
45 - Aksayamati Bodhisattva Sutra 無盡慧菩薩


Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra


Translated by the Great Tang [Dynasty] Tripitaka master Bodhiruci

無盡慧菩薩會 第四十五

Inexhaustible Wisdom Bodhisattva [#45]


Thus have I heard: One time the Buddha was is in Rājagṛha, Gṛdhrakūṭa [Vultures Peak] with great bhikkus, twelve hundred fifty people in all. At that time there were also ten thousand bodhisattva mahasattvas. They were called: Wisdom Banner Bodhisattva, Dharma Banner Bodhisattva, Moon Banner Bodhisattva, Sun Banner Bodhisattva, Boundless Banner Bodhisattva, along with sixteen lay bodhisattvas, with Bhadrapāla foremost [among them]. Also, there were sixty bodhisattva mahasattvas of incomparable mind, with Manjusri foremost [among them]. Also, there were all [16 of] the bodhisattva mahasattvas of the [present] Bhadrakalpa [‘Good Time’], with 🧘🏿Maitreya Bodhisattva foremost [among them]. Also, there were sixty thousand bodhisattva mahasattvas, with 🧘🏽‍♂️Aksayamati (Inexhaustible Wisdom) Bodhisattva foremost [among them].


At that time, 🧘🏽‍♂️Aksayamati (Inexhaustible Wisdom) Bodhisattva arose from his seat, bared his right shoulder, placed his right knee on the ground, and faced the Buddha with his palms joined, bowing his head and praised him by scattering jeweled flowers around the Buddha as offerings. Then he addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One, when the ☸️bodhicitta (mind of enlightenment) is spoken of, what is meant by the mind of enlightenment? Also, how many dharmas does it take for a bodhisattva to achieve the mind of enlightenment? What is the mind of enlightenment? Within ☸️bodhi (enlightenment) there is no mind attainable. Within the mind, enlightenment is also unattainable. Apart from enlightenment, the mind is unattainable. Apart from the mind, enlightenment is unattainable. That which is enlightenment is formless and characteristicless, unable to be spoken of [‘trackless’]. The mind is also formless, characteristicless, unable to be indicated. So, too, are sentient beings, completely unattainable. World-Honored One, all Dharmas being like this, what meaning should [one] rely on in order to observe [and/the] practice [caryā]?


The Buddha said “Virtuous son, listen and I will tell you. That which is enlightenment [bodhi] is originally without name or description [‘trackless’]. How so? Because within enlightenment names and descriptions cannot be attained. The mind and sentient beings are also like this. If one knows like this, it is called the mind of enlightenment. That which is enlightenment has no past, future, or present mind, and sentient beings are also without past, future or present. If one knows the meaning of this, that is called a bodhisattva. Within that, there is also nothing attainable and for every part of the dharma there is also nothing attainable. This is called attaining the mind of enlightenment. Like an arhat who has attained the fruit of an arhat, within this there is nothing to attain. Only conventionally is it said there is attainment of fruit. With all dharmas, there is nothing to attain. Attaining the mind of enlightenment is also like this. It is for welcoming novice bodhisattvas that we speak of the mind of enlightenment. Within this there is no mind or the term ‘mind’. There is no enlightenment or the term ‘enlightenment’. There is no sentient being or the term ‘sentient being’. There is no voice-hearer or the term ‘voice-hearer’. There is no solitary enlightened one or the term ‘solitary enlightened one’. There is no bodhisattva or the terms ‘bodhisattva.’ There is no Thus Come One or the term ‘Thus Come One’. There is no conditioned or the term ‘conditioned’. There is no unconditioned or the term ‘unconditioned’. There is no present attainment or future attainment.”


“Virtuous son, I will now rely on words like this to demonstrate.”


If of all sentient beings, [there is someone whose] virtuous roots are broad and great, surpassing all sentient beings:


Like Mt. Sumeru, rising above all others - this is the first initiation of enlightenment, by way of the paramita of giving.


Like the great earth, able to stabilize all things - this is the second initiation of enlightenment, by the paramita of moral discipline.


Resolved and intent, boldly progressing and peacefully receiving afflictions, like the awesomeness of a lion-king, masters all beasts, body without fear - this is the third initiation of enlightenment, by way of the paramita of patience.


