
Kātyāyana Sūtra

Taishō Tripiṭaka volume 2, number 99, sūtra 301. Translated originally by Guṇabhadra, ca. 435-443 CE.



Thus have I heard:


One time the Buddha was staying in a guest house in a forest grove near Nādika town.


Then Honourable Kātyāyana approached the Buddha, bowed at the Buddha’s feet; and retiring to one side, he said to the Buddha: “Bhagavan: the Bhagavan says ‘right view’. What do you call right view? How do you set forth right view?”


The Buddha said to Kātyāyana, “The worldly rely on two categories: existence and non-[existence]. Because of seizing and grasping the seized and grasped, they either rely on existence, or non-existence. Without a seizer, the cause of the mental state of attachment is not seized. [They] don’t insist on, or think wrongly about ‘I’. Arising is suffering arising; ceasing is suffering ceasing. One who has no doubt regarding this, no confusion, is not skeptical about it, and has independent knowledge. This is called right-view. This is called right view as established by the Tathāgata. Why? [When] worldly arising is rightly seen and known as it truly is, [then] there is no nonexistence in the world. [When] worldly ceasing is rightly seen and known as as it truly is, [then] there is no existence in the world. There is avoidance of the two extremes [which is] called the middle way. That is this being that becomes. This arises therefore that arises. Ignorance causes saṃskāras, and so the whole mass of suffering arises. when ignorance ceases then saṃskāras cease, and so the whole mass of suffering ceases.”


When the Buddha had spoken this sūtra, Honourable Kātyāyana hearing what the Buddha said, he cut off the āsravas (’outflows’), his mind was liberated, and he became an arhat.