
Ch 18 - Vidyadharma (Clarifying Dharma)


Vigorous Wisdom Bodhisattva asks Dharma Wisdom, “When bodhisattva-mahāsattvas first generate bodhicitta, how should they then cultivate and practice the Buddha’s teachings?”

Dharma Wisdom begins by describing how not to become ‘negligent’ after generating bodhicitta by abiding in ten dharmas, thereby attaining ten kinds of purity and thus being able to delight all buddhas.

Dharma Wisdom gives ten more things that delight all buddhas, and then ten more things, followed by ten things which cause bodhisattvas to quickly enter the Ten Bhumi Stages.

Dharma Wisdom then gives ten things which cause the bodhisattvas’ practice to be pure, the ten even greater things attained as a result of that, the ten bodhisattvas vows, ten principles to fulfill those vows, the ten inexhaustible treasuries they attain from doing so, and they ways in which they explain the dharma upon attaining those treasuries.

The remainder of the chapter is Dharma Wisdom expounding upon the bodhisattvas’ transcendent practices, concluding with a brief verse to reiterate the meaning.