Powerful and swift, able to subdue afflictions, like Nārāyaṇa defeats opponents - this is the fourth initiation of enlightenment, by way of the paramita of determination.


Meritoriously virtuous roots of all types bursting forth, like the flowers of the [heavenly] pārijāta and kovidāra trees in bloom - this is the fifth initiation of enlightenment, by way of the paramita of dhyana.


Cleared of ignorance and darkness, like the boundless radiance of the sun - this is the sixth initiation of enlightenment, by way of the paramita of prajñā.


Meritoriously satisfied and joyful [manobhirāma], each and every adornment, all fully attained, like a great merchant uses their abundance skillfully to uplift those in danger and hardship – this is the seventh initiation of enlightenment, by way of the paramita of expedient means.


Obstructions removed, the mind fully satisfied and joyful like a clear, full moon – this is the eighth initiation of enlightenment, by the paramita of power.


Buddha lands and sentient beings, all fully adorned in purity, virtuous dharmas all having been achieved, like a poor person who attains an inexhaustible treasury can fulfill all wishes – this is the ninth initiation of enlightenment, by the paramita of will/vow [pranidhana].


Fortunate and wise, boundless like empty space, sovereign of the Dharma, like a wheel-turning sage king, having been anointed – this is the tenth initiation of enlightenment, by the paramita of knowledge.


Virtuous son, one who succeeds in observing these ten kinds of initiations of enlightenment is called a bodhisattva, is called a supreme being, a being without obstruction/hindrance, not an inferior being. Yet, since the meaning of Reality is unattainable, there is no sentient being, mind, or enlightenment.


Furthermore, virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of ☸️dāna (giving)  regard 10 dharmas as foremost: 

1️⃣一者信根。The root of faith

2️⃣二者信力。the power of faith

3️⃣三者意樂。joyful mind, [manobhirāma]

4️⃣四者增上意樂。ever-increasing joyful mind

5️⃣五者饒益眾生。enriching sentient beings

6️⃣六者大慈。great kindness

7️⃣七者大悲。great compassion

8️⃣八者行四攝法。practicing the four means of unification

9️⃣九者愛樂佛法。love and joy for buddha dharma

🔟十者求一切智。searching for omniscience.


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of ☸️śīla (discipline) regard 10 dharmas as foremost: 

1️⃣一者身業清淨。purifying bodily karma

2️⃣二者語業清淨。purifying speech karma

3️⃣三者意業清淨。purifying mental karma

4️⃣四者無怨害心。a mind without resentment or anger

5️⃣五者淨除惡趣。purifying and eliminating ‘evil’ destinations

6️⃣六者遠離八難。avoiding the eight adversities

7️⃣七者超諸聲聞辟支佛地。transcending all stages of voice hearers and pratyeka-buddhas

8️⃣八者安住佛功德。securely abiding in Buddha merit

9️⃣九者滿諸希望。fulfilling all wishes

🔟十者成就大願。achieving  great devotion [maha-praṇidhāna].


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of ☸️kṣānti (patience) regard 10 dharmas as foremost:

1️⃣一者捨離瞋恚。abandoning hatred2️⃣二者不計其身。not ‘determining’ their body3️⃣三者不計其命。not ‘determining’ their life4️⃣四者信解。liberative faith5️⃣五者成熟眾生。maturing sentient beings6️⃣六者慈力。the power of compassion7️⃣七者隨順法忍。the patience of being in accord with the Dharma8️⃣八者甚深法忍。the patience for extremely profound Dharma9️⃣九者廣大勝忍。vast, great, and supreme patience🔟十者破無明暗。dispelling the darkness of ignorance.


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of ☸️vīrya (drive) regard 10 dharmas as foremost:

1️⃣一者隨諸眾生所作而作。doing in accordance with what all sentient beings do2️⃣二者身口意業常生隨喜。body, mouth, mind karma always rejoicing in the welfare of others3️⃣三者無懈怠。being without indolence [akausīdya]4️⃣四者務進趣。progressing with zeal5️⃣五者修正勤。observing correct effort6️⃣六者修念處。observing mindful places7️⃣七者破煩惱怨。cutting off all afflictions and passions8️⃣八者觀察諸法。directly perceiving all dharmas [pravicaya; investigation; meditation on and inquiry into; vibhāvana, clear perception]9️⃣九者成熟一切眾生。maturing each sentient being🔟十者求一切智。searching for omniscience.


