
LESSON 10 - ष / Ṣa



The syllable ṣa is a gateway, for the nature of six sovereign rulers (ṣaḍ īśvara rāja, i.e. ṣaḍāyatana, or ṣaḍ āśrayāḥ - the six senses) of all dharmas is purified.

- Kumarajiva


- Xuanzang

[The bodhisattva] enters the syllable ṢA by realizing the absence of obstruction (āsaṅgatā) of all dharmas.


The syllable ṢA is a gateway because of the ‘dull’ nature of all dharmas.

- Amoghavajra

ṢA - that no attachment (ṣanga) in any dharma is apprehended; they are neither attached nor bound.

- Conze

The syllable ṢA is an opening because of the absence of clinging (ṣaṃga) in all mental phenomena. - Jayarava