
Past LUSB Courses

These videos are part of the LUSB course curriculum. If you are not an enrolled student or have not registered for a course, please consider contributing towards the tuition on a suggested, pay-what-you-can basis of $50 - $250 for each course. For more go to: https://www.lotusunderground.com/support-the-project

⛩️Turning the Dharma Wheel FALL 2021⛩️Turning the Dharma Wheel SPRING 2022⛩️Turning the Dharma Wheel - 10 week introduction to Buddhism⛩️Turning the Dharma Wheel - FALL 2023⛩️Wheel of Becoming - WINTER 2022⛩️Wheel of Becoming - SPRING 2022⛩️Wheel of Becoming - WINTER 2023 ⛩️Wheel of Becoming - WINTER 2025⛩️Eight Schools - SPRING 2022⛩️Eight Schools - FALL 2022⛩️Eight Schools - SPRING 2023⛩️Heart Sutra - FALL 2021 ⛩️Heart Sutra SPRING 2022⛩️Vajra Sutra - WINTER 2022 ⛩️Vajra Sutra - SUMMER 2022⛩️Way of the Vajra SPRING 2023⛩️Mother of Buddhas SPRING 2023⛩️Ten Stages - SUMMER 2023⛩️Emptiness - SUMMER 2023⛩️Universal Gateway Sutra FALL 2023 ⛩️Yogacara Buddhism FALL 2022⛩️Ground of Being WINTER 2024⛩️Turning the Dharma Wheel FALL 2024⛩️Avatamsaka Sutra - YEAR LONG STUDY