RATNA PITAKA / Jewel Sutras

RATNA PITAKA / Jewel Sutras

Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra Collection

The Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra 大寶積經 / The Great Peak of Jewels is a collection of 49 Mahāyāna Buddhist sūtras, called "assemblies" (會), of varying length and subjects. According to the Nikāyasaṅgraha (a Theravādin text), the Ratnakūṭa Sūtra was composed by the ‘Andhakas,’ meaning the Mahāsāṃghika schools of the Āndhra region. The texts of the sutra seem to have been collected over a number of centuries, and their varying subject matter is suggestive of historical transitions between major eras of Buddhist thought.

Many of the sutras in the Mahāratnakūṭa collection have circulated independently, most notable in English are the Amitabha Sutra (#5) and the Śrīmālādevī Sūtra (#48). Part of the collection was brought to China by Bodhiruci in the 8th century, where he translated some of the texts, and included others which had already been translated into Chinese. This is found in Taisho volumes 11 - 12a. The Mahāratnakūṭa is T. 310, and texts numbered 311 through 373 are alternate translations of some of the sutras contained in the Mahāratnakūṭa.

A Treasury of Mahayana Sutras.pdf4989.6KB

There is also a Tibetan version of Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra collection, which is currently being translated into English, however, to date there is no complete English translation of this entire collection.


📜1 - Trisaṃvara Sūtra 三律儀 / The Meaning of the Triple Vinaya 📜2 - Anantalaṃkāraka Sūtra 無邊莊嚴 / Boundless Adornments 📜3 - Guhyapâda Vajravīra Sūtra 密迹金剛力士 / Master of the Secret Ways of the Vajra📜4 - Svapnanirdeśa 📜5 - AmitabhatathāgataSūtra 無量壽如來 / Immeasurable Life Thus Come One 📜6 - Akṣobhya TathāgataSūtra 不動如來 / The Imperturbable Thus Come One 📜7 - Kavacayalaṃkāraka or Varmavyūha Sūtra 被甲莊嚴 / Quilted Shield Adornment📜8 - Dharmadhātuprakṛti-asambheda Sūtra 法界體性無分別 / The Undifferentiated Nature of the Dharmadhatu📜9 - Mahayana Daśadharmaka Sūtra 大乘十法 / Ten Dharmas of the Great Vehicle 📜10 - Mañjuśrī Samantamukha Sūtra / The Universal Gateway of Mañjuśrī 文殊師利普門 (LUSB Standardized Ed.)📜11 - Raśmisamantamukta­-Nirdeśa­ Sūtra 出現光明 / Manifestation of Lights📜12 - Bodhisattva-piṭaka Sūtra 菩薩藏 / Bodhisattva Treasury 📜13 - Anandagarbhāvakrānti Sūtra 佛為阿難說處胎 / The Buddha Explains the Womb Bases to Ananda 📜14 - GarbhāvakrāntiSūtra 佛說入胎藏 / The Buddha Explains Entering the Womb 📜15 - Mañjuśrī Vyākaraṇa Sūtra 文殊師利授記 / The Prediction of Mañjuśrī📜16 - Bodhisattva bhūtatathatādarśaṇaSūtra 菩薩見實 The Bodhisattva's Vision of Reality 📜17 - Pūrṇa Sūtra 富樓那 📜18 - Rāṣṭrāpala Bodhisattva Sūtra 護國菩薩 / Protector of the Country📜19 - Ugradatta Sūtra 郁伽長者 / The Elder Ugra📜20 - AkṣayabugarbhaSūtra 無盡伏藏 / Inexhaustible Hidden Treasuries 📜21- Badramāyākāra-vyākarana Sutra 授幻師跋陀羅記 📜22 - Mahāprātihārya Sūtra 大神變 / Great Spiritual Transformation📜23 - Mahākāśyapa Sūtra 摩訶迦葉📜24 - Upāli Sūtra 優波離📜25 - Adhyāśayasañcodana Sūtra 發勝志樂 📜26 - Subāhu Bodhisattva Sūtra 善臂菩薩 / Wonderful Arm 📜27 - Surata Bodhisattva Sūtra 善順菩薩📜28 - Vīradattagṛhapati Sūtra 勤授長者📜29 - Udayanavatsarāja Sūtra 優陀延王📜30 - Sumatidārikā Sūtra 妙慧童女📜31 - Gaṅgottara UpāsikāSūtra 恒河上優婆夷 / The Laywoman Gaṅgottara📜32 - Aśokadatta Sūtra 無畏德菩薩 📜33 - Vimaladatta Bodhisattva Paripṛcchā Sūtra 無垢施菩薩應辯📜34 - Guṇaratnasaṅkusumita Bodhisattva Sūtra 功德寶花敷菩薩 📜35 - Suguṇadevaputra Sūtra 善德天子📜36 - Suṣṭhitamatidevaputra Sūtra 善住意天子📜37 - Ajātaśatrurāja Sūtra 阿闍世王子 / Ajātaśatru’s Child (’Prince Siṃha’)📜38 - Upāyakauśalya Sūtra (or Jñānottara Sūtra) 大乘方便 / Mahayana Upaya📜39 - Bhadrapāla Sūtra 賢護長者 / The Elder Bhadrapāla 📜40 - Viśuddhaśraddhādarikā Sūtra 淨信童女 / Lady Pure Faith 📜41 - Maitreya-paripṛcchā-āṣṭadharmaka Sūtra 彌勒菩薩問八法 📜42 - Maitreya(paripṛcchā) Sūtra 彌勒菩薩所問📜43 - Samantavidyā Bodhisattva 普明菩薩 / Universal Illumination (Kāśyapaparivarta)📜44 - Ratnarāśi Sūtra 寶梁聚 / Jewel Bridges 📜45 - Akṣayamatiparipr̥cchā Sūtra 無盡慧菩薩 / Questions of AkṣayamatiBodhisattva📜46 - Mañjuśrī-'abhi'-Prajñā Sutra 文殊說般若 / Mañjuśrī's Explanation of Prajñā📜47 - Ratnacūḍa Bodhisattva Sūtra 寶髻菩薩 / Jewel Topknot Bodhisattva 📜48 - Śrīmālādevī Sūtra 勝鬘夫人 📜49 - Vipulaṛṣi Sūtra 廣博仙人 / The Extensive Immortal

