
Mahāvairocana Tantra

The Vairocanābhisaṃbodhi Sūtra (Vairocana’s Awakening Sutra, also known as the Mahāvairocana Tantra 大毘盧遮那成佛神變加持經; also known as 大日经, is an important Vajrayana Buddhist text composed before 674 CE. The Indian tantric master Buddhaguhya (c. 700 CE) classified the text as a caryātantra, and in Tibetan Buddhism it is still considered to be a member of the carya classification. In Japan where it is known as the Mahāvairocana Sūtra (Daibirushana jōbutsu jinpen kajikyō), it is one of two central texts in the Shingon school, along with the Vajrasekhara Sutra. Both are also part of the Tendai school.

The longer title of the scripture is Mahāvairocanābhisaṃbodhivikurvitādhiṣṭhānavaipulyasūtrendrarājanāmadharmaparyāya (Dharma Discourse Called “Mahāvairocana’s Awakening and His Empowerment of Miracles,” King of the Best of the Extensive Scriptures). Though the text is often called a tantra by later figures (including later Indian commentators), the scripture does not call itself a tantra.


The Maha-Vairocana-Abhisambodhi Tantra with Buddhaguhya's Commentary.pdf20282.4KB