
Session 6 - The Conditioned and Unconditioned

Characteristic of the Conditioned Samādhi?

汝等應當知,   一切有為法,  非是所造作,   亦無可稱量。 

You all should know, All conditioned dharmas, Have no creator, And also cannot be measured.

我了知諸行,   性無有積集,  一切皆寂靜,   名有為三昧。

I know all conditioned behavior (saṃskāra), The nature of which does not aggregate, Everything being completely quiescent, Is called the Conditioned Samādhi.

Characteristic of the Unconditioned Samādhi

無為性寂靜,   於中無所著,  亦復無出離,   但有假名字。

The nature of the unconditioned is quiescent, Therein there is no grasping, There is also no escaping, These are only conventional designations.  

為執著眾生,   而說彼名字,  能如是了知,   名無為三昧。」

For clinging sentient beings, I therefore speak in conventional terms, To be able to know, like this, I called the Unconditioned Samādhi