
Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra

Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra 妙法蓮華經

Taisho No. 262 [Nos. 263, 264]


後秦龜茲國三藏法師鳩摩羅什奉 詔譯

🍃Ch 1 - Introduction🍃Ch 2 - Expedient Means / Upaya 🍃Ch 3 - Simile and Parable 🍃Ch 4 - Belief and Understanding 🍃Ch 5 - The Parable of the Medicinal Herb🍃Ch 6 - Bestowing Prophecy🍃Ch 7 - The Parable of the Phantom City🍃Ch 8 - Five Hundred Disciples’ Prophecy 🍃Ch 9 - Learners and Adepts Prophecy 🍃Ch 10 - Teacher of the Dharma 🍃Ch 11 - The Treasure Tower 🍃Ch 12 - Devadatta 🍃Ch 13 - Encouraging Devotion🍃Ch 14 - Peaceful Practices


🍃Ch 15 - Emerging from the Earth🍃Ch 16 - The Lifespan of the Tathagata🍃Ch 17 - Distinctions in Benefits 🍃Ch 18 - Benefits of Joy🍃Ch 19 - Benefits of the Teacher of the Dharma 🍃Ch 20 - Bodhisattva Never Disparaging 🍃Ch 21 - The Spiritual Power of the Tathagata🍃Ch 22 - Entrustment


🍃Ch 23 - Bodhisattva Medicine King 🍃Ch 24 - Bodhisattva Wonderful Sound 🍃Ch 25 - Bodhisattva Avalokitisvara Universal Gate🍃Ch 26 - Dharani 🍃Ch 27 - King Wonderful Adornment 🍃Ch 28 - Bodhisattva Samantabhadra