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of ☸️dhyāna regard 10 dharmas as foremost:

1️⃣一者安住善法。securely abiding in virtuous dharmas2️⃣二者心緣一境。mind bound to one foundation3️⃣三者緣境等至。the bound foundation equipoise4️⃣四者正定。Correct concentration [samyak-samadhi]5️⃣五者禪解脫。liberation through dhyana6️⃣六者定根。the root of concentration7️⃣七者定力。the power of concentration8️⃣八者壞煩惱怨。destruction of afflictions and passions9️⃣九者定聚圓滿。the perfection of concentration🔟十者護法三昧。protecting the dharma samadhi.


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of ☸️prajñā (wisdom) regard 10 dharmas as foremost:

1️⃣一者善觀察諸陰。directly perceiving all aggregations [skandhas]2️⃣二者善觀察界處。virtuously directly perceiving dhatus3️⃣三者正見。correct view4️⃣四者正念。correct mindfulness5️⃣五者了知聖諦。completely understanding the Noble Truths6️⃣六者捨離諸見。abandoning all views7️⃣七者慧根。the root of wisdom8️⃣八者無生法忍。patience tolerance for the non-arising of dharmas9️⃣九者慧力。the power of wisdom🔟十者無障礙智。unobstructed wisdom.


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of ☸️upāya (skillful means) regard 10 dharmas as foremost

1️⃣一者入諸眾生心行欲樂。entering the minds, habits, desires, and joys of all sentient beings2️⃣二者以力加諸眾生。strengthening sentient beings by way of power3️⃣三者大慈大悲。great kindness and great compassion4️⃣四者成熟眾生而無厭倦。maturing sentient beings without weary5️⃣五者捨離聲聞辟支佛地。being free of all stages of voice-hearers and pratyeka-buddhas6️⃣六者殊勝智見。the view of superior wisdom7️⃣七者修習諸波羅蜜。cultivating all paramitas8️⃣八者如實觀諸法。like Reality, perceiving all dharmas / or / perceiving all dharmas thus9️⃣九者攝不思議力。harmonizing inconceivable power🔟十者不退轉地。the non-regressing stage.


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of power regard 10 dharmas as foremost:

1️⃣一者知一切眾生心行稠林。knowledge of the ‘forest of conditioning’ [forest of conditionings] of the minds of each sentient being2️⃣二者知一切眾生煩惱行稠林。knowledge of the ‘forest of conditioning’ of the afflictions of each sentient being3️⃣三者知一切眾生意樂勝解行稠林。knowledge of the ‘forest of conditioning’ of the joys and supreme liberations of each sentient being4️⃣四者知一切眾生根行稠林。knowledge of ‘forest of conditioning’ of the faculties/capacities/organs/roots [indriyas] of each sentient being5️⃣五者知一切眾生種種界行稠林。knowledge of the ‘forest of conditioning’ of the various types of realms of each sentient being6️⃣六者知一切眾生隨煩惱行稠林。knowledge of the ‘forest of conditioning’ of the sequent afflictions of each sentient being7️⃣七者知一切眾生死生行稠林。knowledge of the ‘forest of conditioning’ of the birth and death of each sentient being8️⃣八者知一切眾生三世業報行稠林。knowledge of the ‘forest of conditioning’ of the karmic results, past, present and future, of each sentient being9️⃣九者知一切眾生習氣煩惱行稠林。knowledge of the ‘forest of conditioning’ of the habitual/residual afflictions of each sentient being🔟十者以無疲倦心成熟眾生諸根行稠林。ripening the faculties/capacities/organs/roots [indriyas] of each sentient beings’ ‘forest of conditioning’ with a tireless mind.


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of devotion regard 10 dharmas as foremost:

1️⃣一者知一切法無生。knowledge that each dharma is unproduced2️⃣二者知一切法無相。knowledge that each dharma is characteristicless3️⃣三者知一切法無滅。knowledge that each dharma is without cessation4️⃣四者知一切法無所有。knowledge that each dharma is without any being5️⃣五者於一切法無執著。being unattached toward each dharma6️⃣六者知一切法無來。knowledge that each dharma does not come7️⃣七者知一切法無去。knowledge that each dharma does not go8️⃣八者知一切法無自性。knowledge that each dharma is without self-nature9️⃣九者知一切法無初中後平等。knowledge that each dharma is equanimous, without beginning, middle, or end🔟十者於一切法初中後無分別。not differentiating the beginning, middle, or end of each dharma.


