The Madhyama Āgama (中阿含經 "Middle-length Discourses") corresponds to the Majjhima Nikāya of the Theravada school. A complete Chinese translation of the Madhyama Āgama of the Sarvāstivāda school was done by Saṃghadeva (僧伽提婆) in 397-398 CE (T. 26). The Madhyama Āgama of the Sarvāstivāda school contains 222 sūtras, in contrast to the 152 suttas of the Pāli Majjhima Nikāya. Of the two hundred and twenty-two sutras of T. 26, only one hundred and three have their counterpart in the Majjhima Nikāya; fourteen have their counterpart in the Dīgha Nikāya (’The Long Discourses’), seventeen in the Saṃyutta Nikāya (’The Connected Discourses’), and eighty-seven in the Aṅguttara Nikāya. Fourteen of the two hundred and twenty-two sutras of T. 26 have no known parallel in the Pāli corpus.
Portions of the Sarvāstivāda Madhyama Āgama also survive in Tibetan translation.
Sutta 4 - Bhayabherava Sutta (’Fear and Dread’)Sutta 9 - Sammādiṭṭhi Sutta (’Right View’) Sutta 31 - Culagosinga Sutta (’Shorter Discourse at Gosinga’) Sutta 58 - Abhayarajakumara Sutta (To Prince Abhaya)Sutta 59 - Bahuvedaniya Sutta (’Many Kinds of Sensations’)Sutta 106 - Āneñjasappāya Sutta (’The Way to the Imperturbable’)Sutta 117 - Mahācattārīsaka Sutta (’The Great Forty’) Sutta 118 - Ānāpānasati Sutta (’Mindfulness of Breathing’) Sutta 130 - Devaduta Sutta (’Divine Messengers’)Sutta 101 - Devadaha Sutta (’At Devadaha’)The Madhayama Āgama (Middle-length Discourses T. 26)
Division 1. On Sets of Seven
1 - The Discourse on Wholesome Qualities
2 - The Discourse on the Coral Tree
3 - The Discourse with the Parable of the [Border] Town
4 - The Discourse with the Water Parable
5 - The Discourse with the Parable of the Heap of Wood
6 - The Discourse on the Destination of a Good Person
7 - The Discourse on [Sources of] Worldly Merit
8 - The Discourse on Seven Suns
9 - The Discourse on Seven Chariots
10 - The Discourse on the Cessation of Taints
Division 2. On Karma
11 - The Discourse with the Parable [of the Ounce] of Salt
12 - The Discourse to Vappa
13 - The Discourse on [Tenets to Be] Transcended
14 - The Discourse to Rāhula
15 - The Discourse on Intention
16 - The Discourse to the Kālāmas
17 - The Discourse to Gāmaṇi
18 - The Discourse to Sīha
19 - The Discourse to the Nigaṇṭhas
20 - The Discourse to Pāṭaliya
Division 3. Sāriputta
21 - The Discourse on an Even Mind
22 - The Discourse on Perfecting the Precepts
23 - The Discourse on Wisdom
24 - The Discourse on the “Lion’s Roar” of Sāriputta
25 - The Discourse with Parables Relating to Water
26 -The Discourse to the Gulissāni
27 - The Discourse to Dhānañjāni
28 - The Discourse on Teaching the Ill [Anāthapiṇḍika]
29 - The Discourse by Mahā Koṭṭhita
30 -The Discourse with the Parable of the Elephant’s Footprint
31 - The Discourse on Discerning the Noble Truths
Division 4. On Extraordinary Qualities
32 - The Discourse on Extraordinary Qualities [of the Buddha]
33 - The Discourse on [How Ānanda Became] the Attendant
34 - The Discourse by Bakkula
35 - The Discourse to the Asura
36 - The Discourse on Earthquakes
37 - The Discourse at Campā
38 - The [First] Discourse to the Householder Ugga
39 - The [Second] Discourse to the Householder Ugga
40 - The Discourse to the Householder Hatthaka
41 - The Discourse on the Householder Hatthaka
Division 5. On Conditions
42 - The Discourse on “What is the Purpose?”
