
Somā Sutra



Thus have I heard:


Once upon a time, the Buddha was staying in Śrāvastī, in the garden of Jetavana.


At that time there was a bhikṣuṇī Somā residing in Śrāvastī, in the king’s garden in the vihāra among the bhikṣuṇī. In the morning she put on her robes, took of her begging bowl and entered the city of Śrāvastī to beg for food. Having eaten, she returned to the vihāra, put away her robe and bowl, washed her feet, and with her mat (niṣīdana) on her right shoulder she went to a secluded grove (Śītavana) to sit in mediation.



[0326a28] 答言:「賢者!欲至遠離處去。」

[0326a29] 時,魔波旬即說偈言:

仙人所住處,   是處甚難得,  非彼二指智,   能得到彼處。」

[0326b03] 時,蘇摩比丘尼作是念:「此是何等?欲恐怖我。為人?為非人?為姦狡人?」作此思惟已,決定智生,知是惡魔來欲嬈亂,即說偈言:

心入於正受,   女形復何為,  智或若生已,   逮得無上法。 

若於男女想,   心不得俱離,  彼即隨魔說,   汝應往語彼。 

離於一切苦,   捨一切闇冥,  逮得滅盡證,   安住諸漏盡。 

覺知汝惡魔,   即自磨滅去。」

[0326b13] 時,魔波旬作是念:「蘇摩比丘尼已知我心。」內懷憂悔,即沒不現。