Alternative Translations

Tibetan Canon sources

Open Philology

📜Candrottarā Sutra

Mahāsaṃnipāta Sūtra Collection

The Mahāvaipulya Mahāsaṃnipāta Sūtra 大方等大集經 is an anthology of Mahāyāna Buddhist sutras, meaning in English is the Sutra of the Great, Broad Assembly. This sutra collection was translated into Chinese by Dharmakṣema, beginning in the year 414. The anthology consists of 17 sutras across 60 fascicles. The only extant copy of the entire collection is found in Chinese, though individual sutras can be found in Sanskrit and Tibetan. It is said to have been preached by the Buddha from the age of 45 to 49 to Buddhas and bodhisattvas assembled from all directions, by a great staircase made between the Realm of Desire and the Realm of Form.


📜1 - Mālā 瓔珞📜2 - Dhāraṇiśvararāja Bodhisattva Sūtra / Dhāraṇī Sovereign King Bodhisattva 陀羅尼自在王菩薩📜3 - Jewel Woman 寶女📜4 - Animiṣa Bodhisattva Sūtra / Unblinking Bodhisattva 不眴菩薩📜5 - Sāgaramatiparipṛcchā / Ocean of Wisdom Bodhisattva 海慧菩薩📜6 - Anupalambha Bodhisattva Sūtra / Unspeakable Bodhisattva 無言菩薩📜7 - Anabhilāpya Bodhisattva (Inexplicable) 不可說菩薩📜8 - Gaganagañja Sūtra (’Space Womb’)虛空藏📜9 - Ratnaketudhāraṇī Sūtra / Jewel Banner) 寶幢分📜10 - Gaganagañjaparipṛcchā / The Questions of Space Eye 虛空目分📜11 - Cūḍāmaṇi Bodhisattva (Jewel Topknot)寶髻菩薩📜12 - Akṣayamati Bodhisattva Sūtra (Inexhaustible Intellect) 無盡意菩薩📜13 - Sūryaguhya Sūtra / Sun Mystery Guardian of the Dharma 日密分中護法📜14 - Sūryagarbha Sūtra / Sun Mystery Guardian Protector of the Correct Dharma 日藏分護持正法📜15 - Candragarbha Sūtra / Moon Mystery Fourteenth Lunar Sign Spirit Spell 月藏分第十四月幢神呪📜16 - Sumerugarbha Sūtra / Treasury of Mt. Sumeru 須彌藏分📜17 - Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions 十方菩薩

There are additional texts added to this section of the Chinese Buddhist canon under the heading Mahāsaṃnipāta Sūtra including:

📜Seeing Akasagarbha Bodhisattva📜Pratyutpanna Samādhi Sūtra / Seeing Buddhas Face to Face in the Present