
Ch 9 - Avalokiteśvara’s Reply


25. Thereupon, Avalokiteśvara (’Observer of the World’s Sounds’) Bodhisattva rose from his seat, prostrated himself with his head at the feet of the Buddha and addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! I recall long before kalpas as countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges River, when a Buddha came into the world called Observer of the World’s Sounds (Avalokiteśvara). I generated bodhicitta because of that buddha, and that buddha taught me entry into samādhi from cultivating hearing. First I redirected my hearing inward in order to enter the current of meditation. Then external sounds disappeared. With the direction of my hearing reversed and with sounds stilled, both sound and silence ceased to arise. So it was that, as I gradually progressed, what I heard and my awareness of what I heard came to an end. Even when that state of mind in which everything had come to an end disappeared, I did not rest. My awareness and the objects of my awareness were emptied, and when that process of emptying my awareness was wholly complete, then even that emptying and what had been emptied vanished. Coming into being and ceasing to be themselves ceased to be. Then the ultimate stillness was revealed. All of a sudden I transcended the worlds of ordinary beings, and I also transcended the worlds of beings who have transcended the ordinary worlds. Everything in the ten directions was fully illuminated, and I attained two remarkable powers. First, my mind ascended to unite with the fundamental, wondrous, enlightened mind of all Buddhas in all ten directions, my power of compassion becoming the same as theirs. Second, my mind descended to unite with all beings of the six destinies in all ten directions such that I felt their sorrows and their prayerful yearnings as my own.

Thirty-Two Bodily Forms


“World-Honored One! As I made offerings to the Tathāgata Avalokiteśvara, he bestowed upon me the Vajra Samādhi cultivation of illusion-like hearing habituated (vāsanā ’perfumed’ ‘fumigated’) hearing (如幻聞薰聞修金剛三昧), which gave me the same power of compassion of all Buddhas and enabled me to transform myself into thirty-two bodily forms for the purpose of visiting lands and countries. World-Honored One!

1. If there are bodhisattvas who enter samādhi and are without outlfows (āsrava), when there is a chance for them to realize absolute Wisdom, I will appear as a Buddha to teach them the Dharma to liberate them.

2. If there are learned students who practice the stillness of Nirvāṇa, when there is a chance for them to realize it, I will appear as a teacher of self-enlightenment (pratyekabuddha) to teach them the Dharma to liberate them.

3. If there are students of the Four Noble Truths who, after realizing the unreality of suffering and its accumulation, tread the Path leading to the extinction of passions, when there is a chance for them to achieve this, I will appear as a hearer (śrāvaka) to teach them the Dharma to liberate them.

4. If there are living beings who realize (the harmfulness of) desire in the mind and abstain from all worldly cravings to achieve purity of body, I will appear as Brahmā to teach them the Dharma to liberate them.

5. If there are living beings who desire to be lords of devas to rule over the realms of the gods, I will appear as Śakrā to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

6. If there are living beings who wish to roam freely in the Ten Directions, I will appear as Iśvaradeva to teach them the Dharma to that they reach their goals.

7. If there are living beings who wish to fly freely in the air, I will appear as Maheśvara (Śiva) to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

8. If there are living beings who wish to be lords of ghosts and spirits to protect their countries, I will appear as a great warrior to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

9. If there are living beings who wish to rule over the world to protect all its inhabitants, I will appear as a deva king of the four quarters to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

10. If there are living beings who wish to be reborn in the palace of devas to command ghosts and spirits, I will appear as a son of the deva king of the four quarters to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

11. If there are living beings who wish to be kings of human beings, I will appear as a king to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

12. If there are living beings who wish to be heads of clans to enjoy the respects of their clansmen, I will appear as a respectable elder (gṛhapati) to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

13. If there are living beings who enjoy discussing well-known sayings and practice pure living, I will appear as a respectable scholar to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

14. If there are living beings who wish to govern cities and towns, I will appear as a magistrate to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

15. If there are living beings who delight in practicing mysticism for self-welfare, I will appear as a Brahmin to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

