
CH 5 - The Lotus Treasury Adornment Ocean of Worlds


Samantabhadra then explains the specifics of ‘this’ Lotus Treasury Adornment Ocean of Worlds, a vast cosmic ocean of world-systems that contains the Sahā World, considered to be ‘this’ particular world-system the reader is in.

For a detailed cosmology of this chapter, see LUSB 305

The Lotus Treasury Adornment Ocean of Worlds

  • Is supported by Ten ‘Wind Discs’ (vāyu-maṇḍalaka or vāyucakra)
  • The top of which contains a surrounding ring of iron mountains (Mahācakravāla)
  • Great earth ground is within the ring of iron mountains, like vajra.
  • There are fragrant oceans upon the great earth ground within the ring of iron mountains
  • There are rivers that feed the fragrant oceans on the ground within the ring of iron mountains
  • Areas adorned with flowers and jewels are between the rivers feeding the fragrant oceans on the ground within the ring of iron mountains, on the wind discs
  • The fragrant ocean in the very center of the ring of iron mountains is called Boundless Light of Wonderous Flowers. It produces a huge lotus flower called Mani King Jewel Adornment of all Scents.
  • There is system of worlds resting on the lotus flower called Blazing Light Illuming the Ten Directions. Twenty worlds are named from within that world-system, beginning at the bottom most nadir up to the zenith.
  • The 10th world named is called Vajra Banner, and the 13th is called Sahā (’Endurance’), which is ‘this’ world. These worlds become reference points for other worlds throughout the Lotus Treasuy Adornment ocean of worlds.