Then, Śāriputra saw that there were no seats in the room and he had this thought, ‘All these bodhisattvas and great disciples, where will they sit?’
The elder Vimalakīrti, knowing his thoughts, said to Śāriputra, “What is the matter, Venerable! Have you come for the Dharma? Or are you seeking a place to sit?
Śāriputra said, “I have come for the Dharma, not for a seat.”
Vimalakīrti said, “Ah, Śāriputra! Those who seek the Dharma are not desirous of even life or limb, how much the less about a seat? Those who seek the Dharma seek that which is without form, sensation, perception, conditioning, or consciousness. They seek that which is without there being sense realms to enter. They seek that which is without desire, form, or formlessness. Ah, Śāriputra! Those who seek the Dharma seek without attachment to the Buddha. They seek without attachment to the Dharma. They seek without attachment to the Sangha. Those who seek the Dharma seek without seeing suffering. They seek without cutting off the accumulation [of suffering]. They seek without realizing the cessation [suffering] and without cultivating the [Eightfold] Path. How is it so? The Dharma is without contrived theories. If someone says that I should see suffering, cut off [its] accumulation, realize [its] cessation, and cultivate the Path, then this is just contrived theory and not seeking the Dharma. Ah, Śāriputra! The Dharma is called ‘calm cessation’ [Nirvāṇa]. If one practices arising and ceasing, this is seeking arising and ceasing, not seeking the Dharma. The Dharma is called ‘untainted’. If one is ‘tainted’ in regard to things, including Nirvāṇa, this is tainted attachment, not seeking the Dharma. The Dharma has no where to be practiced. If one practices somewhere, then that is somewhere to practice, not seeking the Dharma. The Dharma is without grasping or letting go. If one grasps at or lets go of things, then this is grasping and letting go, not seeking the Dharma. The Dharma is not a refuge. If one needs a refuge, then that is a refuge, not seeking the Dharma. The Dharma is called ‘characteristicless.’ If one’s consciousness flows in accord with characteristics this is seeking characteristics, not seeking the Dharma. The Dharma is unable to abide. If one abides in dharmas then this is a ‘dharma abiding’, not seeking the Dharma. The Dharma cannot be seen, heard, or understood. If one sees, hears, or understands, then this is seeing, hearing, and understanding, not seeking the Dharma. The Dharma is [the] unconditioned. If one practices with[in] conditions this is seeking the conditioned, not seeking the Dharma. For this reason, Śāriputra! If one seeks the Dharma, one should not seek any thing (dharma) at all.”
When these words word spoken, five hundred godlings attained purification of their Dharma Eye in regard to all phenomena (dharmas).
Then the elder Vimalakīrti asked Mañjuśrī, “Venerable, in roaming throughout immeasurable thousands of ten thousands of millions of asaṃkhyeyas of lands, which Buddha Lands have the finest, most wonderful quality lion-throne seats?”
Mañjuśrī said, “Househoulder! In the eastern direction, passing beyond lands as numerous as the sands of thirty-six Ganges Rivers, there is a world called Sumeru-dhvaja (’Banner of Mt. Meru’). It’s buddha is called Sumerupradīparāja (’Mt. Meru Lamp King’), who now appears there. That buddha’s body is eighty-four thousand yojanas tall with a lion-throne seat eighty-four thousand yojanas high, with the foremost adornments.”
At that, the elder Vimalakīrti manifested spiritual powers, then that Buddha sent forth thirty-two thousand lion-throne seats - tall, wide, beautiful, and pure. They came and entered Vimalakīrti’s room. All the bodhisattvas, great disciples, Indra, Brahma, and the Four Heavenly Kings and the others saw something they had never seen before. The room was broad and spacious enough to hold all these thirty-two thousand lion-throne seats without the slightest crowding or hindrance. The city of Vaiśālī, Jambudvipa and the four continents were also unmoved. Everything appeared just as it is.”
Then Vimalakīrti told Mañjuśrī, “Have a lion-throne seat.” And when all the bodhisattvas and great people went to sit down they had to adjust the size of their bodies to be like the seats. The bodhisattvas who had attained supernatural powers (siddhis) then transformed themselves eighty-four thousand yojanas tall and sat down on the lion-throne seats. All the newly initiated bodhisattvas and all the great disciples, however, were unable to ascend [the thrones].
Then Vimalakīrti told Śāriputra, “Have a lion-throne seat.”
Śāriputra said, ‘Househoulder! This seat is way too high. I am unable to ascend [the throne].
Vimalakīrti said, “Ah, Śāriputra! Make an offering to Sumerupradīparāja Tathāgata, then you will be able to have a seat.”
At this, all the newly initiated bodhisattvas and the great disciples made offerings to Merupradīparāja Tathāgata, and were then seated upon the lion-throne seats.
Śāriputra said, ‘Househoulder! This is unprecedented. Such a small room has made room for such high seats, and there is no hindrance in the city of Vaiśālī, nor any changes in the villages and cities of Jambudvipa, nor in any of the four continents, nor in the palaces of the devas, nāga kings and spirits.”
Vimalakīrti said, “Ah, Śāriputra! All buddhas and bodhisattvas have a liberation (vimokṣa) called ‘Inconceivable’ (Acintya). For the bodhisattva who abides in this liberation, the height and the breadth of Sumeru may be placed inside a mustard seed without any increase or decrease. Since Sumeru, the king of mountains, maintains its original characteristics, the Four Great Heavenly Kings, and all the devas of the Trāyastriṃśa Heavens are not aware, do not know that they have entered [a mustard seed]. Only those bound for the other shore see Mt. Sumeru enter into a mustard seed. This is called abiding in the dharma door of the Inconceivable Liberation.”
