At that time, the bodhisattva mahasattva Viśālamati (’Vast Intellect’) said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One! As the World-Honored One has spoken of, ‘bodhisattvas skilled in the secrets of mind, thought, and consciousness.’ Why is a bodhisattva skilled in the secrets of mind, thought, and consciousness called a bodhisattva skilled in the secrets of mind, thought, and consciousness? Why has the Thus Come One given the description of them as bodhisattvas skilled in the secrets of mind (citta), thought (manas), and consciousness (vijñāna)?”
Then the World-Honored One told Viśālamati bodhisattva mahasattva, “Excellent, excellent! Viśālamati ! You are now able to ask the Thus Come One about the profound meaning of this. You now generate this question because you desire to benefit and gladden immeasurable sentient beings, with compassion for the world and all the gods, humans, and asuras, in order for them to realize the meaning, to benefit them, and to gladden them. You should listen closely. I will explain for you the meaning of he mysteries of the mind, thought, and consciousness?”
“Viśālamati, you should know, all those various beings within the six destines of life & death fall into different types of beings. Whether born of an egg, born of a womb, born of moisture, or born by transformation, their bodies separate and arise, within which, from the very beginning, all the seeds of mind-consciousness (citta vijñāna) develop, transforms, comes together, grows and expands depending upon two appropriations: 1. The appropriation of material senses and what they depend on, and 2. the appropriation of the propensity toward differentiating characteristics by names and verbal fabrications. Within the realm of form there are these two appropriations. Within the formless realm there are not these two kinds.”
“Viśālamati! This consciousness is also called ādānavijñāna (’clinging consciousness’). Why? Because this consciousness follows and clings to the body. It is also called ālayavijñāna. Why? because this consciousness embraces the body, is stored within it, jointly at peace and in peril. It is also known as mind (citta). Why? Because this consciousness accumulates and amplifies forms, sounds, scents, flavors, tactile feelings, and so on.”
“Viśālamati! With the ādānavijñāna as a basis, as a foundation, the six consciousnesses of the body (r)evolve, which are eye consciousness, ear, nose, tongue, body, and thought consciousness. Within this there is consciousness: with eye and form as a condition there arises eye-consciousness. Along with eye-consciousness there is also, at the same time, with the same objective reference, a differentiating thought consciousness (manasvijñāna) that (r)evolves. There is consciousness: with ear, nose, tongue, body, and sounds, scents, flavors, and tactile feelings as conditions there arises ear, nose, tongue and body consciousness. Along with ear, nose, tongue and body consciousness there is also, at the same time, with the same objective reference, a differentiating thought consciousness (manasvijñāna) that (r)evolves. Viśālamati! If at some point in time a single visual consciousness (r)evolves, then at this time there will only be a single differentiating thought consciousness that (r)evolves along with visual consciousness. If, at some point in time, there are two, three, four, or five bodily consciousnesses (r)evolving, then at this time there will only be a single differentiating thought consciousness that (r)evolves along with these five bodily consciousnesses.”
Viśālamati! Just like a great torrent of flowing water, if the conditions for one wave are present, only one wave will (r)evolve. If the conditions for two or more waves are present, many waves will (r)evolve. Yet this torrent of water, itself, flows constantly, without interruption or cessation. It is also like the surface of a very clean mirror. If the conditions for one image are present, then only one image will appear. If the conditions for two or more images are present, then many images will appear. It is not that the surface of the mirror changes into images, and no end to its function can be found.”
Like this, Viśālamati! With the torrential flow of the ādānavijñāna as a basis, as a foundation, if at some point in time there are the conditions for a single visual consciousness to arise, then at this time a single visual consciousness (r)evolves. If, at some point in time there are the conditions for five bodily consciousnesses to arise, then at this time five bodily consciousnesses will (r)evolve.”
Viśālamati! Like this, bodhisattvas, with the wisdom of abiding in the Dharma as a basis, as a foundation, are skilled in the secrets of mind, thought, and consciousness, yet it is not on this account that the Thus Come One describes them as skilled in the secrets of mind, thought, and consciousness. Viśālamati! If all bodhisattvas within themselves truly do not see ādāna, (appropriation), do not see ādānavijñāna, do not see ālaya (storage), do not see ālayavijñāna, do not see accumulation (cita-sthaṃ), do not see mind (citta), do not see the eyes, forms or eye-consciousness, do not see ears, sounds, and ear-consciousness, do not see the nose, scents, and nose-consciousness, do not see the tongue, tastes, or tongue consciousness, do not see the body, tactile feelings, or body-consciousness, do not see thought, thoughts, or thought-consciousness, this is called being a bodhisattva skilled in ultimate meaning and are described by the Thus Come One as bodhisattvas skilled in ultimate meaning. Viśālamati! It is on this account that they are called bodhisattvas skilled in the secrets of mind, thought, and consciousness, and are so described by the Thus Come One.”
Then, the World Honored One, to emphasize the meaning of this, said in verse:
阿陀那識甚深細, 一切種子如瀑流, 我於凡愚不開演, 恐彼分別執為我。」
The Ādānavijñāna is profound and subtle, All seeds are like a torrential flow, I do not explain it to the ignorant, Fearing that it be differentiated and clung to as a self.