
Dharmacakrapravartana Sūtra 轉法輪經 (LUSB Standarized Ed.)

Samyuktāgama 雜阿含經 Section 15, sutra no. 379

Taisho vol 2 no. 99, part 15 (379)


Turning the Dharma Wheel Sutra


Translated from the Chinese version of Guṇabhadra


Thus have I heard:


Once, the buddha was staying in Baranasi in the Deer Park, the resort of seers.


At that time, the World-Honored One said to five bhikṣus:


This is the noble truth of suffering,


Dharma not yet heard before, which, when meditated upon, gives rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.


This is the accumulation of suffering.


This is the cessation of suffering.


This is the noble truth of the Path, which leads to the cessation of suffering.


Dharma not yet heard before, which, when meditated upon, gives rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.




The wisdom of the noble truth of suffering should be understood;


Dharma not yet heard before which, when meditated upon, gives rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.


The noble truth of the accumulation of suffering, when understood, should be severed.


Dharma not yet heard before which, when meditated upon, gives rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.




The cessation of the accumulation of suffering, this noble truth of the cessation of suffering that is to be understood, should be realized.


Dharma not yet heard before which, when meditated upon, gives rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.




This noble truth of path leading to the cessation of suffering to be understood should be practiced.


Dharma not yet heard before which, when meditated upon, giving rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.


Again, bhikṣus!


This noble truth of suffering to be understood, has been understood,  

所未聞法當正思惟時 生眼智明覺.

Dharma not yet heard before which, when meditated upon, giving rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.




This noble truth of the accumulation of suffering has been understood and cut off.  

所未聞法當正思惟時 生眼智明覺

Dharma not yet heard before which, when meditated upon,giving rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.




The noble truth of the cessation of suffering has been understood, has been realized.  


Dharma not yet heard before which, when meditated upon, gives rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.




The noble truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering has been understood, has been Practiced.


Dharma not yet heard before to be meditated upon giving rise to vision, wisdom, illumination, and enlightenment.

諸比丘 我於此四聖諦三轉十二行 不生眼智明覺者 我終不得於諸天魔梵沙門 婆羅門聞法眾中 為解脫為出為離亦不自證得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提

So long, bhikkus, as such vision, wisdom, illumination and enlightenment to these Four Noble Truths, in these three turnings, in twelve ways, had not arisen, I had not been liberated, gone, or cut off from this world with its devas, Mara, Brahma, śramaṇa and brahmins, sravakas and men, and I did not claim to have attained anuttara-samyak-sambhodi [supreme, unsurpassable enlightenment].

我已於四聖諦三轉十二行 生眼智明覺 故於諸天魔梵沙門 婆羅門聞法眾中 得出得脫自證得成阿耨多羅三藐三菩提

But when such vision, wisdom, illumination and enlightenment to these Four Noble Truths, in these three turnings, in twelve ways, had arisen, I was gone, liberated, from this world with its devas, Mara, Brahma, śramaṇa and brahmins, sravakas and men, and claimed to have attained anuttara-samyak-sambhodi [supreme, unsurpassable enlightenment].


At that time, when the World-Honored One spoke this Dharma, Venerable Kauṇḍinya and 84,000 devas became free of dust and defilement, attaining clarified Dharma Eyes

爾時世尊告尊者憍陳如, "知法未"

At that time, the World-Honored One asked Venerable Kauṇḍinya, "Has this Dharma been understood?"

憍陳如白佛, "已知世尊 "

Kauṇḍinya replied to the Buddha, "It has been understood, World-Honored One!"

復告尊者憍陳如, "知法未"

Again Venerable Kauṇḍinya was asked, "Has this Dharma been understood?"

拘隣白佛, "已知善逝"

Kauṇḍinya replied to the Buddha, "It has been understood, Sugata!"

尊者拘隣已知法故, 是故名阿若拘隣

It is because Venerable Kauṇḍinya understood this Dharma that he is called Ājñāta-kāuṇḍinya [the one who knows].

尊者阿若拘隣知法已,地神舉聲唱言: "諸仁者世尊於波羅國仙人住處鹿野苑中三轉十二行法輪. 諸沙門婆羅門, 諸天魔梵, 所未曾轉. 多所饒益, 多所安樂,哀愍世間 以義饒益 利安天人 增益諸天眾 減損阿修羅眾.

When Venerable Ājñāta-kāuṇḍinya understood this Dharma, Earth Goddess(es) arose and sang these words: "Benevolent Ones! The World-Honored One, at Baranasi, among the seers residing in the Deer Park has turned the Dharma Wheel three times, in twelve ways. Of all śramaṇas and brahmins, all devas, maras, brahmas, none could turn it. For the enrichment of many, the happiness of many, for the sake of those in miserable realms, enriching through meaning, benefiting devas and men, increasing the benefits of heavenly beings and decreasing the harm of asuras.

地神唱已聞虛空神天 . 四天王天、三十三天、炎魔天、兜率陀天、 化樂天、他化自在天 展轉傳唱 須臾之間 聞于梵天身

As the Earth Goddesses sang, devas throughout space heard: The Four Heavenly Kings The thirty-three heavenly devas Hellish Mara-devas Tuṣita devas Nirmāṇarati devas Paranirmitavaśavarin devas The song radiated, and in an instant (kṣaṇa) it was heard by Brahma.

梵天乘聲唱言 諸仁者 世尊於波羅國 仙人住處鹿野苑中 三轉十二行法輪,諸沙門婆羅門、諸天、魔、梵,及世間聞法 未所曾轉,多所饒益,多所安樂, 以義饒益諸天世人,增益諸天眾,減損阿修羅眾

Then Brahmā arose and sang these words: , Benevolent Ones, The World-Honored One, at Baranasi, among the seers residing in the Deer Park has turned the Dharma Wheel three times, in twelve ways Of all śramaṇas and brahmins, all devas, maras, brahmas, of all those who have ever heard the Dharma, none could turn it. For the enrichment of many For the happiness of manybeing for the enrichment of all devas and men. increasing the benefits of heavenly beings decreasing the harm of asuras.

世尊於波羅國 仙人住處鹿野苑中轉法輪,故此經名轉法輪經

The World-Honored One, at Baranasi, among the seers residing in the Deer Park, turned the Dharma Wheel. That is why this sutra is called Turning the Dharma Wheel.