16. If there are men who are keen on study and learning and leave home to practice the rules of morality and discipline, I will appear as a bhikṣu to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

17. If there are women who are eager to study and learn and leave home to observe the precepts, I will appear as a bhikṣuṇī to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

18. If there are men who observe the five precepts, I will appear as a upāsaka to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

19. If there are women who observe the five precepts, I will appear as a upāsikā to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

20. If there are women who are keen to fulfil their home duties thereby setting a good example to other families and the whole country, I will appear as a queen, a princess or a noble lady to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

21. If there are young men who are chaste, I will appear as a celibate youth to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

22. If there are young women who are keen to avoid carnality in order to preserve their virginity, I will appear as a maiden to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

23. If there are gods who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear as a deva to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

24. If there are nāgas who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear, as a nāga to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

25. If there are yakṣas who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear as a yakṣa to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

26. If there are gandharvas who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear as a gandharva to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

27. If there are asuras who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear as an asura to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

28. If there are garuḍas who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear as a garuḍa to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

29. If there are kinnaras who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear as a kinnara to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

30. If there are mahoragas who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear as a mahoraga to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

31. If there are living beings who wish to be reborn as human beings, I will appear in human form to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

32. If there are non-human beings with or without forms and either thoughtful or thoughtless, who wish to be freed from bondage in their realms, I will appear as one of them to teach them the Dharma so that they reach their goals.

These are my thirty-two transformation-bodies in response to (the needs of) all countries in saṁsāra, achieved by means of the effortless sovereign power of Samādhi realized by the cultivation of hearing habituated hearing (三昧聞薰聞修).

Fourteen Fearlessnesses


“World-Honored One! I also, by the effortless marvelous power of this Vajra Samādhi derived from hearing habituated hearing, and from sharing with all sentient beings in the six realms throughout the Ten Directions the same plea for compassion, cause all those within my body and mind to attain fourteen kinds of fearless merit:


1. Since, by observing the observer, I do not observe sound myself, I cause all suffering sentient beings throughout the Ten Directions to observe the sound of their own voices in order to obtain liberation;


2. Knowing turned back around, I cause fire to be unable to burn those who happen to enter a great fire;


3. Observing hearing turned back around, I cause water to be unable to drown those adrift at sea;


4. Severing and ceasing ignorant perception, the mind without harm or malice, I cause ghosts to be unable to harm those entering ghostly realms;


5. Habituated hearing having become perfected hearing, the six senses dissolve into each other in ‘hearing’ and I am able to cause those in danger to be immune from sharp weapons, which become blunt and useless like trying to cut water; and like a puff of air to light, they are unfazed;


6. Hearing the luminous essence of habituation illuminating the entire Dharmadhatu, there being no dark, hidden places, I am able to dazzle all yakṣas, rakṣasas, kumbhāṇḍas, piśācī, pūtana, etc., making people invisible to them;


7. The nature of sound having been completely dissolved, I observe hearing entering itself, free of all dust and delusion, and I am able to cause bonds to be unable to bind those bound in them;


8. With the elimination of sound and the perfection of hearing, there arises an all-pervading power of compassion, able to cause thieves to be unable to rob those passing through their territories;


9. Habituated hearing free of the ‘dust’ of forms, I am able to cause craving and desire to leave those who are lustful;


10. Pure hearing, without dust (objects), the sense fields completely blended together, without subject or object (without a ‘side to side with’), I am able to cause all vindictive people to be free of anger and hate;


11. Upon the dissolution of the dust and the return of illumination, the mind and body of the Dharmadhatu are unobstructed, like perfectly clear vaiḍūrya crystal, able to cause dull and ignorant icchantikas to be free of the darkness of ignorance;


12. [All] shapes being combined in reverse hearing, wading through worldly realms while immovable upon the site of enlightenment (bodhimaṇḍala), able to permeate all Ten Directions without destroying the world, making offerings to buddha, tathāgatas, as uncountable as the dust, and serving buddhas as a child of the King of the Dharma, I am able to cause those in the world (Dharmadhatu) without children, who have a desire for a boy, to have a boy, virtuous and wise;


13. The six senses being all-pervasive (’totally perfected’), radiantly encompassing the realms of the Ten Directions without duality, the great perfect mirror of the empty tathāgatagarbha is established, corresponding with tathāgatas of the Ten Directions as uncountable as the dust, receiving their secret Dharma gateways, without error, I am able to cause those in the world (Dharmadhatu) without children, who have a desire for a daughter, to have a girl, upright, blessed, virtuous, and liked and respected by all.


