At that time, the Venerable Śāriputra rose from his seat, draped his upper robe over his left shoulder, bared his right shoulder, knelt on his right knee on the ground, joined his palms respectfully towards the Buddha, and said: "World-Honored One! I now wish to ask a few questions. May the Tathāgata, the Worthy One, the Perfectly Enlightened One, out of compassion, allow me to ask and explain."
The Buddha said to the Venerable Śāriputra: "Ask freely. The Tathāgata will now explain, making your heart rejoice."
Śāriputra said to the Buddha: "World-Honored One! How many dharmas must a bodhisattva mahāsattva accomplish to have faultless physical, verbal, and mental actions? How many dharmas to have pure physical, verbal, and mental actions? How many dharmas to have unwavering physical, verbal, and mental actions, not to be disturbed by heavenly māras and their armies, to practice correctly from the initial arousal of the mind of all-knowing wisdom, to skillfully progress through the stages, to become an excellent guide for all beings, a universal guide, a great illuminating torch, a great stairway, a bridge, a boat, a savior, one who reaches the other shore, a shelter, a rescuer, a refuge, and a destination, all while not abandoning the mind of all-knowing wisdom?"
At that time, Śāriputra, wishing to restate this meaning, asked in verse:
菩薩何等義, 能住大菩提? 何名德及法, 由此悟無上?
What is the meaning of a bodhisattva, That can abide in great bodhi? What are the virtues and dharmas, By which one realizes the unsurpassed?
又行何等行, 利益諸眾生? 修習何法已, 成佛人中勝?
What practices should one perform, To benefit all sentient beings? What dharmas should one cultivate, To become supreme among humans as a Buddha?
云何伏惡魔, 住最勝菩提, 震動拘胝土, 悟無上正覺?
How does one subdue evil māras, Abide in the supreme bodhi, Shake koṭis of lands, And realize unsurpassed perfect enlightenment?
菩薩者何義? 如是句云何? 云何為菩提, 及無上佛法?
What is the meaning of 'bodhisattva'? What does this term signify? What is bodhi, And the unsurpassed Buddha-dharma?
云何行世間, 利益群生類, 不染如蓮花, 解脫拘胝眾?
How does one act in the world, Benefiting all living beings, Undefiled like a lotus flower, Liberating koṭis of beings?
云何為天龍, 非人等供養? 我諸所請問, 慈悲願為說。」
How does one receive offerings From devas, nāgas, and non-humans? All these questions I have asked, Out of compassion, please explain.
At that time, the Buddha said to the Venerable Śāriputra: "Excellent, excellent! I will now explain in detail. Śāriputra, if a bodhisattva mahāsattva accomplishes one dharma, they can encompass the dharmas you have asked about, as well as countless other boundless Buddha-dharmas. What is this one dharma? It is the bodhicitta (mind of enlightenment) and the complete faith and aspiration. Śāriputra, this is called the bodhisattva mahāsattva accomplishing one dharma that can encompass boundless Buddha-dharmas."
Śāriputra said to the Buddha: "World-Honored One, what is meant by complete faith and aspiration? And what is the meaning of bodhicitta?"
The Buddha told Śāriputra: "Complete faith and aspiration means being firm and indestructible, stable and immovable. 'Immovable' means without stumbling, 'without stumbling' means being able to abide well, 'abiding well' means non-regressing, 'non-regressing' means observing sentient beings, 'observing sentient beings' is the root of great compassion, 'the root of great compassion' means being untiring, 'untiring' means maturing sentient beings, 'maturing sentient beings' means knowing one's own joy well, 'knowing one's own joy well' means being without hope, 'being without hope' means not being attached to possessions, 'not being attached to possessions' means being a support for sentient beings, 'being a support for sentient beings' means caring for inferior beings, 'caring for inferior beings' means rescuing them, 'rescuing' means providing refuge, 'providing refuge' means not being hasty, 'not being hasty' means observing well, 'observing well' means being without resentment, 'being without resentment' means well-cultivating faith and aspiration, 'well-cultivating faith and aspiration' means having nothing to cling to, 'having nothing to cling to' means being well purified, 'being well purified' means being wonderfully pure, 'being wonderfully pure' means being internally free from defilements, 'being internally free from defilements' means being externally well purified. Śāriputra, being firm and indestructible up to being internally free from defilements and externally well purified is called complete faith and aspiration."
