


Śāriputra शारिपुत्र 舍利弗 or 奢利弗羅 (or 奢利弗多羅 or 奢利富羅or 奢利富多羅); 奢利補担羅; 舍利子.

One of the ten chief disciples of Śākyamuni, each of whom was master of one power or gift. Śāriputra is master of wisdom; Maudgalyāyana of supernatural powers; Mahākāśyapa of asceticism; Aniruddha of the Divine Eye; Subhūti of the Wisdom Eye [explaining emptiness]; Pūrṇa of expounding the Dharma; Kātyāyana of expounding the Dharma’s fundamental principles; Upāli of maintaining the Vinaya (rules); Rāhula of the esoteric; and Ānanda of hearing and/or remembering.

Born at Nālandāgrāṃa, the son of Śārikā and Tiṣya, hence known as Upatiṣya; he is the "right-hand attendant on Śākyamuni". The followers of the Abhidharma count him as their founder and other works are attributed to him. He figures prominently in many sutras. He is said to have died before the Buddha. He is represented as standing with Maudgalyāyana by the Buddha when entering nirvana. He is to reappear as Padmaprabha Buddha 華光佛.

The maṇi 寶珠, ‘wish-fulfilling pearl or gem; a talisman; is a symbol of Śāriputra.

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