
LESSON 12 - त / Ta


As in तथता tathātā (’Suchness’)


The Syllable TA is a gateway entered by the immovable Characteristic of Thusness (tathatā-lakṣaṇa) of all dharmas.

- Kumarajiva


Entering the gateway of the syllable TA, one realizes the immovableness of the Characteristic of Thusness (tathatā-lakṣaṇa) of all dharmas.

- Xuanzang

多(上)字門 一切法如如不可得故

The syllable TA, because the thusness (tathatā) of all dharmas is ungraspable.

- Amoghavajra

TA because all dharmas do not depart from Suchness (tathātā)

- Conze

The syllable TA is an opening because all mental phenomena don’t deviate

from Suchness (tathātā).

- Jayarava