


At that time Lion Courage addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! Is there any Buddha Land with virtuous adornments as magnificent as that Buddha Land throughout the Triple Realm [past, present, or future]?”


The Buddha said, “There is. Good son! East of here, past hundreds of millions of world-systems, as numerous as the grains of sand of the Ganges River there is a Buddha Land named Abiding in the Supreme Vow. There is a buddha there, named King of an Ocean of Universal Light and Eternal Virtue. That buddha’s lifespan is immeasurable and endless, ever expounding and explaining the Dharma to bodhisattvas.”

“Good son! The adornments of the land of that buddha, compared to the Buddha Land of Universal Sight, is without any difference.”

“Good son! There are also four bodhisattvas cloaked in the inconceivable armor of vows, fully accomplishing these vows, and they will also attain Buddha Lands with adornments like Universal Sight Thus Come One.”


Then Lion Courage said, “We wish for the Buddha to say the names of those bodhisattvas and where they abide. We also wish to behold King of an Ocean of Universal Light and Eternal Virtue Thus Come One’s Buddha Land, in order to bring much benefit to this great assembly. Why? Bodhisattvas who see and hear this will go on to accomplish these vows.”


The Buddha said, “Good son! You and everyone listen attentively and I will explain. Good son! One of those bodhisattvas is named Light Banner, who is in the eastern direction in the Buddha Land of Sorrowless Virtue. The next [bodhisattva] is named Superior Wisdom, in the southern direction in the Buddha Land of Knowledge King Thus Come One. The next is named All Sense Faculties Tranquil, in the western direction in the Buddha Land of Accumulation of Intellect Thus Come One. The next is named Intelligent Vow (Wish), in the northern direction in the Buddha Land of Nārāyaṇa Thus Come One.”


At that time, the World-Honored One, by means of spiritual power, manifested the Buddha Land of King of an Ocean of Universal Light and Eternal Virtue Thus Come One, causing this great assembly to see that Thus Come One and the bodhisattvas gathered, the adornments of virtues of their buddha field unlike anything they had ever seen or heard of before, therefore everything was completely inconceivable. Immeasurable hundreds of thousands of millions and nayutas of interlacing jeweled adornments, within which are virtues that could never be exhaustively explained; they all clearly perceived it, like seeing a āmra berry in the palm of their hands. The bodies of those bodhisattvas forty-two thousand yojanas, and the body of the Buddha was Eighty-Four Thousand, luminous and radiant like a mountain of Jambu-river gold (jambūnada-suvarṇa), replete with broad, great adornments of virtue. Sitting under a great Bodhi Tree surrounded by all the gathered bodhisattvas, manifesting hundreds of thousands of transformational techniques, which reached all worldly realms throughout the Ten Directions, thereby broadly expounding the Dharma to all sentient beings. At that time the Buddha told all the bodhisattvas, “Good children. do you see that Thus Come One’s Buddha Field adorned with Bodhisattvas?”


Then all those gathered who heard this said, “We have seen it. We will study this bodhisattva practice, like Mañjuśrī has cultivated practice, we too shall achieve adorned buddha fields like this.”


Then, the World-Honored One pleasantly smiled and emitted light of all different colors from his mouth, illuminating immeasurable, limitless worlds. When the luminances returned they circled the Buddha three times and then entered the crown of his head.

Then Maitreya Bodhisattva addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! What are the causes and conditions for the appearance of this smile?”


The Buddha told Maitreya, “Within this great assembly, eighty-four thousand bodhisattvas saw the techniques of that buddha field’s adornments and all generated a mind with the intention that they shall achieve buddha fields like this. And there are also sixteen excellent, great people with magnificent, splendid resolve who generated the Great Mind. They will be able to fulfill the bringing forth of great vows like Mañjuśrī and, after they all quickly attain anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi, they will attain virtuously adorned buddha fields like Amita Buddha’s. Maitreya, you should know, the magnificence of the splendid resolve all bodhisattvas achieve is just as great. One of magnificent splendid resolve says, ‘I will achieve an adorned buddha land like Mañjuśrī.’ Anything less and one speaks from a mind of faith, and from this vocal karma they will be able to be released from the turning flow of life and death after sixty trillion nayutas of kalpas, and also attain fulfillment of five paramitas.”


At that time, Maitreya Bodhisattva saw the four great bodhisattvas Light Banner, etc. in the four directions, each sitting in a lapis lazuli pavilion of light with hundreds of thousands of millions of gods surrounding them showering flowers and offering music. When these great ‘miracles’ (spiritual transformations) appeared, the earth shook upon their arrival. Then Maitreya Bodhisattva the World-Honored One, “Please explain these techniques (affairs, events)?”


The Buddha said, “Good son! These four bodhisattvas came to see me, Thus Come One’s from the four directions each told them to come here.”


Then those bodhisattvas approached the Buddha, bowed their heads to the Buddha’s feet, circled him three times to the right and sat down to one side, the radiance of those four bodhisattvas illuminating the great assembly. At that time the World-Honored One said to the bodhisattvas, “Good children! The determined resolve of these four virtuous Great Beings is inconceivable, you should honor them and inquire about their Dharma, for their aspirations are the rarest of all bodhisattvas. If virtuous men and virtuous women get to see them, they will definitely attain anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi and be released from the turning flow of life and death after twenty million kalpas, and attain fulfillment of five paramitas. If there are women who hear the names of these bodhisattvas, they will quickly be freed of their female bodies.” At this, the World-Honored One withdrew his spiritual powers and that Buddha Fields was no longer visible.