Śūraṅgama Sūtra (LUSB Standardized Ed.)

Śūraṅgama Sūtra (LUSB Standardized Ed.)

Śūraṅgama Sūtra

Translated from the Chinese version of Pāramiti, 705 AD

[T. 945]


The Sūtra on the Śūraṅgama Mantra spoken from the Crown of the Great Buddha's Head on the Hidden Basis of the Tathagata's Myriad Bodhisattva Practices that lead to the realization of the Ultimate Meaning.

🍃Ch 1 - Ānanda’s Ordeal 🍃Ch 2 - The Buddha’s Fist 🍃Ch 3 - The Wondrous Bright Original Mind 🍃Ch 4 - The Tathāgatagarbha🍃Ch 5 - The Dharmadhātu🍃Ch 6 - True Hearing 🍃Ch 7 - Untying the Six Knots🍃Ch 8 - The Buddha asks about Upāya🍃Ch 9 - Avalokiteśvara’s Reply 🍃Ch 10 - Mañjuśrī’s Summary 🍃Ch 11 - Setting up a Bodhimaṇḍala🍃Ch 12 - The Śūraṅgama Mantra🍃Ch 13 - The Bodhisattva Stages🍃Ch 14 - Realms of the Sentient Beings🍃Ch 15 - Samādhis