Universal Wisdom Bodhisattva asks Samantabhadra Bodhisattva to define two hundred different terms related to the bodhisattva-mahāsattva transcending the world:
- Reliance
- Extraordinary perception
- Practices
- Good spiritual friends
- Diligent vigor
- Peace of minds
- Perfection of beings
- Precepts
- Self-knowledge of prediction
- Entry into the bodhisattva path
- Entry into Tathāgata[hood]
- Entry into beings' mental actions
- Entry into worlds
- Entry into kalpas
- Explanations of the three periods of time
- Entry into the three times
- Untiring mind
- Differentiating wisdom
- Dhāraṇīs
- Explanation of Buddha
- Samantabhadra Mind
- Samantabhadra practice
- Giving rise to great compassion
- Generating bodhicitta
- Revering good friends
- Purity
- Pāramitās
- Responsive understanding
- Realization
- Powers
- Equalities
- Real meaning phrases of Buddha Dharma
- Explaining Dharma
- Retaining [Dharma]
- Eloquence
- Mastery
- Non-attachment
- Mind of equality
- Producing wisdom
- Transformations
- Sustaining power
- Great consolation
- Deep entry into Buddha Dharma
- Reliances
- Fearless mind
- Mind free of doubts
- Inconceivabilty
- Skillful secret speech
- Skillful discriminating wisdom
- Entry into samadhi
- Universal entry
- Doors of liberation
- Spiritual powers
- Illuminations
- Liberations
- Gardens
- Palaces
- Delights
- Adornments
- Immovable mind
- Not abandoning the profound great mind
- Observation
- Explanation of Dharma
- Purity
- Seals
- Light of wisdom
- Incomparable dwellings
- Non-inferior mind
- Mountain-like ascending mind
- Ocean-like wisdom entering supreme enlightenment
- Jewel-like abiding
- Vajra-like great vehicle vow mind
- Great undertakings
- Ultimate great matters
- Unbreakable faith
- Prediction [of future enlightenment]
- Transference of good roots
- Gaining of wisdom
- Generating boundlessly vast mind
- Hidden treasures
- Moral precepts
- Mastery
- Unobstructed functions
- Unobstructed functions regarding beings
- Unobstructed functions regarding lands
- Unobstructed functions regarding dharmas
- Unobstructed functions regarding bodies
- Unobstructed functions regarding vows
- Unobstructed functions regarding realms
- Unobstructed functions regarding wisdom
- Unobstructed functions regarding spiritual powers
- Unobstructed functions regarding supernatural powers
- Unobstructed functions regarding power
- Playful displays
- Realms
- Powers
- Fearlessnesses
- Unique qualities
- Karma
- Body
- Physical actions
- Bodies
- Speech
- Purifying verbal karma
- Gaining protection
- Accomplishing great matters
- Mind
- Generation of bodhicitta
- All-pervasive mind
- Faculties
- Profound mind
- Supreme profound mind
- Diligent practice
- Definitive understanding
- Definitive understanding entering worlds
- Definitive understanding entering the realm of beings
- Habitual tendencies
- Grasping
- Cultivation
- Accomplishing Buddha's Dharma
- Regressing from the path of Buddha Dharma
- Path of transcending birth
- Definitive dharmas
- Path that gives birth to Buddha's dharma
- Names of great beings
- Path
- Immeasurable paths
- Aids to the path
- Cultivation of the path
- Adornment of the path
- Feet
- Hands
- Belly
- Treasury
- Mind
- Armor
- Weapons
- Head
- Eyes
- Ears
- Nose
- Tongue
- Body
- Mind
- Conduct
- Abiding
- Sitting
- Lying down
- Dwelling places
- Places of practice
- Observation
- Universal observation
- Vigorous action
- Lion's roar
- Pure giving
- Pure morality
- Pure patience
- Pure diligence
- Pure concentration
- Pure wisdom
- Pure loving-kindness
- Pure compassion
- Pure joy
- Pure equanimity
- Meaning
- Dharma
- Aids to merit
- Aids to wisdom
- Clear understanding
- Seeking the dharma
- Understanding of dharma
- Practice of dharma
- Maras
- Actions of Mara
- Abandoning Mara actions
- Seeing Buddha
- Buddha's actions
- Actions of pride
- Actions of wisdom
- Being held by Maras
- Being held by Buddhas
- Being held by dharma
- Actions while dwelling in Tushita heaven
- Passing away from Tushita heaven
- Appearing to enter the womb
- Appearances in subtle destinies
- Appearing to be
- Appearing to smile
- Demonstrating the taking of seven steps
- Appearing in the stage of a youth
- Appearing to dwell in a palace
- Appearing to leave home
- Demonstrating ascetic practices
- Proceeding to the site of enlightenment
- Sitting at the site of enlightenment
- Extraordinary signs when sitting at the site of enlightenment
- Demonstrating the subduing of Maras
- Powers of becoming a Tathagata
- Turning the Dharma Wheel
- Obtaining pure dharma through turning the Dharma Wheel
- Appearing to enter parinirvana