bhumi visualizations

Bodhisattva’s mahasattvas about to abide in the first stage, Extreme Joy (Pramudita), will first ‘have this sign’ – they will see within three thousand great thousand world-systems hundreds of thousands of millions of nayutas of numerous hidden jeweled treasuries.

Visualization v1

  • take the “jewel” (object/form you’re holding on to)
  • then imagine another jewel, and another, until you fill a treasury
  • imagine numerous treasuries full of jewels
  • hide the all of the “world”
  • imagine that world in a world system
  • imagine another world system, and another, until you have 10 world systems, and then 10 of those world systems, 100, and so on multiplying the number larger until they are lost in emptiness
  • abide
  • imagine the object/form, you now see “things as they are” and can work with it to surface attachments or find suchness

Visualization v2

First iteration after working with the visualization.

You can actually use this for numerous forms that might represent a larger letting go. For instance, if you desire wealth or are hoarding your wealth you can put all the items that you desire or hold in there.

One problem is that the “form” of many things we now desire aren’t easily visualizable as something that you put into a physical space. Instead, we can just imagine these objects around the earth as they lie. Modern people have a very different model in their mind of the world we inhabit, very different but also much easier for us to visualize since we are accustomed to satellite imagery, we can use that.

Zoom in and out of Google Earth a bit, watch some documentaries on the solar system, get bring a vivid sense of space to your visualizations, anchor them to your own sense of our own cosmology whatever that may be. If it’s scientific, go with that, if it’s more abstract, use it.

  • find the forms you’re working with, imagine where each one is in the world one by one and all the space connecting them
  • move up, see the rooftops and then the landscape, the continent, the curve of the earth, the earth from space, move beyond our solar system, into the cosmos, further and further
  • until our cosmos is a little dot, and then you place four more dots in each corner of your view, and you take a moment to consider each one another cosmos, and as you continue to move up they join the first dot, and that’s 5 cosmos, and you consider that this single dot has 5 cosmos in it
  • and four more dots, each one another 5 cosmos, and you zoom out until it’s one dot with 25 cosmos inside
  • and again, and again, and think of how these multiply, and you go faster and faster until you have so many they are undifferentiated
  • and then you push that dot out until it’s gone, and the universe is empty
  • immediately return to one of these forms, inspect it as it is, see what it reveals


i came across a name of someone i know that caused mild feelings of anger to arise. a little resentment maybe. i used a very fast visualization, the feelings weren’t deeply rooted. when i brought him back into my mind i could see the causes of my anger, and underneath them was shame. i had made a judgement about him early on and had not always treated him well, and he wasnt always liked by others so it was easy to do, and i’m ashamed of how i treated him. i… attachment to self, some time in no-self insight and i worked it out. almost like a massage, working out a knot in someone’s back.

i’m gonna think of his name every 10 minutes or so to see if anything else comes up or if the effect fades.

maybe i’ll try to call him soon.