


At that time Lion Courage Thunderous Voice Bodhisattva addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! How long will it be until this Mañjuśrī attains anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi? How long will that Buddha’s lifespan be?”


The Buddha said, “Good son! You should ask Mañjuśrī yourself.”


Then Lion Courage Thunderous Voice Bodhisattva addressed Mañjuśrī saying, “How long until the venerable attains bodhi?


Mañjuśrī said, “Good son! If the Realm of Space were to take bodily form, then I will attain unsurpassable bodhi. If an illusory person attains bodhi, I will then attain it. If an arhat without outflows (āsravakṣaya) is bodhi, then I will attain it. When a dream, an echo, a reflection or a transformational being attains bodhi, I will then attain it. If the moon shines during the day and the sun shines at night, I will then attain anuttarā-saṃyak-saṃbodhi. Good son! You should ask your question of someone who seeks bodhi.”


Lion Courage Voice said, “The venerable does not seek bodhi?”


[Mañjuśrī] replied saying, “No. Why? Mañjuśrī is bodhi, and bodhi is Mañjuśrī. How can that be? Mañjuśrī is just a word, and bodhi is also just a word. and because these words are beyond efficacy, they are empty, and that empty nature is bodhi.”


At that time the Buddha asked Lion Courage Voice, “Haven’t you seen and heard about all the gathered voice hearers and bodhisattvas of Amitābha Thus Come One?


“I have heard and seen.”


The Buddha said, “How many are there?”


[Lion Courage Voice] replied saying, “They are neither calculable nor something conceivable.”


The Buddha said, “Good son! Like a bushel of linseed from the Kingdom of Magadha, taking a single grain is comparable to the voice hearers and bodhisattvas of Amitābha’s Buddha Land, while the rest of the bushel is comparable to the bodhisattvas assembled when Mañjuśrī attains bodhi, and they even surpass that amount.”

“Good son! Like kalpas equal to the number of minute dust particles in a Three Thousand Great Thousand world-system compared to the number of kalpas of the lifespan of Universal Sight Thus Come One, the former is not a hundredth, a thousandth, a hundred thousand millionth part, nor is a calculation or comparison able to demonstrate. You should know, the lifespan of the Thus Come One Universal Sight is incalculable and immeasurable.”

“Like someone who grinds a Three Thousand Great Thousand world-system into minute dust particles, and then a second, and a third person [up to ten people] also grinds great world-systems into minute dust particles. Then the first person takes [all] those dust particles and proceeds to travel East, setting down one dust particle after traveling beyond world-systems equal to that number of dust particles. Then, again, after traveling beyond world-systems equal to the number of dust particles, sets down one dust particle, and like this, one at a time, does so until finishing all the minute dust particles. Then the second person also takes that number of dust particles and proceeds to travel South, setting down dust particles as the first person did, one at a time, going on and on until the particles are finished. And to the West, the North, the four ordinal directions, up, and down, a person goes to each, setting down dust particles and like the others. Good son! Can the number of all these world-systems be known, or not?”


[Lion Courage] replied saying, “No.”


The Buddha said, “Good son! Suppose these people took all those world-systems throughout the ten directions, whether they placed a dust particle there or not, and ground them into dust particles. What do you think? Could the number or measurement of all of the dust particles be known, or not?”


[Lion Courage] replied saying, “No, World-Honored One! If anyone tried to count, their mind would become confused and they would not be able to know.”


The Buddha said, “Good son! All Buddha Thus Come Ones are able to know the number of all those dust particles, and even amounts beyond this are also know by the Thus Come One(s).”

Then, Maitreya Bodhisattva addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! Because all bodhisattvas seek great wisdom such as this, should they experience extreme suffering in the great hell realms for immeasurable millions of kalpas, they never relinquish great wisdom such as this.”


The Buddha said, “Maitreya! So it is, so it is. Just as you have explained. How could one not give rise to a desire for and delight in such great wisdom as this? Only the low down and lazy.”


When this wisdom had been explained, ten-thousand people generated bodhicitta.


At that time, the Buddha said to Lion Courage, “Good son! What do you think? Like the minute dust particles of the worlds those ten people passed throughout the Ten Directions, Mañjuśrī will practice the Bodhisattva Path for kalpas as numerous as those minute dust particles. Why? The Great Vow of Mañjuśrī is inconceivable, what it is for is inconceivable and, upon attaining bodhi, the lifespan will also being inconceivable, and the congregation of bodhisattvas also inconceivable.”


