ACINTYA PITAKA / Inconceivable Sutras

ACINTYA PITAKA / Inconceivable Sutras

Acintya Sūtra Collection

The Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra or simply Avataṃsaka Sūtra is one of the most influential Mahāyāna sutras of East Asian Buddhism. The title is rendered in English as Flower Garland Sutra, Flower Adornment Sutra, or Flower Ornament Scripture.

The Avataṃsaka Sūtra is set within an understanding of the Dharmadhatu – phenomena (dharmas) as infinite realms upon realms, mutually containing one another. The vision of interdependence expressed in this sutra was the foundation of the Huayan School, also known as Hwaeom in Korea and Kegon in Japan.

There are other Mahāyāna sutras that have similar themes, topics, and narrative styles to the Avataṃsaka Sūtra, such as the Vimalakirti Sutra, and are considered part of the 'Inconceivable' tradition. Certain chapters of the Avataṃsaka, as well, have also circulated as ‘stand-alone’ sutras.

📖Mahāvaipulya Buddhāvataṃsaka Sūtra (’Flower Adornment’)📖Daśabhūmika Sūtra ('The Ten Stages')📖Vimalakīrti Nirdeśa Sūtra (’The Advice of Vimalakirti’)📖Śūraṅgama Samādhi Sūtra (’Heroic Progress Concentration’)📖Brahma Net Sutra📖Bodhisattva Jeweled Necklace📖Perfect Enlightenment Sutra (Mahāvaipulya Pūrṇabuddha-sūtra Prasannārtha-sūtra)📖Avaivartikacakranāmamahāyāna Sūtra