


Thus have I heard:


One time the Buddha was on Mount Gṛdhrakūṭa, Vulture’s Peak, in Rājagṛha along with great bhikṣus, one thousand in all. There were eighty-four thousand bodhisattvas: Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva, Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, and Mahāsthāmaprāpta Bodhisattva as their chiefs. There were also seventy-two million heavenly beings, all completely following the Way of the Bodhisattva. There were also the four great heavenly kings, Śakro-devānāmindra, Brahma King and his retinue, each with fifty-two million attendants. There were also seventy-two million great nāga-rajas [kings] in attendance. Their name were: Nanda nāga-raja, Upananda nāga-raja, Ruṇaṇa, nāga-raja, Sāgara nāga-raja, Dhṛ-maha-bhumi nāga-raja, Atapa [Anavatapta] nāga-raja, Auddhata [?] nāga-raja, Māra-pratyarthika [?] nāga-raja, Vijaya nāga-raja, Candrottarā nāga-raja. Thus were their chiefs. There were also immeasurable yakṣa-rajas in attendance. Their names were: Kumbhīra yakṣa-raja [’crocodile’], Āṭavika yakṣa-raja, Śacīruma yakṣa-raja, Sumana yakṣa-raja, Sumati yakṣa-raja, Subtle Characteristics yakṣa-raja, Akshobya yakṣa-raja, Possessing Power yakṣa-raja, Great Power yakṣa-raja. Thus were their chiefs.

At that time, the king of the city of Rājagṛha, great ministers, and the four kinds [of believers], heavenly beings, nāgas, yakṣas, humans and non-humans, and so on, each made offerings of clothing, food and drink, bedding, medicine, and other necessities of life to the Thus Come One with respect and honor.


Then, one morning, the World-Honored One put on his robe, took up his bowl, and with all the bhikṣus and hundreds of thousands of heavenly beings surrounding him, approached the palace of King Ajātaśātru in Rājagṛha. The Buddha’s awesome spiritual power emitted hundreds of thousands of different colors [forms] of light and hundreds of thousands of sounds of musical instruments playing together. It rained all kinds of wonderful flowers, utpala flowers, padmarāga flowers, kumuda flowers, pouring down. Then, by the awesome spiritual power of the Thus Come One, jeweled lotuses as big as wagon wheels sprang forth from the ground where he stepped, with silver stems, leaves of real gold, and pistils of lapis lazuli jewels. In the middle of each lotus dais was a transformation bodhisattava seated in a meditative posture. All these bodhisattvas, with their jeweled lotuses, circumambulated Rājagṛha seven times to the right and then said in verse:

釋種應供大商主,   利樂含識令安隱,  具大威德寂靜心,   為世依怙當入城。

The Worthy One of the Śākyans, great merchant leader, Benefiting and gladdening all sentient beings, causing them to be at ease and rest. With great accomplishments in merit and tranquility of mind, The Refuge for the World will enter the City.  

若欲遠離老死苦,   或樂遊戲於天宮,  或有欲破諸魔軍,   應近妙辯人中主, 

Those who want freedom from old age and suffering, Or want to roam in heavenly palaces, Or have a desire to overcome all the armies of Mara, Should stay near to the wonderfully eloquent, leader among humans.

難得聞名今出現,   經百千劫修眾行,  以大悲心遊世間,   如是之尊當入城。

The one whose name is rare to hear now appears, Having gone through hundreds of thousands of kalpas cultivating practices, With a mind of great compassion, roaming throughout worlds, Like this, the Honored One will enter the City.

曾行無量無邊捨,   男女妻室及王位,  頭目耳鼻并手足,   衣服飲食亦復然,

Having already practiced immeasurable, boundless relinquisments: Sons, daughters, spouses, homes, even thrones, Heads, eyes, ears, noses, down to their hands and feet, Clothing, food, and drink, also so;

已修無量施功德,   證於無上一切智,  以施調心固其行,   戒淨無缺大丈夫,  成就無量忍功德,   心恒恬怕當入城。

Having already cultivated immeasurable merit by giving [dana], And realizing unexcelled all-knowing wisdom By giving, subduing the mind, and stabilizing practice, Upholding pure discipline [sila], without anything lacking, a great leader, Having achieved immeasurable merit through patience [kshanti] The [one with the] Ever-Calm Mind will enter City.  

俱胝劫行勝精進,   念眾生苦忘疲倦,  具足無量無比禪,   彼梵音者當入城。 

Having practiced vigor [virya] for koṭīs of kalpas, Mindful of the suffering, ignorance, and weariness of sentient beings, Fullfilled with immeasurable, unmatched dhyāna meditation, The one with the Voice of Brahma will enter the City.

