
The 32 Auspicious Characteristics

further reflect as follows: “Whose image is this? This is an image of Śākyamuni Buddha in the past. Though I see the statue of the Buddha now, in fact the statue has not come here, nor have I gone there. By mental imagination I saw the past Buddha. When his spirit descended [from Tuṣita Heaven], heaven and the earth quaked. He had the thirty-two major marks of a great person, [namely]:

  1. Flat soles
  2. Wheels with a thousand spokes on the soles
  3. Beautifully long toes
  4. Wide heels
  5. Webs between the toes and fingers
  6. Beautifully high and flat insteps
  7. Calves like those of an antelope
  8. Hands reaching below the knees while standing upright
  9. Hidden sexual organ
  10. Body like a banyan tree
  11. Each hair growing from each pore
  12. Hair growing upwards and curling clockwise
  13. Body color superior to that of fine gold
  14. Rays from the body reaching three yards
  15. Beautifully thin skin
  16. Protuberances on the seven spots [of the body]
  17. Beautifully flat armpits
  18. Upper body like that of a lion
  19. Beautifully large and upright body
  20. Round shoulders
  21. Forty teeth
  22. White and even teeth, without gaps and deeply rooted
  23. Four big white cuspids
  24. Square jaw like that of a lion
  25. [Tongue with which to] enjoy the supreme flavors
  26. Large, wide, long, and thin tongue
  27. Profound voice like that of Brahmā
  28. Voice like that of an Indian cuckoo
  29. Dark-blue eyes
  30. Eyelashes like that of an ox king
  31. Topknot made of flesh with bones
  32. White and beautifully long tuft of hair, curling clockwise, between the brows.”