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattvas practicing the paramita of knowledge regard 10 dharmas as foremost:

1️⃣一者於一切法善能了知決擇。virtuous, complete ability in understanding and investigating [pravicāra] all dharmas2️⃣二者善能圓滿白法。virtuous ability to perfect the ‘white’ dharma3️⃣三者積習菩薩無量資糧。the accumulation of immeasurable bodhisattva supplies [saṃbhāra]4️⃣四者成就廣大福智資糧。achieving vast supplies of fortune and wisdom5️⃣五者大悲圓滿。perfecting great compassion6️⃣六者入種種差別世界。entering all types of differentiated realms7️⃣七者入一切眾生諸煩惱行。entering the afflictions and conditioning of each sentient being8️⃣八者作意入如來境界。creating a mind that enters the realm of the Thus Come One9️⃣九者趣入十力無畏不共佛法殊勝境界。directing [that mind] to enter the extraordinary realm of the ten powers, fearless, incomparable Buddha Dharma🔟十者受灌頂位成就一切智最勝之相。receiving the seat of anointment, achieving the characteristics of the all-knowing supreme [one].


These are the ten.


Virtuous son, bodhisattva mahasattvas practicing the ten paramitas regard [each of] these ten dharmas as foremost.


Furthermore, virtuous son, what it is the meaning of Paramita?


To clearly realize and surpass the practices of all Voice-Hearers and Solitary Sage;


[Being] broad and great, wholly complete Tathagata Knowledge,


To neither release nor grasp the conditioned or unconditioned, 


To completely understanding, truly thus, the error of birth and death 


To cause to be enlightened those not yet enlightened, 


To obtain the inexhaustible Dharma Treasury of the Tathagata. 


To obtain unhindered/unobstructed vimokṣa (liberation) (vimoksa)


To aid all sentient beings by giving (dana)


To completely fulfill the Original Vow by discipline (sila)


Perfectly adorned in majestic characteristics by patience (ksanti) 


To fathom the depths of all dharmas by determination (virya)


To generate the four immeasurables by meditation (dhyana) 


To extinguish all afflictions by wisdom (prajna) 


To accumulate all Buddha Dharma by skillfulness (upaya) 


To cause all Buddha Dharma to be fulfilled by devotion (pranidhana)


To cause sentient beings to generate pure confidence by power (bala) 


To obtain the omniscience of the Thus Come One by knowledge (jnana) 


To obtain the Patient Tolerance for the Birthlessness of all dharmas


To reach the stage of non-regression 


To purify a buddha land, 


To mature sentient beings 


To fulfill all Tathagata Knowledge at the Bodhi Dojo 


To conquer all mara demons


To ramble the [four-step] path of spiritual powers. 


To abide neither in samsara or nirvana, 


To transcend the merit of all Voice Hearers, solitary sages and bodhisattvas, 


To defeat all doctrines 


To achieve the Ten Powers, Four Fearlessnessess, and unique Buddha Dharma, 


To directly perceive correct, unequaled enlightenment, 


And, to turn the 12 kinds of wheels.


Thus are all the meanings of paramita.

