
Ten Knowledge Powers / Jñāna-bala

1 – STHĀNĀSTHĀNA­-JÑĀNA­BALA Knowing what is possible and what is impossible

2 – KARMAVIPĀKA­-JÑĀNA­BALA  Knowing the ripening of karma

3 – NĀNĀDHIMUKTI-­JÑĀNA­BALA  Knowing the various inclinations

4 – NĀNĀDHĀTU-­JÑĀNA­BALA  Knowing the various elements

5 – INDRIYA­PARĀPARA­-JÑĀNA­BALA  Knowing the supreme and lesser faculties

6 – SARVATRA­GĀMINĪ­PRATIPAJ-­JÑĀNA­BALA Knowing the paths that lead to all destinations

7 – DHYĀNA-­VIMOKṢA-­SAMĀDHI-­SAMĀPATTI-­SAṂKLEŚA-­VYAVADĀNA­VYUTTHĀNA-­JÑĀNA­BALA  Knowing the concentrations, liberations, absorptions, equilibriums, afflictions, purifications, and abidings

8 – PŪRVA­NIVĀSĀNUSMṚTI­-JÑĀNA­BALA  Knowing the recollection of past existences

9 – CYUTYUPAPATTI-­JÑĀNA­BALA  Knowing death and rebirth

10 – ĀSRAVAKṢAYA-­JÑĀNA­BALA  Knowing the exhaustion of the defilements