智慧無量無倫匹,   猶若虛空無邊際,  最勝人尊戒亦然,   備修眾行智清淨,

Immeasurable Prajna wisdom, unrivaled, Limitless like space, The honorable discipline of the Supremely Perfect Person is also so, Fully cultivated in practices for the purification of knowledge,

摧壞魔軍能濟拔,   得住無憂不動位,  無等法王轉法輪,   彼釋師子當入城。 

Defeater of the Armies of Mara, able to rescue [others], Abiding in a carefree, unmoving state, The unequaled Dharma King, turner of the Dharma Wheel, That Lion of the Śākyans will enter the City.

若欲成佛出興世,   三十二相以莊嚴,  應發無等菩提心,   於如來所興供養。

Those who want to become buddhas and rise up in the world Adorned with the Thirty-Two Characteristics,   Should generate unequaled bodhi-citta And make offering to the Thus Come One.

若欲永捨貪恚癡,   及以遠離諸煩惱,  速當親近釋師子,   施作種種諸供養。 

Those who want to forever relinquish greed, anger, and delusion, And to be free of all afflictions, Should quickly draw near to the Lion of the Śākyans Giving all kinds of offerings.

若欲速成釋梵王,   各千眷屬常隨從,  恒受天宮諸快樂,   彼應親近釋師子。 

Those who want to quickly become Śakra and Brahmā kings, Followed by a retinue of thousands, Enjoying never-ending delights in heavenly palaces, They should draw near the Lion of the Śākyans.

欲為四洲勝輪王,   所願七寶皆成就,  最勝千子咸勇健,   應當供養彼勝尊。

Those who want to be wheel [turning] kings of the Four Continents, Every wish fulfilled with the Seven Treasures, With a thousand of the bravest, most superior children, Should make offerings to that Supremely Honored One.  

欲為長者邑中主,   資財增廣無有量,  眷屬色相悉超倫,   彼應供養釋師子。 

Those who want to be elders and chiefs of cities, With immense wealth without measure, Beautify family and associates, thoroughly unrivaled, They should makes offerings to the Lion of the Śākyans

已得解脫及當得,   皆由聞佛寂靜法,  難可值遇彼勝尊,   應聽甘露無憂句。」

[Those who] have attained liberation liberation and those who will attain it, All just hear the quiescent Dharma of the Buddha. It is rare to meet that Supremely Honored One, [We] should listen to the sweet dew (amṛta) without worries.


At that time, upon hearing these verses, immeasurable people in the city of Rājagṛha, male and female, old and young, all became awakened and each brought incense, flowers, jewels, canopies, banners, pennants, and immeasurable musical instruments to the Thus Come One with a single mind, reverentially dancing and jumping joyfully making offerings. When the World-Honored One was about to enter the city, as he stepped upon the threshold, the ground inside the city quacked in six ways, and it rained marvelous flowers and musical instruments played. The blind people within the city (re)gained their sight, the deaf (re)gained their hearing, and the mad (re)gained their minds; the naked acquired clothing, the hungry acquired food, and the impoverished gain wealth. The people were also no longer oppressed and vexed by desire, anger, ignorance, foolishness, and arrogance; they were as kind to one another as parent is to their child. They sang in verse along with the music of those instruments saying:

十力大丈夫,   最勝人師子,  利物入都城,   群生獲安樂。 

The Great Person of the Ten Powers (Daśabala-mahāparuṣa) Supreme Lion of humans, To benefit all beings, is entering the city, And bring peace to all sentient beings.

盲瞽得見色,   聾聵得聞聲,  顛狂復本心,   裸露蒙衣服, 飢渴遇珍膳,   貧窶得資財。 

The blind (re)gain sight The deaf (re)gain hearing, Those driven mad return to their original mind, Those going naked are covered with clothing   The hungry and thirsty are treated with delicious meals, The poor who have it rough attain wealth and riches.

又於虛空中,   諸天百千億,  同為供養佛,   競奏諸樂音。 

Also, from sky, Hundreds of thousands of millions of devas Face the Buddha making offers, By playing music .

具德十力尊,   今入此城內,  城中六種動,   所謂遍動等,  眾生無怖想,   皆獲大歡喜。 

The virtuous honored one of the Ten Powers, Is now entering the city, Within the city it quakes six ways, Quaking all over, and so on, Sentient beings are not afraid, They are all overcome with great joy.

而今此城中,   一切諸眾生,  不為貪恚癡,   慳嫉之所惱,  欣悅充遍身,   慈念而相向。 

Now within the city, All the sentient beings, Not by greed, anger, and delusion, Miserliness or envy are they afflicted, Their bodies are filled with joy, Being kind to one another.

願佛速入城,   安樂諸群品。 

May the Buddha enter the city quickly, And bring peace to all beings.

世尊入城時,   普放大光明,  人天咸奏樂,   悅暢於心意。 

When the World-Honored One enters the city, He emits a great light, And humans and devas play musical instruments, Joyful and at ease in mind.

如是諸奇特,   種種無有量,  天人阿修羅,   莫不皆瞻奉。」

Rarities such as this, Of all kinds, immeasurable, Devas, humans and asuras, There were none that did not revere.