
CH 38 - Transcending the World


Universal Wisdom Bodhisattva asks Samantabhadra Bodhisattva to define two hundred different terms related to the bodhisattva-mahāsattva transcending the world:

  1. Reliance
  2. Extraordinary perception
  3. Practices
  4. Good spiritual friends
  5. Diligent vigor
  6. Peace of minds
  7. Perfection of beings
  8. Precepts
  9. Self-knowledge of prediction
  10. Entry into the bodhisattva path
  11. Entry into Tathāgata[hood]
  12. Entry into beings' mental actions
  13. Entry into worlds
  14. Entry into kalpas
  15. Explanations of the three periods of time
  16. Entry into the three times
  17. Untiring mind
  18. Differentiating wisdom
  19. Dhāraṇīs
  20. Explanation of Buddha
  21. Samantabhadra Mind
  22. Samantabhadra practice
  23. Giving rise to great compassion
  24. Generating bodhicitta
  25. Revering good friends
  26. Purity
  27. Pāramitās
  28. Responsive understanding
  29. Realization
  30. Powers
  31. Equalities
  32. Real meaning phrases of Buddha Dharma
  33. Explaining Dharma
  34. Retaining [Dharma]
  35. Eloquence
  36. Mastery
  37. Non-attachment
  38. Mind of equality
  39. Producing wisdom
  40. Transformations
  41. Sustaining power
  42. Great consolation
  43. Deep entry into Buddha Dharma
  44. Reliances
  45. Fearless mind
  46. Mind free of doubts
  47. Inconceivabilty
  48. Skillful secret speech
  49. Skillful discriminating wisdom
  50. Entry into samadhi
  51. Universal entry
  52. Doors of liberation
  53. Spiritual powers
  54. Illuminations
  55. Liberations
  56. Gardens
  57. Palaces
  58. Delights
  59. Adornments
  60. Immovable mind
  61. Not abandoning the profound great mind
  62. Observation
  63. Explanation of Dharma
  64. Purity
  65. Seals
  66. Light of wisdom
  67. Incomparable dwellings
  68. Non-inferior mind
  69. Mountain-like ascending mind
  70. Ocean-like wisdom entering supreme enlightenment
  71. Jewel-like abiding
  72. Vajra-like great vehicle vow mind
  73. Great undertakings
  74. Ultimate great matters
  75. Unbreakable faith
  76. Prediction [of future enlightenment]
  77. Transference of good roots
  78. Gaining of wisdom
  79. Generating boundlessly vast mind
  80. Hidden treasures
  81. Moral precepts
  82. Mastery
  83. Unobstructed functions
  84. Unobstructed functions regarding beings
  85. Unobstructed functions regarding lands
  86. Unobstructed functions regarding dharmas
  87. Unobstructed functions regarding bodies
  88. Unobstructed functions regarding vows
  89. Unobstructed functions regarding realms
  90. Unobstructed functions regarding wisdom
  91. Unobstructed functions regarding spiritual powers
  92. Unobstructed functions regarding supernatural powers
  93. Unobstructed functions regarding power
  94. Playful displays
  95. Realms
  96. Powers
  97. Fearlessnesses
  98. Unique qualities
  99. Karma
  100. Body
  101. Physical actions
  102. Bodies
  103. Speech
  104. Purifying verbal karma
  105. Gaining protection
  106. Accomplishing great matters
  107. Mind
  108. Generation of bodhicitta
  109. All-pervasive mind
  110. Faculties
  111. Profound mind
  112. Supreme profound mind
  113. Diligent practice
  114. Definitive understanding
  115. Definitive understanding entering worlds
  116. Definitive understanding entering the realm of beings
  117. Habitual tendencies
  118. Grasping
  119. Cultivation
  120. Accomplishing Buddha's Dharma
  121. Regressing from the path of Buddha Dharma
  122. Path of transcending birth
  123. Definitive dharmas
  124. Path that gives birth to Buddha's dharma
  125. Names of great beings
  126. Path
  127. Immeasurable paths
  128. Aids to the path
  129. Cultivation of the path
  130. Adornment of the path
  131. Feet
  132. Hands
  133. Belly
  134. Treasury
  135. Mind
  136. Armor
  137. Weapons
  138. Head
  139. Eyes
  140. Ears
  141. Nose
  142. Tongue
  143. Body
  144. Mind
  145. Conduct
  146. Abiding
  147. Sitting
  148. Lying down
  149. Dwelling places
  150. Places of practice
  151. Observation
  152. Universal observation
  153. Vigorous action
  154. Lion's roar
  155. Pure giving
  156. Pure morality
  157. Pure patience
  158. Pure diligence
  159. Pure concentration
  160. Pure wisdom
  161. Pure loving-kindness
  162. Pure compassion
  163. Pure joy
  164. Pure equanimity
  165. Meaning
  166. Dharma
  167. Aids to merit
  168. Aids to wisdom
  169. Clear understanding
  170. Seeking the dharma
  171. Understanding of dharma
  172. Practice of dharma
  173. Maras
  174. Actions of Mara
  175. Abandoning Mara actions
  176. Seeing Buddha
  177. Buddha's actions
  178. Actions of pride
  179. Actions of wisdom
  180. Being held by Maras
  181. Being held by Buddhas
  182. Being held by dharma
  183. Actions while dwelling in Tushita heaven
  184. Passing away from Tushita heaven
  185. Appearing to enter the womb
  186. Appearances in subtle destinies
  187. Appearing to be
  188. Appearing to smile
  189. Demonstrating the taking of seven steps
  190. Appearing in the stage of a youth
  191. Appearing to dwell in a palace
  192. Appearing to leave home
  193. Demonstrating ascetic practices
  194. Proceeding to the site of enlightenment
  195. Sitting at the site of enlightenment
  196. Extraordinary signs when sitting at the site of enlightenment
  197. Demonstrating the subduing of Maras
  198. Powers of becoming a Tathagata
  199. Turning the Dharma Wheel
  200. Obtaining pure dharma through turning the Dharma Wheel
  201. Appearing to enter parinirvana