The Buddha further said to Śāriputra: "What are the characteristics and appearances of bodhicitta? Śāriputra, bodhicitta is faultless, as it is not tainted by any afflictions. Bodhicitta is continuous and unbroken, as it is not realized in other vehicles. Bodhicitta is firm and unshakable, as it is not swayed by different doctrines. Bodhicitta is indestructible, as it cannot be defeated by all heavenly māras. Bodhicitta is constant and unchanging, as it accumulates the provisions of good roots. Bodhicitta is unwavering, as it can independently realize all Buddha dharmas. Bodhicitta is well-established, as it is well-established in the bodhisattva stages. Bodhicitta is uninterrupted, as it is not counteracted by other dharmas. Bodhicitta is like a vajra, as it can penetrate the profound Buddha dharmas. Bodhicitta is supremely equal, as it treats all sentient beings' various desires and understandings equally. Bodhicitta is supremely pure, as its nature is undefiled. Bodhicitta is free from dust and defilement, as it gives rise to wisdom. Bodhicitta is vast and unobstructed, as it embraces the nature of all sentient beings. Bodhicitta is boundless and limitless, like space. Bodhicitta is unhindered, as it allows unobstructed wisdom to pervade everything and great compassion without conditions to be unceasing. Bodhicitta should be approached, as it is praised by all the wise. Bodhicitta is like a seed, as it can give rise to all Buddha dharmas. Bodhicitta is able to establish, as it establishes all joyful matters. Bodhicitta gives rise to all vows, due to the purity of precepts. Bodhicitta is difficult to destroy, due to abiding in patience. Bodhicitta cannot be subdued, due to right diligence. Bodhicitta is supremely tranquil, due to relying on all great meditations. Bodhicitta lacks nothing, due to the perfect fulfillment of wisdom provisions."
"Furthermore, Śāriputra! Bodhicitta is the root of the Tathāgata's aggregates of morality, concentration, wisdom, liberation, and the knowledge and vision of liberation. Moreover, bodhicitta is the root of the Tathāgata's ten powers, four fearlessnesses, and eighteen unique Buddha dharmas."
Śāriputra said: "Bodhicitta is called bodhicitta because this mind takes bodhi as its essential nature."
Thus, Śāriputra! Because bodhisattva mahāsattvas accomplish the faith, aspiration, and bodhicitta, they are called bodhisattvas, great beings, supremely wonderful beings, beings who transcend all three realms. They are said to have faultless physical, verbal, and mental actions; pure physical, verbal, and mental actions; and unwavering physical, verbal, and mental actions. Because bodhisattva mahāsattvas possess such pure actions, they are not disturbed by heavenly māras and their armies. From the initial arousal of the mind of all-knowing wisdom, they practice correctly, skillfully progressing through the stages, unshaken by worldly dharmas. They become great guides for beings, excellent guides, universal guides, great illuminating torches, great stairways, bridges, boats, saviors, those who reach the other shore, shelters, rescuers, refuges, and destinations. Śāriputra! Because bodhisattva mahāsattvas arouse the mind of all-knowing wisdom in this way, māras and their armies cannot shake them.
At that time, the Buddha said to Śāriputra: "Because bodhisattva mahāsattvas possess such pure faith and aspiration, after they have aroused the mind of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi (supreme perfect enlightenment), their minds are filled with pure faith. They delight in seeing the wise and noble ones, in hearing the true Dharma, and in being generous. They open their hearts and practice great giving, rejoicing in great renunciation and impartial universal giving. Towards all sentient beings, their minds are without obstruction, without defilement, without confusion, and without mixture. They deeply respect and honor the law of karma and its results without doubt or worry, knowing that the fruits of good and bad actions are indestructible. Even at the cost of their lives, they do not commit evil acts.
They permanently abandon killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, divisive speech, harsh speech, idle chatter, greed, hatred, delusion, and wrong views. To cut off these unwholesome paths of action, they uphold and practice the ten wholesome paths of action. Due to their faith, they approach śramaṇas and brahmins who are correct in their practice, endowed with virtue and precepts. Their minds are pure and compliant with the Dharma. They are well-learned, diligent in inquiry, cultivate right attention, and are well-disciplined and tranquil. They approach the peaceful state without giving rise to disputes or unloving speech. They understand faith and aspiration well, associate with good dharmas and distance themselves from evil dharmas. They are not restless or arrogant, their nature is free from agitation, free from coarse speech and frivolity. They maintain right mindfulness, their minds are settled in excellent concentration. They cut off the root of existence, are not pierced by poisoned arrows, abandon heavy burdens, and transcend doubt and worry.
