 3 - Samantabhadra Samadhi 普賢三昧



實叉難陀奉 制譯


At that time, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Mahāsattva sat before the Tathāgata on a lotus treasury lion throne receiving the Buddha's spiritual power, and entered into samādhi. This samādhi is called "The Vairocana Tathāgatagarbha Body of All Buddhas." It universally enters the equality of all Buddhas and can manifest all images throughout the Dharmadhātu. It is vast and unobstructed, like empty space. It enters all whirlpools of the Dharmadhātu without exception. It gives birth to all samādhi dharmas and can encompass the ten directions of the Dharmadhātu. The ocean of wisdom light of all Buddhas of the three times arises from this, and it can manifest all established realms in the ten directions. It contains all Buddha powers, liberations, and bodhisattva wisdom, enabling all lands' dust motes to contain the boundless Dharmadhātu. It accomplishes all oceans of Buddha's merits and reveals the great vows of the Tathāgata. It maintains and protects all Buddhas' Dharma wheels, ensuring they continue without interruption.

Just as Samantabhadra entered this samādhi before the World-Honored One in this world, so too throughout the Dharmadhātu and realm of space, in the ten directions and the three times, subtle and unobstructed, with vast light, in all lands seen by Buddha's eyes, reached by Buddha's power, and manifested by Buddha's body, and in every dust mote of these lands, there were as many Buddha-lands as dust motes in an ocean of worlds. In each of these lands were as many Buddhas as dust motes in an ocean of worlds, and before each Buddha were as many Samantabhadra Bodhisattvas as dust motes in an ocean of worlds, all entering this Vairocana Tathāgatagarbha Body of All Buddhas samādhi.


At that time, before each Samantabhadra Bodhisattva appeared all Buddhas of the ten directions. Those Tathāgatas spoke in unison, saying, "Excellent! Excellent! Kulaputra! You have been able to enter this Bodhisattva samādhi of the Vairocana Tathāgatagarbha Body of All Buddhas. Buddhaputra! This is bestowed upon you by all Buddhas of the ten directions, due to the power of Vairocana Tathāgata's original vows and also due to the power of your cultivation of all Buddhas' practices and vows.

Namely: because you can turn the Dharma wheel of all Buddhas; because you reveal the ocean of all Tathāgatas' wisdom; because you universally illuminate all established realms in the ten directions without exception; because you enable all beings to purify their defilements and attain purity; because you universally embrace all great lands without attachment; because you deeply enter all Buddha realms without obstruction; because you universally demonstrate all Buddha's merits; because you can enter the true nature of all dharmas and increase wisdom; because you observe all dharma gates; because you understand the faculties of all beings; because you can uphold the ocean of teachings of all Buddhas and Tathāgatas.


At that time, all Buddhas of the ten directions bestowed upon Bodhisattva Mahāsattva Samantabhadra: the wisdom to enter the power of all-knowing nature, the wisdom to enter the boundless measure of the Dharmadhātu, the wisdom to accomplish all Buddha realms, the wisdom to know the formation and destruction of all oceans of worlds, the wisdom to know the vast realm of all beings, the wisdom of all Buddhas' profound liberation and undifferentiated samādhis, the wisdom to enter the ocean of all bodhisattvas' faculties, the wisdom of eloquence to turn the Dharma wheel in all beings' ocean of languages, the wisdom to universally enter all oceans of worlds of the Dharmadhātu with their bodies, and the wisdom to attain all Buddha's voices.

Just as Samantabhadra received such wisdom before the Tathāgata in this world, likewise in all oceans of worlds and in every dust mote of those oceans of worlds, all Samantabhadras were the same. Why? Because this is the nature of that samādhi.

At that time, the Buddhas of the ten directions each extended their right hands and touched Samantabhadra Bodhisattva's crown. Their hands were adorned with marks and characteristics, emanating wonderful nets of light and fragrant flames. They also produced various wonderful sounds and displays of spiritual powers. Within these appeared the ocean of all bodhisattvas' Samantabhadra vows of past, present, and future, all Tathāgatas' pure Dharma wheels, and the images of all Buddhas of the three times. Just as Samantabhadra Bodhisattva in this world had his crown touched by the Buddhas of the ten directions, likewise in all world-seas and in every dust mote of those world-seas, all Samantabhadras were similarly having their crowns touched by the Buddhas of the ten directions.



普賢遍住於諸剎,  坐寶蓮華眾所觀, 一切神通靡不現,  無量三昧皆能入。 

普賢恒以種種身,  法界周流悉充滿, 三昧神通方便力,  圓音廣說皆無礙。 

一切剎中諸佛所,  種種三昧現神通, 一一神通悉周遍,  十方國土無遺者。 

如一切剎如來所,  彼剎塵中悉亦然, 所現三昧神通事,  毘盧遮那之願力。 

普賢身相如虛空,  依真而住非國土, 隨諸眾生心所欲,  示現普身等一切。 

普賢安住諸大願,  獲此無量神通力, 一切佛身所有剎,  悉現其形而詣彼。 

一切眾海無有邊,  分身住彼亦無量, 所現國土皆嚴淨,  一剎那中見多劫。 

普賢安住一切剎,  所現神通勝無比, 震動十方靡不周,  令其觀者悉得見。 

一切佛智功德力,  種種大法皆成滿, 以諸三昧方便門,  示己往昔菩提行。 

如是自在不思議,  十方國土皆示現, 為顯普入諸三昧,  佛光雲中讚功德。」


從諸佛法而出生,  亦因如來願力起, 真如平等虛空藏,  汝已嚴淨此法身。 

一切佛剎眾會中,  普賢遍住於其所, 功德智海光明者,  等照十方無不見。 

普賢廣大功德海,  遍往十方親近佛, 一切塵中所有剎,  悉能詣彼而明現。 

佛子我曹常見汝,  諸如來所悉親近, 住於三昧實境中,  一切國土微塵劫。 

佛子能以普遍身,  悉詣十方諸國土, 眾生大海咸濟度,  法界微塵無不入。 

入於法界一切塵,  其身無盡無差別, 譬如虛空悉周遍,  演說如來廣大法。 

一切功德光明者,  如雲廣大力殊勝, 眾生海中皆往詣,  說佛所行無等法。 

為度眾生於劫海,  普賢勝行皆修習, 演一切法如大雲,  其音廣大靡不聞。 

國土云何得成立?  諸佛云何而出現? 及以一切眾生海?  願隨其義如實說。 

此中無量大眾海,  悉在尊前恭敬住, 為轉清淨妙法輪,  一切諸佛皆隨喜。」