
12 - Bodhisattva-piṭaka Sūtra 菩薩藏 / Bodhisattva Treasury


The Bodhisattva-piṭaka Sūtra (Sutra of the Scriptural-Basket of the Bodhisattva) is an early Mahayana sutra. It was the first text Xuanzang translated into Chinese upon returning from his pilgrimage to India. It is included in the Ratnakūta sūtra as the 12th ‘assembly’ (T11n0310_035).

Suggested Reading

Ulrich Pagel_The Bodhisattvapitaka .pdf31289.5KB

大寶積經 Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra


Bodhisattva-piṭaka Assembly

大唐三藏法師玄奘奉 詔譯

Translated by the Tripitaka Master Xuanzang of the Great Tang Dynasty, by Imperial Decree

🍃Chapter One - Converting the Elders 開化長者🍃Chapter Two - The Deva Kumbhīra Receives the Prediction [of Enlightenment] 金毘羅天受記🍃Chapter Three - Upaparīkṣita Bodhisattva 試驗菩薩🍃Chapter Four - The Inconceivable Nature of the Tathāgata 如來不思議性🍃Chapter Five - Immeasurable 無量🍃Chapter Six - Dāna Pāramitā 陀那波羅蜜多🍃Chapter Seven - Śila Pāramitā尸波羅蜜🍃Chapter Eight - Kṣānti Pāramitā羼底波羅蜜多🍃Chapter Nine - Vīrya Pāramitā毘利耶波羅蜜多🍃Chapter Ten - Dhyāna Pāramitā靜慮波羅蜜多🍃Chapter Eleven - Prajñā Pāramitā般若波羅蜜多🍃Chapter Twelve - The Deva Maheśvara Receives the Prediction of Enlightenment 大自在天授記