14. In this Three Thousand Great Thousand World-System with its hundreds of thousands of suns and moons, there are now appearing in the world children of the Dharma King as numerous as the sand grans in sixty-two Ganges Rivers cultivating the Dharma, setting a good example, teaching and transforming by befriending others, implementing various different expedient means, and since I, by attaining complete perfection (all-pervasiveness, pariniṣpanna) of the original organ, generated the subtle ear gateway (or, ‘the ear as a gateway to the subtle’), my body and mind encompass the entire Dharmadhatu and I am able to cause those who call my name to receive the same benefit as those derived from calling the names of all those children of the Dharma King as numerous as the sand grans in sixty-two Ganges Rivers. World-Honored One! My single name does not differ from those uncountable ones, because of my practice and training which led to my true penetrating understanding. These are the fourteen fearless (powers) which I bestow upon living beings.”

Four Effortless Subtle Virtues


“World-Honored One! Also, because I attained this all-pervasive cultivation of the realization of the Supreme Path (i.e. anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi), I was also able to attain four inconceivable, effortless subtle virtues:


1. Because I initially attained a mind of the subtlest hearing, the essence of mind disengaged itself from hearing. Seeing, hearing, and perceiving could not be separated (隔 gé), becoming a single, perfect combination (融 róng) - a pure jewel of awakening - and therefore I am able to appear in many wonderful forms and explain immeasurable numbers of secret mantras. I can appear with one head, three heads, five heads, seven heads, nine heads, eleven heads and up to 108 heads, 1,000 heads, 10,000 heads and 84,000 wheels (ca-k-ra) of heads; with two arms, four arms, six arms, eight arms, ten arms, twelve arms, fourteen arms, sixteen arms, eighteen arms, twenty arms, twenty-four arms and up to 108 arms, 1,000 arms, 10,000 arms and 84,000 arms making various gestures (mu-d-rās); and with two eyes, three eyes, four eyes, nine eyes up to 108 eyes, 1,000 eyes, 10,000 eyes and 84,000 pure, precious eyes, either compassionate or wrathful, concentrated or wise, and help sentient beings attain great sovereignty.


2. Because my hearing transcends the ‘six dusts’ (sense objects), like a sound going through a wall without obstruction, I can, with each appearance and with the recitation of each mantra, bestow fearlessness upon beings in lands as countless as dust in the Ten Directions in which I am regarded as the Giver of Fearlessness.


3. Because I cultivate the practice of the originally wonderous, all-pervasive, pure original sense organ, whatever world in which I roam, everyone there is moved to relinquish body and wealth in search of my compassion.


4. As I have attained the ultimate realization of the Buddha Mind, I can make offerings to tathāgatas throughout the Ten Directions and make sure that sentient beings in the six paths of the Dharmadhatu who seek spouses attain spouses, those who seek children attain children, those who seek samādhi attain samādhi, those who seek a long life to attain a long life, and even those who seek parinirvāṇa attain parinirvāṇa. The Buddha inquires about all-pervasiveness and, for me, the perfectly clear ‘Ear Gate’ samādhi, which regulates the mind for sovereign entry into the mind-stream (流相), attaining samādhi and achieving complete awakening, is foremost! World-Honored One! That [past] Buddha, Tathāgata praised my excellent attainment of this All-Pervasive Dharma Door, and in the presence of a great assembly gave me the prediction [of enlightenment] with the name Avalokiteśvara. Since my observant hearing pervades the Ten Directions, therefore the name ‘Avalokita’ pervades the Ten Directions.”