ĀGAMA PITAKA / Early Sutras

ĀGAMA PITAKA / Early Sutras

Āgama Sūtra Collections


The Āgamas correspond to the ‘Nikāyas’ of the Theravada school, which are collections of the earliest teachings of the Buddha preserved in the Pali language. The Āgamas are Chinese translations, mostly from Sanskrit sources, made during the fist five centuries of the Common Era. Substantial portions of the Āgamas survive in Sanskrit and portions survive in Tibetan translation as well.

There are five traditional divisions of the Āgamas/Nikāyas :

📚Dīrgha Āgama / Dīgha Nikāya - Long Discourses 📚Madhyama Āgama / Majjhima Nikāya - Middle Length Discourses📚Saṃyukta Āgama / Saṃyutta Nikāya - Connected Discourses📚Ekottara Āgama /Aṅguttara Nikāya - Numbered Discourses📚Kṣudraka Āgama /Khuddaka Nikāya - Minor Discourses

For English translations of the Pali texts, see SuttaCentral.net and Wisdom Publications

📚LUSB Primer Series