
Thousand Character Classic


The Thousand Character Classic 千字文 (Qiānzì Wén) is a Chinese poem that has been used as a primer for teaching Chinese characters from the sixth century onward. It contains exactly one thousand characters, each used only once, arranged into 250 lines of four characters apiece and grouped into four line rhyming stanzas to make it easy to memorize.

The first line is 天地玄黃 (Tiāndì xuán huáng) 'Heaven and Earth Dark and Yellow') and the last line, 焉哉乎也 (Yān zāi hū yě) explains the use of the grammatical particles "yan", "zai", "hu", and "ye".

Thousand Character Classic 千字文


Tiāndì xuán huáng, yǔ zhòu hóng huāng

Heaven is dark, earth golden; the cosmos is vast and diffuse.


Rì yuè yíng zè, chén sù liè zhāng.

Sun and moon wax and wane; the stars are fixed in their constellations.


Hán lái shǔ wǎng, qiū shōu dōng cáng.

Cold follows warmth in due cycle; in autumn, food is gathered for winter.


Rùn yú chéng suì, lǜ lǚ tiáo yáng.

Extra days complete the year; Tuning harmonizes Yin and Yang.


Yún téng zhì yǔ, lù jié wéi shuāng.

Clouds ascend to cause rain to fall; morning dew transforms to white frost.


Jīn shēng lì shuǐ, yù chū kūn gāng.

Gold from the Li River; Jade from from Kunlun region.

劍號巨闕, 珠稱夜光。

Jiàn hào jù Quē, zhū chēng yè guāng.

Sword named ‘Great Summit’; Pearl named ‘Night Glow’.

果珍李奈, 菜重芥姜

Guǒ zhēn lǐ nài, cài zhòng jiè jiāng.

Of fruits most prized are pears and crab-apples; of seasonings most valuable mustard and ginger.

海咸河淡, 鱗潛羽翔

Hǎi xián hé dàn, lín qián yǔ xiáng.

Sea is salt, rivers are fresh; fish dive below, birds soar on high.


Lóng shī huǒ dì, niǎo guān rén huáng.

‘Dragon Master’, ‘Fire Emperor’, ‘Bird Ruler’, ‘Sovereign of Men’.


Shǐ zhì wén zì, nǎi fú yī cháng.

Birth of writing and culture; and then clothes were worn.


Tuī wèi ràng guó, yǒu Yú Táo Táng.

The succession to the throne; passed on to Yu, Tao Tang.


Diào mín fá zuì, Zhōu Fā Yīn Tāng.

Support the people and punish crimes; as Zhou Fa and Yin Tang did.


Zuò cháo wèn dào, chuí gǒng píng zhāng.

They sat at court pondering the Way; handing down guidance for a peaceful life.


Ài yù lí shǒu, chén fú róng qiāng.

With love they nurtured their people; overcoming by force the wild tribes.


Xiá ěr yī tǐ, shuài bīn guī wáng.

Both distant and near were joined as one; visitors acknowledged the ruler.


Míng fèng zài zhú, bái jū shí cháng.

Then the male phoenix called from bamboo thicket and the white foal grazed in the courtyard.


Huà bèi cǎo mù, lài jí wàn fāng.

Transformation spread even to the grass and trees; sincerity spread everywhere.


Gài cǐ shēn fà, sì dà wǔ cháng.

Our human bodies (to the tips of our hairs) live under four great elements and five constants.


Gōng wéi jū yǎng, qǐ gǎn huǐ shāng.

Honor those that raised you; do not consider harming yourself.


Nǚ mù zhēn jié, nán xiào cái liáng.

Girls should seek chastity and purity; boys aspire to talent and virtue.


Zhī guò bì gǎi, dé néng mò wàng.

Recognize faults you must correct; make use of the skills you possess.


Wǎng tán bǐ duǎn, mí shì jǐ cháng.

Do not point out the faults of others; do not waste your own abilities.


Xìn shǐ kě fù, qì yù nán liàng.

Your truthfulness must withstand challenge; mere capabilities are hard to gauge.


Mò bēi sī rǎn, shī zàn Gāo Yáng.

Mozi was grieved that silk had been dyed; as described in the poem ‘The Lamb’.


Jǐng xíng wéi xián, kè niàn zuò shèng.

Enlightened actions maintain worthiness; restrain yourself from too much study to become wise.


Dé jiàn míng lì, xíng duān biǎo zhèng.

Virtue when established sets up respectability; the upright have correct appearance.


Kōng gǔ chuán shēng, xū táng xí tīng.

An empty valley just spreads sound; but even the most modest of halls permits study by attentive listening.


Huò yīn è jī, fú yuán shàn qìng.

Calamity is the reward for accumulating evil; Good fortune is the just reward for benevolence.


Chǐ bì fēi bǎo, cùn yīn shì jìng.

A foot length of precious jade is not to be valued; rather struggle for just an inch of time.


Zī fù shì jūn, yuē yán yǔ jìng.

Sustain your father and serve your lord; that is to say rigorously and respectfully.


Xiào dāng jié lì, zhōng zé jìn mìng.

Devoted to parents to the utmost; loyal until the end of your life.


Lín shēn lǚ bó, sù xīng wēn qìng.

Take care when facing chasms and walking on thin ice; in the morning rise early whether warm or cold.


Sì lán sī xīn, rú sōng zhī shèng.

Like the orchid in fragrance; as the pine flourishes.


