
Prajñāpāramita Arapacana Alphabet (Conze translation)

1. The syllable A is a door to the insight that all dharmas are un-produced from the very beginning (ady-anutpannatvad);

2. RA is a door to the insight that all dharmas are without dirt (rajas);

3. PA is a door to the insight that all dharmas have been expounded in the ultimate sense (paramartha);

4. CA is a door to the insight that the decease (cyavana) or rebirth of any dharma cannot be apprehended, because all dharmas do not decease, nor are they reborn;

5. NA is a door to the insight that the Names of all dharmas have vanished; the essential nature behind names cannot be gained or lost.

6. The syllable LA indicates that all dharmas have transcended the world (loka); because the causes and conditions of the creeping plant (lata) of craving have been utterly destroyed;

7. DA is a door to all dharms because "tamed" and "taming" (dantadamatha) have been circumscribed;

8. BA indicates that the Bonds have departed from all dharmas;

9. DA that the tumult (damara) of all dharmas has vanished;

10. SHA that no attachment (shanga) in any dharma is apprehended; they are neither attached nor bound.

11. The syllable VA is a door to all dharmas because the sound of the paths of speech (vakpalhaghosha) has been quite cut off;

  1. TA because all dharmas do not depart from Suchness (tathata);
  2. YA because of the non-apprehension of any fact (yalhavad);
  3. SHTA because of the non-apprehension of a support (shtambha);
  4. KA because of the non-apprehension of an agent.

16. The syllable SA is a door to all dharmas because of the

non-apprehension of sameness (samata); they never stray away

from sameness;

17. MA because of the non-apprehension of Mine-making (mamakara);

18. GA because of that of motion (gamana)

19. STHA because of that of subsistance (sthana)

20. JA because of that of birth (jati);

21. The syllable SVA is a doorway to all dharmas because of the non-apprehension of a principle of life (svasa);

22. DHA because of that of the Realm of Dharma (dharmadhatu);

23. SA because of that of calming-down (samatha);

24. KHA because of that of the sameness of space (kha);

25. KSHA because of that of extinction (kshaya).

26. The syllable STA is a door to all dharmas because each dharma is fixed (stabdha?) in its place, and never leaves it;

27. JNA because cognition (jnana) cannot be apprehended

28. RTA because mortality (martya) cannot be apprehended;

29. HA because a root-cause (hetu), and

30. BHA because breaking-up (bhanga) cannot be apprehended.

31. The syllable CHA is a door to all dharmas because glamour (chaver apy);

32. SMA because remembrance (smarana);

33. HVA because true appellations (ahvana);

34. TSA because will-power (utsaha) cannot be apprehended:

35. BHA because things and persons are not apprehended each as one solid mass (ghana).

36. The syllable THA is a door to all dharmas because of the non-apprehension of fabricated appearances (vithapana);

37. NA because strife (ranu) has departed, no one goes or comes, stands,

sits or lies down. or makes any discriminations of this kind:

38. PHA because no fruit (phala) is apprehended:

39. SKA because no Skandhas are apprehended;

40. YSA because no decay (ysara=jara) is apprehended.

41. The syllable SCA is a door to all dharmas. because of the non-apprehension of good conduct (scarana);

42. TA because of the non-apprehension of the other shore;

43 DHA because of the non-apprehension of unsteadiness.