Giving as a way of being

Shaping consciousness requires that you set the mind in motion.

When attached to objects, we may use our thoughts to direct our actions.

To give without being attached to objects, to give as a Bodhisattva gives, we must shape our consciousness so that our actions are sent in motion to give to others.

Glass of water at a Cocktail Party

You’re standing next to someone new at a cocktail party.

You’re thirsty.

A woman carrying a tray offers you both a single glass of water.

🚪1️⃣ Samsara

Trapped in Samsara, upon seeing the object of desire you take the glass and drink it.

You do not have the thought “I should have this water,” you don’t think about it at all.

Being in a conditioned state of desire you will acquire the object of desire.

This is often done without malice towards others. When attached to a self our conditioned state of being is indifference towards the well being of others when presented with the object our our desire.

But what is the result of this action?

Even without anger or malice, even without a single “negative” thought, our actions can still cause negative consequences for other beings.

🚪2️⃣ Attachment to Objects

Engaged in the path toward enlightenment you resolve to give to others and begin practicing the perfection of Dana.

Upon seeing the object of desire you have the thought “this is an opportunity to practice giving!”

You insist on giving the glass of water to the person you’ve just met.

This is practicing with attachment to objects.

In practicing this way, we learn to recognize and eventually free ourselves from desire.

In practicing this way, we build a consciousness that is concerned for the well being of others.

It is important that, when our mind differentiates objects, we release our attachment to them in acts of giving. We should not think “giving in this way is attached to objects and therefor i should not give in this way” for giving in this way releases us from our attachment to those objects.

Upon seeing objects of desire a Bodhisattva should have the thought “this is an opportunity to practice giving!”

Upon practicing giving with attachment to objects a Bodhisattva should then have the thought “in practicing giving with attachment, i should also practice releasing my attachment to objects.”

In introspection of a Bodhisattva’s own mind they identify the causes of differentiation of giver (self), gift (water glass) and recipient (other).