The Magician Bhadra

The Magician Bhadra

Sutra 21 of the

Full Sutra Text.


Background on magic in sutras prior to this sutra.


  1. Thus have I heard 📿 ▶️ (58:20)
    1. 🧘🏿‍♂️Gautama Buddha was dwelling near Mount Gțdhrakūta near Rājagļha with
      1. 1,250 Arhats
      2. 5,000 Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas who:
        1. had achieved great, ☸️siddhi (magical powers) to perform magical feats at will;
        2. had achieved the Realization of the Nonarising of Dharmas;
        3. had acquired dhāraņis
        4. were led by: 1:01:43
          1. Bodhisattva Lion,
          2. Bodhisattva Lion Wisdom
          3. Bodhisattva Wonderful Sandalwood
          4. Bodhisattva Subduer
          5. Bodhisattva Great Subduer
          6. Bodhisattva Superior Light
          7. Bodhisattva Revealing Light
          8. Bodhisattva Dignified Light
          9. Bodhisattva Adorned with Light
          10. Bodhisattva Bright Enlightenment
          11. Bodhisattva Assembly Leader
          12. Bodhisattva Subduer of Sentient Beings
          13. all the Bodhisattvas of the Worthy Kalpa
          14. 🧘🏿Maitreya Bodhisattva
          15. Dharma Prince 🧘🏻Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva
          16. and others.
      3. surrounded by:
        1. the Four Great Deva Kings
        2. Śakra
        3. Brahmā, master of the Sahā World
        4. and incalculable numbers of gods, dragons, yakșas, asuras, gandharvas, kinnaras, mahoragas, and so fort
    2. The Tathāgata, the ☸️Bhagavān (World Honored One), had a great name that was universally known throughout the world: the Tathāgata ▶️ (1:03:10)
      1. ☸️arhat (worthy one) (Worthy of Offerings)
      2. ☸️samyak-saṃbodhi (Perfectly Enlightened)
      3. Perfect in Knowledge and Conduct
      4. ☸️sugata (Well Gone)
      5. Knower of the World
      6. Supreme Master
      7. Tamer of Men
      8. Teacher of Devas and Humans
      9. Buddha
      10. ☸️Bhagavān (World Honored One)
    3. he had accomplished ▶️ (1:06:47)
      1. the Ten Powers
      2. the Four Kinds of Fearlessness
      3. Four Unimpeded Liberations
      4. the Eighteen Unique Dharmas
      5. great kindness and great compassion
      6. and perfected the Five Eyes
    4. he could
      1. miraculously make pronouncements
      2. teach others
      3. and wield spiritual powers perfectly and completely
    5. he was able to take three thousand great thousand-world system
      1. with their earths, cities, towns, grass, trees, forests, Mount Sumerus, oceans, rivers, and celestial palaces and halls
      2. and place them on the tip of a single hair abiding in infinite empty space, for a ☸️kalpa (4+ eons) or more
      3. and just like his mindfulness during this time, they would not falter or move
    6. At this time in the city of Rājagṛha, all regarded the Tathāgata with great reverence and honor ▶️ (1:08:11)
    7. In that city, there was a magician named Bhadra, who was ▶️ (1:08:46)
      1. well-versed in heterodox theories
      2. skilled in the techniques of mantras
      3. and who was foremost among the magicians
    8. In the land of Magadha, with the exception of those who could perceive the truth, and those who had right faith, such as the ☸️upāsakas and ☸️upāsikās (attendants of The Buddha), the others in their foolishness were easily confused by his illusions and believed in them
    9. When the magician heard of the merits and designations of the Tathāgata, ▶️ (1:09:41)
      1. he thought
        1. “Now in this city amongst its sentient beings, everyone has a mind of reverence toward me. Śramaṇa Gautama is the only one who does not yet believe and has not yet been subdued. I will go now to compare with him and test him. If he yields to me, then the people of Magadha will certainly respect me even more!”
      2. Then that magician, due to formerly planted good karma which had matured at that time, through the sovereign power of the ☸️Bhagavān (World Honored One), went from the city of Rājagṛha to Gṛdhrakūṭa Mountain.
      3. There he saw the radiance of the Buddha which surpassed that of a hundred thousand suns.
        1. His round face was pleasant like the full moon.
        2. His bodily appearance was full and complete like a nyagrodha tree.
        3. The appearance of his hair was pure like the light of a maṇi jewel.
        4. The appearance of his eyes was deep blue like a blue lotus flower.
        5. The crown of his head was such that even the brahmā devas were unable to see it.
        6. With sixty types of pure tones he spoke the Dharma for the multitudes.
      4. Although the magician had seen the sovereign power and extraordinary honor of the Tathāgata, he still cherished his false pride. Moreover, he thought
        1. “I should now test him. If he is the all-knowing one, then he should know my intent!”
      5. After he had thought this, he then bowed his head at the feet of the Buddha, and said,
        1. “I wish that tomorrow you will receive my small offering.”
      6. At that time, the ☸️Bhagavān (World Honored One) observed the magician as well as the sentient beings of Rājagṛha had roots that had matured, and to mature them, he silently accepted the invitation.
      7. Then that magician saw that the ☸️Bhagavān (World Honored One) had accepted the invitation, and thought,
        1. “Now this Gautama does not know my intent. He is certainly not one who is all-knowing!”
      8. He then withdrew, paid his respects, and departed.
    10. Venerable Maudgalyāyana was then in the assembly and had seen this. ▶️ (1:13:00)
      1. He faced the Buddha and addressed him, saying,
      2. “This Bhadra wishes to deceive the Tathāgata as well as the assembly of bhikṣus! I respectfully ask that the Bhagavān not accept this invitation!”
    11. The Buddha told Maudgalyāyana,
      1. “Do not think this way. Only those with [the three ☸️kleśa (poison)s] ▶️ (1:16:00)
        1. ☸️rāga (craving)
        2. ☸️dveṣa,
        3. and ☸️moha (delusion)
      2. are able to be deceived and confused.
      3. I have long since severed and extinguished these, and attained realization that dharmas are fundamentally unarisen.
      4. Throughout eons, I have peacefully abided in correct practice.
      5. Who would be able to deceive me? You should now know that this person does not create true magic.
      6. The Tathāgata is the one who makes true magic. Why? This is due to the present realization that dharmas are all like illusions. Even if all types of sentient beings could accomplish magical techniques like Bhadra, they would not match even one hundred thousandth those of the Tathāgata.”