


At that time there was a bodhisattva in the city of Rājagṛha, the child of an elder named ‘Destroyer of Vice, who was in an alleyway and saw from afar the extraordinary, proper, clear beauty (characteristics) of the World-Honored One; all the senses calmed, without aversion; abiding in the highest restraint of śamatha; all the senses guarded, like a well mannered elephant; correctly mindful and without disturbance, like a clear deep pond; the thirty-two characteristics adorning his body. When that bodhisattva Destroyer of Vice saw this, he became extremely reverential with a mind of pure faith and went to the Buddha, bowed with his head at the Buddha’s feet, circumambulated him three times to the right and stood to one side. Further, there were immeasurable hundreds of thousands of sentient beings that gathered around the Buddha, innumerable gods abiding in mid-air, all with their palms joined reverentially bowing down.


Then, Destroyer of Vice Bodhisattva addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! How many Dharmas must bodhisattvas complete to swiftly attain anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi, and adorn and purify their Buddha Field according to their wishes [vows]?”


Then, from a desire to tame sentient beings and out of compassion for Destroyer of Vice, the World-honored One went to the marketplace and, amid a great assembly, said, “Good son! Bodhisattvas that complete (achieve) one Dharma will swiftly attain anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi and adorn and purify their Buddha Field according to their wishes. Good son! What one dharma? Because these bodhisattvas practice great compassion for all sentient beings, they generate bodhicitta by the joy of superior resolve. What is called ‘generating bodhicitta by the joy of superior resolve’? It should be explained as: If there are those who who have already generated bodhicitta, they do not do the slightest evil. What is not to be done? Greed, anger, and delusion are far removed from their dignified behavior and controlled playfulness [when living] at home, and if they have left home, there is no longer hoping for reputation, reward, or reverence, peacefully abiding in having left home while cultivating the practice of the Dharma. What is it to cultivate the practice of the Dharma of leaving home? It is entering awakening to the True Suchness of all dharmas. What is it to be awakened to all dharmas? This Aggregation, the Realms, and the Bases, and the conditioned and the unconditioned. What is it to enter awakening? It is to pravicaya (investigate) [how] the Five Aggregates are completely extinguished, like empty illusions without any existence. Like this, upon awakening, there is no seeing entering awakening, without enlightenment, without conceptualizing, all differentiations are each completely extinguished. Entering awakening to the Aggregates like this is to be awakened to all dharmas. This is called cultivating the practice of the Dharma of leaving home. When bodhisattvas cultivate practice like this, they also do not abandon any sentient being. Why? These bodhisattvas observe sentient beings and speak to them like [they are speaking] to themselves, and are also without attachment to Dharma or sentient beings. Good son! This is how bodhisattvas complete (achieve) one Dharma and swiftly attain anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi and adorn and purify their Buddha Field according to their wishes.”

When this explanation had been given, Destroyer of Vice Bodhisattva attained the patient tolerance of birthlessness and danced joyfully, rising into the air the height of seven palm trees. Among those gathered, two thousand people generated bodhicitta; fourteen thousand gods and humans became free of defiling dust, attaining purified Dharma Eyes among all dharmas.


Then the World-Honored One brought forth a smile, and from his mouth radiated all kinds of multicolored lights that illuminated immeasurable worldly realms. When the lights returned, they circled the Buddha three times before entering the crown of his head.

At this time Ānanda arose from his seat, removed his robe from his right shoulder, knelt with his right knee on the ground and addressed the World-Honored One in verse saying:

自在力導師,   到諸法彼岸,  一切智人尊,   何緣現微笑? 

[Oh] Sovereign powerful guide To the other shore of all dharmas, Revered Omniscient One, What is the reason for this smile?

善逝十力尊,   能為諸利益,  三世悉明達,   何緣現微笑? 

Well-Gone Worthy of the Ten Powers, Able to benefit all, Completely enlightened as to the Triple Realm , What is the reason for this smile?

了眾生心行,   上中下差別,  知諸想無礙,   願佛為宣說。

Understanding the mental conditions of sentient beings, Differentiations in high, middle, and low, Unobstructed knower of all perceptions, I wish the Buddha would explain.

億那由諸天,   咸來頂禮佛,  願發微妙音,   充濟諸渴仰。 

Millions of nayutas of gods, Have arrived, bow reverentially to the Buddha, Wishing for that wonderful voice, To bring about the satiation of all thirst.

勝定到彼岸,   智慧亦復然,  遠離於錯謬,   何緣現微笑? 

Having arrived superiorly concentrated upon the other shore, With knowledge and Wisdom also so, Being far removed from error and exaggeration, What is the reason for this smile?

百千諸天眾,   為法故來集,  無量諸比丘,   合掌皆願聞,  

Hundreds of thousands of gods Come and gather for the Dharma, Immeasurable numbers of bhikṣus, With palms joined all wishing to ‘hear’,

奏種種音樂,   供養於如來。 善哉佛世尊,   願決眾疑惑。」

All kinds of music is presented, And reverentially offered to the Thus Come One, Excellent, Buddha, World-Honored One! Please rectify any doubt and uncertainty.


The Buddha told Ānanda, “Did you see the bodhisattva Destroyer of Vice rise into the sky, or not?”


“Ānanda replied saying, “I indeed saw it.”


The Buddha said, “Good son! After sixty-two thousand nayutas of kalpas, this Destroyer of Vice, in this world-system, will attain becoming a buddha and will be called Calm Controlled Sound. The kalpa will be called Free of Perturbances. The virtuous adornments of that Buddha Land, and its voice-hearers and its bodhisattvas, will be without any difference and equal to the wonderfully joyful (Abhirati) world-system of the Imperturbable Thus Come One (Akṣobhya).