When they encounter Buddhas, bodhisattva mahāsattvas, śrāvakas, and pratyekabuddhas in future lives, they realize their true nature and approach them with reverence and respect. In this way, practitioners serve these good spiritual friends in person and also benefit them through the gift of Dharma. They expound the wonderful Dharma, instruct, and bring joy, saying that practicing dāna (giving) leads to great wealth, practicing śīla (morality) leads to rebirth in heavenly realms, being well-learned leads to great wisdom, and cultivating concentration leads to liberation from bondage.
Furthermore, they reveal various subtle, pure, and superior dharmas, explaining: this is giving and its reward, this is miserliness and its consequence; this is morality and its reward, this is breaking precepts and its consequence; this is patience and its reward, this is anger and its consequence; this is right effort and its reward, this is laziness and its consequence; this is meditation and its reward, this is a distracted mind and its consequence; this is wisdom and its reward, this is evil wisdom and its consequence. They explain the excellent physical actions and their rewards, evil physical actions and their consequences, excellent verbal actions and their rewards, evil verbal actions and their consequences, excellent mental actions and their rewards, and evil mental actions and their consequences. They explain what is wholesome and unwholesome, what should be done and what should not be done, what actions lead to long-term benefit and happiness, and what actions lead to long-term harm, loss, and suffering.
Śāriputra! After the practitioner has thus expounded this Dharma to good friends, instructed, and delighted them, recognizing those who are capable of being great vessels of the Dharma, they then reveal the profound and subtle Dharma associated with emptiness, namely: the Dharma of emptiness, signlessness, wishlessness, non-action, non-arising, non-origination, selflessness, non-grasping, lifelessness, and non-being. They further reveal the profound dependent origination, namely: because this exists, that exists; because this arises, that arises. Ignorance conditions formations, formations condition consciousness, consciousness conditions name-and-form, name-and-form condition the six sense bases, the six sense bases condition contact, contact conditions feeling, feeling conditions craving, craving conditions grasping, grasping conditions becoming, becoming conditions birth, birth conditions aging, death, sorrow, lamentation, suffering, and distress. Thus arises this mass of pure suffering. And because this does not exist, that does not exist; because this ceases, that ceases. That is, with the cessation of ignorance, formations cease; with the cessation of formations, consciousness ceases; and so on up to the cessation of birth, aging and death cease. Thus ceases this mass of pure suffering.
Śāriputra! It should also be explained that in this, there is not a single dharma that can be obtained and can be extinguished. Why? Because all these dharmas arise from causes and conditions, there is no sovereign, no doer, no experiencer; they turn according to causes and conditions, and there is not a single dharma that flows and returns, nor is there any following. Due to delusion, the three realms are merely designated, and they revolve due to afflictions and suffering, but are only conventionally established. When the practitioner thus observes delusion as it truly is, there is not a single dharma that can produce another dharma. If there is no doer in this, because a doer cannot be found, up to there being no dharma that flows and returns, because flowing and returning cannot be found. Śāriputra! When a practitioner hears such profound Dharma, they have no doubt or worry, and enter well into the nature of all dharmas without obstruction. Such a person does not cling to form, nor to feeling, perception, formations, or consciousness; does not cling to eye, form, or eye-consciousness; does not cling to ear, nose, tongue, body, mind, dharmas, or mind-consciousness, because all these cannot be obtained.
Furthermore, Śāriputra! After bodhisattva mahāsattvas have faith and accept this Dharma of emptiness, they do not regress from seeing the Buddha, hearing the Dharma, or serving the Sangha. Wherever they are born, they are not separated from seeing the Buddha, hearing the Dharma, or serving the Sangha. They appear before the Buddha, vigorously apply themselves, and aspire to good dharmas. Having abided in right diligence, they do not cling to household life, family, servants, or possessions. They are not disturbed by sexual desire and quickly renounce the pleasures of youth in this life, leaving home to enter the path with pure faith in the Buddha's Dharma. After leaving home, they obtain good spiritual friends, good companions, and good associates. They abide well in contemplation and in faith and aspiration. Due to abiding well in faith and aspiration, they listen well to the Dharma and firmly practice it, not merely talking about it as the ultimate goal, but accomplishing wisdom and awakening. They delight in seeking extensive learning without satiation. As they have heard the Dharma, they expound it widely for others with an undefiled mind, without hope for gain, respect, or fame. They do not abandon right principles to speak falsely for others but teach the Dharma as they have heard it and as they abide in it. They generate great loving-kindness towards the Dharma-listening assembly and great compassion towards all sentient beings.
Śāriputra! Because such a practitioner is well-learned, they disregard their body and life, have few desires and are content, delight in tranquility, are easily satisfied and supported, and enjoy dwelling in solitude. They contemplate the meaning of the Dharma as they have heard it, relying on the true meaning and not on the words. They are relied upon by devas, humans, and asuras, and seek the Great Vehicle not just for themselves but for all sentient beings, namely the wisdom of the Buddha, unequaled wisdom, wisdom equal to the unequaled, and wisdom surpassing all three realms. Śāriputra! I say that such a person has attained the foremost Dharma of non-negligence.