43 - The Discourse on No [Need for] Thought
44 - The Discourse on Mindfulness
45 - The [First] Discourse on Shame and Scruples
46 - The [Second] Discourse on Shame and Scruples
47 - The [First] Discourse on the Precepts
48 - The [Second] Discourse on the Precepts
49 - The [First] Discourse on Respect
50 - The [Second] Discourse on Respect
51 - The Discourse on the Beginning
52 - The [First] Discourse on Nutriments
53 - The [Second] Discourse on Nutriments
54 - The Discourse on [Attaining the] Wisdom of Cessation [of the Taints]
55 - The Discourse on Nirvana
56 - The Discourse to Meghiya
57 - The Discourse Spoken for the Monks
Division 6. On Kings
58 - The Discourse on the Seven Treasures
59 - The Discourse on the Thirty-two Marks
60 - The Discourse on the Four Continents
61 - The Discourse with the Cow Dung Parable
62 - The Discourse on King Bimbisāra Meeting the Buddha
63 - The Discourse at Vebhaḷiṅga
64 - The Discourse on the Divine Messengers
65 - The Discourse with the Raven Parable
66 - The Discourse on Origins
67 - The Discourse on Mahādeva’s Mango Grove
68 - The Discourse on Mahāsudassana
69 - The Discourse with the Thirty Analogies
70 - The Discourse on the Wheel-turning Monarch
71 - The Discourse to Pāyāsi
Division 7. 長壽王品
72 - 長壽王本起經
73 - 天經
74 - 八念經
75 - 淨不動道經
76 - 郁伽支羅經
77 - 娑雞帝三族姓子
78 - 梵天請佛經
79 - 有勝天經
80 - 迦絺那經
81 - 念身經
82 - 支離彌梨經
83 - 長老上尊睡眠經
84 - 無刺經
85 - 真人經
86 - 說處經’
Division 8. 穢品
87 - [穢經]
88 - 求法經
89 - 比丘請經
90 - 知法經
91 - 周那問見經
92 - 青白蓮華喻經
93 - 水淨梵志經
94 - 黑比丘經
95 - 住法經
96 - 無經
Division 9. Causation 因品
97 - The Great Discourse on Causation 大因經
98 - 念處經
99 - 苦陰經
100 - 苦陰經 2
101 - 增上心經
102 - 念經
103 - 師子吼經
104 - 優曇婆邏經
105 - 願經第
106 - 想經
Division 10. Forest 林品
107 - 林經
108 - 林經 2
109 - 自觀心經
110 - 自觀心經 2
111 - 達梵行經
112 - 阿奴波經
113 - 諸法本經
114 - 優陀羅經
115 - 蜜丸喻經
116 - 瞿曇彌經
Division 11. 大品
117 - 柔軟經
118 - 龍象經
119 - 說處經
120 - 說無常經
121 - 請請經
122 - 瞻波經
123 - 沙門二十億經
124 - 八難經
125 - 貧窮經
126 - 行欲經
127 - 福田經
128 - 優婆塞經
129 - 怨家經
130 - 教曇彌經
131 - 降魔經
132 - 賴吒惒羅經
133 - 優婆離經
134 - 釋問經
135 - 善生經
136 - 商人求財經
137 - 世間經
138 - 福經
139 - 息止道經
140 - 至邊經
141 - 喻經
Division 12. 梵志品
142 - 雨勢經
143 - 傷歌邏經
144 - 算數目揵連經
145 - 瞿默目揵連經
146 - 象跡喻經
147 - 聞德經
148 - 何苦經
149 - 何欲經
150 - 欝瘦歌邏經
151 - 阿攝惒經
152 - 鸚鵡經
153 - 鬚閑提經
154 - 婆羅婆堂經
155 - 須達哆經
156 - 梵波羅延經
157 - 黃蘆園經
158 - 頭那經
159 - 阿伽羅訶那經
160 - 阿蘭那經
161 - 梵摩經
Division 13. 根本分別品
162 - 分別六界經
163 - 分別六處經
164 - 分別觀法經
165 - 溫泉林天經
166 - 釋中禪室尊經
167 - 阿難說經
168 - 意行經
169 - 拘樓瘦無諍經
170 - 鸚鵡經
171 - 分別大業經
Division 14. Mind 心品
172 - 浮彌經
173 - 浮彌經 2
174 - 受法經
175 - 受法經
176 - 禪經
177 - 說經
178 - 獵師經
179 - 五支物主經
180 - 瞿曇彌經
181 - 多界經
Division 15. 雙品
182 - 馬邑經
183 - 馬邑經第二
184 - 牛角娑羅林經
185 - 牛角娑羅林經第二
186 - 求解經
187 - 說智經
188 - 阿夷那經
189 - 聖道經
190 - 小空經
191 - 大空經
Division 16. 大品
192 - 加樓烏陀夷經
193 - 牟犁破群那經
194 - 跋陀和利經
195 - 阿濕貝經
196 - 周那經
197 - 優婆離經
198 - 調御地經
199 - 癡慧地經
200 - 阿梨吒經
201 - 𠻬帝經
Division 17. 晡利多品
202 - 持齋經
203 - 晡利多經
204 - 羅摩經
205 - 五下分結經
206 - 心穢經
207 - 箭毛經
208 - 箭毛經 2
209 - 鞞摩那修經
210 - 法樂比丘尼經
211 - 大拘絺羅經
Division 18. 例品
212 - 一切智經
213 - 法莊嚴經
214 - 鞞訶提經
215 - 第一得經
216 - 愛生經
217 - 八城經
218 - 阿那律陀經
219 - 阿那律陀經
220 - 見經
221 - 箭喻經
222 - 例經