
SESSION 4 - Awareness of Dharma

In the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta (“Foundations of Mindfulness”) MN #10, the Buddha gives five examples of dharmas to be contemplated as the fourth foundation of mindfulness.

The Five Hindrances / nīvaraṇā

  • Sensual desire / kāmacchanda
  • Ill-will / vyāpāda
  • Sloth-and-torpor / thīna-middha
  • Anxiety-and-regret / auddhatya-kaukritya
  • Doubt / vicikitsā

The Five Aggregates / skandha

  • Form / rūpa
  • Sensation / vedanā
  • Perception / saṃjñā
  • Conditioning / saṃskāra
  • Consciousness / vijñāna

The Six Sense Bases / āyatanas

  • Eye
  • Ear
  • Nose
  • Tongue
  • Body
  • Mind

The Seven Limbs of Awakening / sapta-bodhyanga

  • Mindfulness / smrti
  • Investigation [of dharma] / vicaya
  • Drive / vīrya
  • Joy / prīti
  • Tranquility / praśrabdhi
  • Concentration / samādhi
  • Relinquishment / upekshā

The Four Noble Truths / catvāri āryasatyāni

  • Suffering / duḥkha
  • Its accumulation / samudaya - via craving / tṛ́ṣṇā
  • Its cessation / nirodha
  • The Path / mārga leading to its cessation