


Mañjuśrī addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! Each and all dharmas are completely, totally illusory. How so? Just like an illusionist makes illusions appear, the arising and ceasing of all dharmas is also like this. Their arising and ceasing, then, is without arising or ceasing, and since there is no arising or ceasing, there is equanimity. Bodhisattvas cultivating this equanimity are then able to realize attainment of unsurpassable bodhi.”


Superior Wisdom Bodhisattva addressed Mañjuśrī saying, “How does one realize attainment of this bodhi?


Mañjuśrī said, “This bodhi is not some thing that can be attained, and is also not something that can be destroyed, nor can it be abided [in] or grasped.”


Superior Wisdom Bodhisattva said, “Then this bodhi is neither existent nor is it not non-existent. How so? Due to thats Dharma nature, there is originally no arising of it, nor a not yet of it, nor was it, and neither is it able to be destroyed, for this reason it is unattainable.”


Mañjuśrī inquired of Superior Wisdom and the other bodhisattvas saying, “What is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door (Ekalakṣaṇa Dharma-paryāya)?


Maitreya Bodhisattva said, “If there is no seeing a location of the aggregates, and also no not seeing; without any differentiating, and also not seeing accumulation or dispersal, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Lion Courage Thunderous Voice Bodhisattva said, “If there is no making any kind of differentiation, then it is ordinary dharma, it is dharma of the two vehicles; it does not go against that nature of dharma and enters the single characteristic, which is being without any characteristics, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Priyadarśana (Joyful Sight) Bodhisattva said, “If there is cultivating the practice of True Suchness, yet also without creating the perception of True Suchness and, within that profundity, there is nothing to be differentiated, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Unhindered Erudition (Pratisaṃvin?) Bodhisattva said, “If one is able to be completely extinguished of all dharmas, and also explains this Dharma to others, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Excellent Contemplation Bodhisattva said, “If one enters the Inconceivable by way of the conceivable, this Inconceivable also unattainable, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Wonderfully Free of Dust (Viraja) Bodhisattva said, “If all untainted characteristics are also neither tainted nor untainted, without attraction or aversion, and also without confusion, neither singular nor dual, and also not varietal, without grasping and without without releasing, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Sāgara Bodhisattva said, “If one is able to enter the extremely profound Dharma, difficult to enter, like the ocean, and not differentiate this Dharma, explaining it to others yet without speech or concepts, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Candrottarā (Atop the Moon) Bodhisattva said, “If one practices equanimity toward the minds of all sentient beings, like a full moon, without perceiving sentient beings, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Free of the Darkness of Sorrow Bodhisattva said, “How are the arrows of sorrow of sentient beings pulled out? I and mine are the root of sorrow. If one is able to abide in the equanimity of I and mine, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Unconditional Bodhisattva said, “If there is no ‘climbing the conditions’ of the Realm of Desire, the Realm of Form, and the Formless Realm, the Dharma of voice hearers, the Dharma of the solitary enlightened, even all Buddha Dharma, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Universal Sight (Avalokanam) Bodhisattva said, “If, when explaining the Dharma, the Dharma of equanimity is explained as the equanimity of the Dharma of Emptiness, without the perception of emptiness and without the perception of equanimity, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Pure Triple Mandala (Trimaṇḍalaviśuddhi) Bodhisattva, “If, when explaining the Dharma, the three wheels are pure, which is that a self cannot be attained in sentient beings, and that there is no differentiation between self and teacher in regard to the Dharma being explained, and therefore there is no dharma to grasp on to, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Developing Practice Bodhisattva said, “If one is able to explain the knowledge of True Suchness that is without writing or explanation through the practice of the cultivation of equanimity toward all phenomena (dharma) since all phenomena are beyond words and speech, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Profound Practice Bodhisattva said, “If one is able to explain the comprehension of the extreme profundity of the Dharma, and also not see the explainer, the explanation or anyone being explained to, this is called explaining the Single Characteristic Dharma Door.”


Like this, immeasurable numbers of bodhisattvas each gave their explanation of the Single Characteristic Dharma Door. When this Dharma Door was explained, thirty-seven million bodhisattvas attained the patient tolerance of the birthlessness of all dharmas, eighty-four thousand nayutas of hundreds of thousands of sentient beings generated anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi-citta, seven thousand bhikṣus attained liberation from outflows of the mind that had not been extinguished, and ninety-six nayutas of gods and humans attainted purified Dharma Eyes regarding all dharmas.”