Śāriputra! What is meant by the Dharma of non-negligence? It refers to the tranquility of the sense faculties. What is the tranquility of the sense faculties? It means that when the eye sees forms, it does not grasp at their characteristics, but truly understands the flavor, drawbacks, and escape from forms. Similarly, for the ear hearing sounds, the nose smelling odors, the tongue tasting flavors, the body feeling tactile sensations, and the mind cognizing mental objects, one does not grasp at their characteristics, but truly understands their flavor, drawbacks, and escape. Śāriputra! This is called mental non-negligence.
Furthermore, non-negligence means subduing one's own mind and protecting others' minds, removing delight in afflictions and delighting in the true Dharma, not engaging in thoughts of desire, anger, or harm, not acting on the unwholesome roots of greed, hatred, and delusion, not performing evil actions of body, speech, or mind, not engaging in improper attention, and not practicing any evil or unwholesome dharmas. This is called non-negligence.
Thus, Śāriputra! These bodhisattva mahāsattvas, being non-negligent, can diligently cultivate proper attention. If a dharma exists, they know it as it truly is; if a dharma does not exist, they know it as it truly is. They observe what exists and what does not exist, and through the power of wisdom, they can truly know. For those who practice correctly, there is noble liberation; for those who practice incorrectly, there is no noble liberation. For those without karmic retribution, it exists; for those with karmic retribution, it does not exist.
Furthermore, the eye exists, but one who has an eye does not. The same applies to ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind; the mind exists, but one who has a mind does not. Form as impermanent, suffering, and subject to change exists, but form as permanent, unchanging, and indestructible does not exist. The same applies to feeling, perception, formations, and consciousness.
Moreover, when ignorance is a condition, formations exist; when there is no ignorance, formations do not exist. Up to birth as a condition for aging and death; when there is no birth, aging and death also do not exist. Giving that results in great wealth exists, but giving that results in poverty does not exist. Observing precepts leading to rebirth in heavens exists, but breaking precepts leading to rebirth in heavens does not exist. Learning leading to great wisdom exists, but those with evil wisdom generating great wisdom does not exist. Cultivating concentration leading to liberation exists, but cultivating concentration leading to bondage does not exist.
Furthermore, if proper attention leads to bondage and improper attention leads to liberation, both of these do not exist. If bodhisattvas arouse right diligence, bodhi exists; if they arouse laziness, bodhi does not exist. If one without arrogance leaves home and receives a prediction, this exists; if one with arrogance attains extinction, this does not exist. The emptiness nature pervading all places exists, but the existence of self, person, being, life-span, and individual pervading all places does not exist.
Thus, Śāriputra! If bodhisattva mahāsattvas practice non-negligence and can skillfully cultivate proper attention, what the wise in the world collectively know to exist is designated as existing, and what they collectively know not to exist is designated as non-existing. Śāriputra, if one definitely asserts existence, it is not correct understanding; if one definitely asserts non-existence, this is also called incorrect understanding. Why? Because one can realize the true meaning taught by the Buddhas, the World-Honored Ones.
Śāriputra! The Buddhas, the World-Honored Ones, possessing great wisdom power, encompass all dharmas and establish them in four summaries. What are these four? Namely, all conditioned things are impermanent, all conditioned things are suffering, all dharmas are non-self, and nirvana is quiescence. Śāriputra! The Buddha teaches that all conditioned things are impermanent to help beings with the notion of permanence cut off that notion. He teaches that all conditioned things are suffering to help beings with the notion of pleasure cut off that notion. He teaches that all dharmas are non-self to help beings with the notion of self cut off that notion. He teaches the quiescence of nirvana to help beings with inverted views of attainment cut off those inverted minds of attainment.
Śāriputra! When these bodhisattva mahāsattvas hear the Tathāgata teach that all conditioned things are impermanent, they can skillfully enter into ultimate impermanence. When they hear that all conditioned things are suffering, they can generate aversion and the wish to be free from them. When they hear that all dharmas are non-self, they can cultivate the wondrous liberation gate of samādhi. When they hear about the quiescence of nirvana, they can cultivate the signless samādhi without prematurely entering the ultimate reality. Thus, Śāriputra! If bodhisattva mahāsattvas can skillfully cultivate these dharmas, they will never lose any good dharmas and will quickly perfect all Buddha dharmas.