TODO: figure out how to order/present these videos.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the first stage, Extreme Joy (Pramudita), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see within three thousand great thousand world-systems hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of numerous hidden jeweled treasuries.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the second stage, Stainless (Vimala), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see the ground of three thousand great thousand world-systems flat as their palm, gloriously adorned by immeasurable hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of pure, jeweled lotuses.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the third stage, Radiant/Illuminated (Prabhakari), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see their body covered in armor, brandishing a wand, bold and firm, assuredly dispelling and subjugating enemies.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the fourth stage, Radiant Mind (Arcismati), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see winds blow from the four directions, covering the ground with all kinds of rare flowers.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the fifth stage, Difficult to Master (Sudurjaya), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see a woman crowned in atimuktaka, varsika, and campaka flowers, her body [wearing] all kinds of adornments.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the sixth stage, Manifestation (Abhimukhi), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see a flower pond with waters ofthe eight virtues, clear, pure and overflowing, and the steps of four jeweled Paths lead to golden sand at the bottom. Also inside this pond are Utpala flowers (blue lotus), padma (red) flowers, Kumuda flowers (white), and will also see Pundarikaflowers gloriously adorned. And they will see themselves playing in that pond.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the seventh stage, Gone Afar (Duramgama), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see to the left and right of their bodies all the hell realms there are, and from them pass unharmed.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the eighth stage, Immovable (Acala), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see themselves baring the ‘marks/signs/characteristics of a lion king, frightening all animals/beasts.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the ninth stage, Subtle Mind (Sadhumati), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see themselves as a wheel-turning sage king/monarch and teacher of the Correct Dharma, surrounded by hundreds, of thousands, of millions of nayutas of kings/monarchs, covered by all kinds of jeweled, gloriously adorned canopies, covered in bodhisattvas.


Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the tenth stage, Dharma Cloud (Dharmamegha), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see their body the color of actual gold, complete with the thirty-two types of great auspicious signs and haloed/surrounded by light to 8 feet. They will be tranquilly seated on tall, broad lion thrones, and immeasurable, hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of Brahma gods will come before them and make offerings them respectfully and listen to explain the dharma.


Virtuous son, bodhisattva mahasattvas by the power of samadhi, manifest visions of the ten stages like this.

復次善男子。Furthermore, virtuous son,

初地菩薩圓滿施波羅蜜。 First Stage bodhisattvas complete dana-paramita 二地菩薩圓滿戒波羅蜜。 Second Stage bodhisattvas complete sila-paramita 三地菩薩圓滿忍波羅蜜。 Third Stage bodhisattvas complete ksanti-paramita 四地菩薩圓滿精進波羅蜜。 Fourth Stage bodhisattvas complete virya-paramita 五地菩薩圓滿禪波羅蜜。 Fifth Stage bodhisattvas complete dhyana-paramita 六地菩薩圓滿般若波羅蜜。 Sixth Stage bodhisattvas complete prajna-paramita 七地菩薩圓滿方便波羅蜜。 Seventh Stage bodhisattvas complete upaya-paramita 八地菩薩圓滿力波羅蜜。 Eighth Stage bodhisattvas complete bala-paramita 九地菩薩圓滿願波羅蜜。 Ninth Stage bodhisattvas complete pranidhana-paramita 十地菩薩圓滿智波羅蜜。 Tenth Stage bodhisattvas complete jnana-paramita

復次善男子。Furthermore, virtuous son,

菩薩初發心得現寶三昧。 Bodhisattvas making the initial generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Manifestation of Jewels Samadhi 第二發心得善住三昧。 [those] making the second generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Well-Abiding Samadhi 第三發心得不動三昧。 [those] making the third generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Immovable (Acala) Samadhi 第四發心得不退轉三昧。 [those] making the fourth generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Non-Regressing Samadhi 第五發心得寶花三昧。 [those] making the fifth generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Jewel Flower Samadhi 第六發心得日輪光明三昧。 [those] making the sixth generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Light of the Sun Samadhi 第七發心得成就一切義三昧。 [those] making the seventh generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Realization of All Meaning Samadhi 第八發心得智炬三昧。 [those] making the eighth generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Torch of Wisdom Samadhi 第九發心得現證佛法三昧。 [those] making the ninth generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Manifest Realization of Buddhadharma Samadhi 第十發心得首楞嚴三昧 [those] making the tenth generation of [bodhi]citta attain the Durable (Surangama) Samadhi

復次善男子。Furthermore, virtuous son,


While in the First Stage, bodhisattvas attain 第二地中得無能勝陀羅尼。 第三地中得善住陀羅尼。 第四地中得不可壞陀羅尼。 第五地中得無垢陀羅尼。 第六地中得智輪燈陀羅尼。 第七地中得殊勝行陀羅尼。 第八地中得清淨分別陀羅尼。 第九地中得示現無邊法門陀羅尼。 第十地中得無盡法藏陀羅尼


At that time, the was a deva-putra ('godling') among the assembly named...




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