
LESSON 1 - अ / A


As in अनुत्पन्न anutpanna (’birthless’)


The syllable A is a gateway because all things (dharmas) are, from the beginning, un-arisen (birthless, anutpanna अनुत्पन्न).

- Kumarajiva


Entering the gateway of the syllable A, one realizes all things are originally un-arisen (anutpanna).



A is a gateway because all things are originally un-arisen (anutpanna).

- Amoghavajra

The syllable A is a door to the insight that all dharmas are un-produced from the very beginning (ady-anutpannatvad)

- Conze

The syllable A is an opening because of the primal quality of not arising (anutpanna) of all mental phenomena.

- Jayarava