Then Lion Courage addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! Mañjuśrī has generated such great destiny, cultivating practices that are so tremendous, and for kalpas as numerous as those minute dust particles without becoming weary.”

Mañjuśrī said, “So it is, so it is. Good son! Just as you have explained. What do you think? Does the Realm of Space have thoughts about lasting for days and nights, or months and seasons, or kalpas?”


[Lion Courage] replied saying, “No.”


Mañjuśrī said, “So it is, good son! One having awakened to the subtle wisdom without differentiation that all dharmas are equanimous as Space is also without thoughts of lasting for days and nights, or months and seasons, or kalpas. Why? Because they are without the perception of thoughts about all dharmas. Good son! Just as the Realm of Space does not perceive weariness or affliction. How so? Even after kalpas [as numerous as the] grains of sand in the Ganges River, the Realm of Space will not arise or come to be, nor will it be destroyed and cease to be. Why? Because the Realm of Space is without any existence. Thus, good son! If bodhisattvas understand that all dharmas are without any existence, they too are without affliction or weariness. Good son! That so-called ‘space’ is also without destruction, affliction or weariness, and it does not alter - not being born, not being old, not coming, not going. The name Mañjuśrī is also like this, without affliction and without weariness. How is it[?], the nature of names transcends reason?


When this explanation of the Dharma had been given, the Four Great Heavenly Kings, Śakra Devānām-Indra, the Brahmā Heavenly Kings, those of great. awesome virtue, and all godlings together said in unison, “Everyone who hears this Dharma Door will certainly acquire great, good benefit, how much more so someone who receives, retains, reads and recites it. You should know, the good roots achieved from that will be even greater. World-Honored One! We [will] receive, retain, read and recite this Dharma Door, circulating it widely, for we wish to protect this profound Dharma.”


At that time, Lion Courage addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! If someone hears a Dharma Door like this, receives, retains, reads, recites and ponders it, and then generates the mind of a virtuously adorned Buddha Field like this, how much merit do they attain?


The Buddha said, “Good son! The Thus Come One sees all buddhas and their fields by the unobstructed Buddha Eye. If a bodhisattva were to fill all those fields with the wonderous Seven Treasures, reverently offering them to every one of those Thus Come Ones, each until the end of the future, causing the bodhisattva to calmly abide in pure discipline and give rise to an equanimous mind toward all sentient beings, and there is a bodhisattva who receives, retains, reads, recites this Dharma Door on the Virtuous Adornments of Buddha Fields, and they are able to generate [that] mind, taking seven steps toward following the study practice of Mañjuśrī. Of the virtue of these two, the virtue of giving the Seven Treasures is not one hundredth of that, nor even is a calculation or comparison able to be found.”


At that time, Maitreya Bodhisattva addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One! What should this Dharma Door be called? How should we revere it?”


The Buddha said, “This Dharma Door is called, ‘Play of the Buddhas Play,’ and also called, ‘Completion of Vows,’ and also called, ‘The Virtuous Adornments of Mañjuśrī’s Buddha Field,’ and also called, ‘Causing the Delight of Bodhisattvas generating bodhicitta,’ and also called, ‘The Prediction [of the Enlightenment] of Mañjuśrī,’ this is how is should be remembered.”


At that time, because the bodhisattvas who had come from the ten directions wanted to make offerings to this Dharma Door, they rained flowers and sang out, “Most rare, World-Honored One! Most rare, World-Honored One! That we have heard this Dharma Door on the Inconceivable Lion’s Roar Adornment of Mañjuśrī.” After the bodhisattvas had said this the returned to their original land.


At that time, Mañjuśrī entered the Bodhisattva Emission of Light that Reveals Everything as Illusory samādhi. Entering this samādhi caused the assembly to see everywhere throughout the Ten Directions each Thus Come One in immeasurable, infinite buddha fields, and before each and every one of those Buddhas, a Mañjuśrī explaining the virtuous adornments of their buddha fields. The assembly, having seen this, gave rise to that rare mind of the supreme great vow(s) of Mañjuśrī.


After the Buddha had spoken this sutra, all of those bodhisattvas, the bhikṣus, bhikṣuṇīs, upāsakas, upāsikās, devas, nagas, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kinnaras, mahoraga, human and non-human beings who heard the Buddha explain, were all great delighted, faithfully receiving and reverently practicing it.