“[One may] also cause the waters of the four great oceans to enter into a single hair pore without discomforting the fish, turtles, tortoises, crocodiles, and [other] aquatic life forms, and the original characteristics of those great oceans remain just as before. The nāgas, spirits, and asuras do not realize that they have entered [into a single hair pore]. At this, all the sentient beings are not discomforted.”
“Also, Śāriputra! A bodhisattva abiding in the Inconceivable Liberation cuts off grasping the three thousand great thousand world-system, and just like a potter grasps the wheel in their right palm, they throw it past world systems as numerous as the grains of sand in the Ganges River, and the sentient beings within are unaware of where they have gone. Also, when it returns to its original location, none of them have any perception of having gone or returned, and the original characteristics of these world systems are just as before.”
“Also, Śāriputra! If there are sentient beings who can be liberated through their desire for longevity, a bodhisattva will extend seven days into an entire kalpa and cause those sentient beings to consider it a kalpa. If there are sentient beings who can be liberated through their desire for brevity of lifespan, a bodhisattva will compress an entire kalpa into seven days and cause those sentient beings to consider it [only] seven days.”
“Also, Śāriputra! A bodhisattva abiding in the Inconceivable Liberation can accumulate the adornments of all buddha lands and manifest them to all sentient beings in a single country. Also, a bodhisattva can take the sentient beings of a buddha land in the right palm and fly to all ten directions, showing them everything, without moving from the original location.”
“Also, Śāriputra! A bodhisattva can make all the items offered to the buddhas by [all] the sentient beings throughout the ten directions visible in a single hair pore. Also, they can make visible all the suns, moons, and constellations of the countries of the ten directions.”
“Also, Śāriputra! A bodhisattva can inhale through the mouth all the winds of the world systems in the ten directions without harming the body, and all the trees outside not being damaged. Also, during the kalpa-ending conflagration by of the world systems of the ten directions, the can take all the fires within his abdomen, and though the fires will be as before they will not be harmed. Also, passing beyond buddha world systems in the lower direction more numerous than the sands of the Ganges River, they can take a single buddha land and lift it up in the upper direction, passing beyond world systems more numerous than the sands of the Ganges River, like they are holding a needle or a thorn, not inconvenienced [at all by doing so].”
“Also, Śāriputra! A bodhisattva abiding in the Inconceivable Liberation is able to use their spiritual powers to manifest the body of a buddha, or to manifest the body of a pratyekabuddha, or to manifest the body of a śrāvaka, or to manifest the body of Indra, or to manifest the body of Brahma, or to manifest the body of a world lord, or to manifest the body of a wheel-turning sage king. They are also able to transform all the voices throughout the world systems - high, medium, and low - into the voices of the buddha, making the sounds of impermanence, suffering, emptiness, and no-self. Also, all the various kinds of Dharmas explained by the buddhas of the ten directions are heard everywhere in those sounds.”
“Śāriputra! I have now briefly explained the power of the bodhisattva’s Inconceivable Liberation. If I were to explain it extensively, a kalpa could pass and I would still not be finished.”
At that moment Mahākāśyapa, hearing this explanation of the bodhisattva’s Inconceivable Liberation, sighed at what he had never heard before and said to Śāriputra, “It is like someone putting various painted images before a blind person. They are not being seen. All the śrāvakas hear this Inconceivable Liberation Dharma Door, but they are unable to understand it, even though it’s there! If a wise person hears this, who wouldn’t generate anuttara-samyak-sambodhi citta? How have we cut off our capacities for this Great Vehicle for so long, just like destroyed seeds? All the śrāvakas, hearing this Inconceivable Liberation Dharma Door, should all cry out with a voice that shakes the Three Thousand Great Thousand World System, and all the bodhisattvas should be anointed by joy at receiving this Dharma. If a bodhisattva is ‘faithfully liberated’ in the Inconceivable Liberation Dharma Door, what could the Hordes of Mara do?”
When Mahākāśyapa gave said these things, thirty-two thousand godlings all generated anuttara-samyak-sambodhi citta.
Then Vimalakīrti said to Mahākāśyapa, “Venerable! Those that make [act as] Mara Kings within immeasurable asaṃkhyeya world systems throughout the Ten Directions, many are bodhisattvas abiding in the Inconceivable Liberation. By the power of skillful means they teach and transform sentient beings, appearing to act as Māra Kings.”
“Also, Kāśyapa! The immeasurable Bodhisattvas throughout the Ten Directions - people come to them begging for a hand, a foot, an ear, or nose; their head, eyes, marrow or brains; blood, flesh, skin, and bone; their gatherings and settlements, their cities and states; their spouses and children, servants and slaves; elephants, horses, carts and vehicles; gold, silver, lapis lazuli, mother-of-pearl, agate, coral, and conch shells; cloth and clothing, drink and food - like this, people begging, many are bodhisattvas abiding in the Inconceivable Liberation. By the power of skillful means, they go to test the [bodhisattvas] resolve. How so? A bodhisattva abiding in the Inconceivable Liberation has awesome ‘virtue power’ and can, therefore, practice ‘compelling’, demonstrating such hardships of sentient beings. Ordinary people are inferior. They are without the power and unable to ‘compel’ bodhisattvas like this. It is just like the kicking or trampling of a dragon or elephant. No donkey could withstand it. This is called abiding in the gateway of bodhisattva’s Wisdom and Skillful Means of the Inconceivable Liberation.”