6 - Akṣobhya Tathāgata Sūtra 不動如來 / The Imperturbable Thus Come One

6 - Akṣobhya Tathāgata Sūtra 不動如來 / The Imperturbable Thus Come One

大寶積經 第19卷



大唐三藏菩提流志奉 詔譯


🍃Chapter One - Adorned with the Prediction of the Enlightenming 授記莊嚴品第一 🍃Chapter Two - The Array of Merit of a Buddha Field 佛剎功德莊嚴品第二🍃Chapter Three - Śrāvakas 聲聞眾品第三🍃Chapter Four - Bodhisattvas 菩薩眾品第四🍃Chapter Five - The Merit of Nirvana 涅槃功德品第五🍃Chapter Six - The Dependent Origination of Future Rebirth 往生因緣品第六