
18 - Rāṣṭrāpala Bodhisattva Sūtra 護國菩薩 / Protector of the Country


The Rāṣṭrāpalapariprccha Sūtra ('Questions of Rāṣṭrāpala') / Protector of the Country is an early Mahayana Buddhist text.

There are three Chinese translations of this sutra. The first was made by the Yuezhi monk Dharmaraksa in 270 (T170, 4: 412a-418c). The next was made by Jnanagupta and Dhamragupta in the late 6th Century and was included among the Maharatnakuta Sutra collection (T310.18, 11: 457b -472b). This is considered the definitive version of the sutra. A third Chinese translation was made by Danapala in 994.


📜Rāṣṭrāpalapariprccha Sūtra (LUSB Standardized Ed.)



From Chinese

Boucher, Daniel. Bodhisattvas of the forest and the formation of the Mahāyāna - A Study and Translation of the Rā1ṣṭrapālaparipṛcchā-sūtra (Institute for the Study of Buddhist Traditions, 2008)

From Tibetan