Chuān liú bù xī, yuān chéng qǔ yìng

The river flows without ceasing; deep, unruffled waters allow reflection.


Róng zhǐ ruò sī, yán cí ān dìng.

Let your manner by thoughtful; may what you say be calm and disciplined.


Dǔ chū chéng měi, shèn zhōng yí lìng.

To begin earnestly is truly excellent; but carefulness to see it through is equally honorable.


Róng yè suǒ jī, jí shèn wú jìng.

Prodigious study forms the foundation; and then your good reputation will be limitless.


Xué yōu dēng shì, shè zhí cóng zhèng.

Excel in studies and become an official; master your duties to join in the work of government.


Cún yǐ gān táng, qù ér yì yǒng.

While alive, relax under the sweet pear tree; when dead, people will still sing your praises.


Yuè shū guì jiàn, lǐ bié zūn bēi.

Music differentiates the noble and the base; decorum the superior and inferior.


Shàng hé xià mù, fū chàng fù suí.

With superiors have peace, with inferiors harmony; as the husband's song is accompanied by his wife.


Wài shòu fù xùn, rù fèng mǔ yí.

Out of doors accept your tutor's instruction; at home show respect for mother's counsels.


Zhū gū bó shū, yóu zǐ bǐ ér.

Towards each aunt and uncle; be just like you were their own child.


Kǒng huái xiōng dì, tóng qì lián zhī.

Care deeply about your brothers; they share the same breath as yourself and are like branches of the same tree.


Jiāo yǒu tóu fèn, qiè mó zhēn guī.

In friendship each must do their part; cut and polish yourself or else beware!


Rén cí yǐn cè, zào cì fú lí.

Charitableness, compassion and tender-feeling; it would be rash to abandon them.


Jié yì lián tuì, diān pèi fěi kuī.

If integrity, justice and honesty are in decline; even though when overwhelmed these should never be lacking.


Xìng jìng qíng yì, xīn dòng shén pí.

If your nature is calm, the passions will be subdued; but when the heart is agitated the spirit is wearied.


Shǒu zhēn zhì mǎn, zhú wù yì yí.

Maintaining purity brings fulfillment; but if you pursue distractions your purpose will waver.


Jiān chí yǎ cāo, hǎo jué zì mí.

Firmly grasp fine aspirations; innate nobility will shield you.


Dū yì huà xià, dōng xī èr jīng.

The ancient capitals were splendid and glorious; both Eastern and Western capital cities.


Bèi Máng miàn Luò, fú Wèi jù Jīng.

The first of these is backed by Mount Mang and fronted by the River Luo; around the other is the swift Wei river and the meandering Jing river.


Gōng diàn pán yù, lóu guān fēi jīng.

Their palaces and halls were built densely; the buildings so high that looking down inspired fear of plunging down.


Tú xiě qín shòu, huà cǎi xiān líng.

Drawings were made of birds and animals; depictions of immortals and deities.


Bǐng shè bàng qǐ, jiǎ zhàng duì yíng.

Splendid apartments opened out on each side; fine drapes adorn the parallel rows of pillars.


Sì yán shè xí, gǔ sè chuī shēng.

There were spread out lavish banquets; and there was played the drum, harp and the sheng was blown.


Shēng jiē nà bì, biàn zhuàn yí xīng.

Ascending the steps to the throne; with the whirling hats of officials numberless as the stars.


Yòu tōng guǎng nèi, zuǒ dá chéng míng.

On the right is the library; on the left the scholars' dormitory.


Jì jí fén diǎn, yì jù qún yīng.

There can be found the most ancient books and records; and also a host of wise men.


Dù gǎo Zhōng lì, qī shū bì jīng.

Du’s cursive style and Zhong’s formal style; ancient lacquered books and classics concealed in a wall.


Fǔ luó jiàng xiàng, lù xiá huái qīng.

In the mansions senior officials assemble in order; the junior grades flank their path down the road.


Hù fēng bā xiàn, jiā jǐ qiān bīng.

Some of these households will be granted eight counties; and to these families a thousand troops.


Gāo guān péi niǎn, qū gǔ zhèn yīng.

With their high hats they accompany the Imperial carriage; their ribbons flutter with the rapid stir.


Shì lù chǐ fù, chē jià féi qīng.

Their inherited wealth gives plenteous riches; their carriages are pulled by sturdy but light steeds.


Cè gōng mào shí, lè bēi kè míng.

Their noble plans are many and attested; they are carved on stones as inscriptions.


Pán xī Yī Yǐn, zuǒ shí ā héng.

At Pan Brook he hired a man, also Yi Yin; assisted for a while and became chief minister.


Yǎn zhái Qū Fù, wēi Dàn shú yíng.

Within Yan is the city of Qufu; who but the Duke of Zhou could have built it?


Huán gōng kuāng hé, jì ruò fú qīng.

The Duke of Huan put things in order and united the people; he helped the feeble and revived the stricken.


Qǐ huí Hàn Huì, Yuě gǎn Wǔ Dīng.

Qi returned to aid Han Hui; influenced Wu Ding in a dream.


Jùn yì mì wù, duō shì shí níng.

The talented scholars regulate access to state secrets; and the many who cultivate true peace.


Jìn Chǔ gēng bà, Zhào Wèi kùn hèng.

The Jin and Chu states became tyrannical; the states of Zhao and Wei fell into misery and lawlessness.


Jiǎ tú miè Guó, Jiàn Tǔ huì méng.

Feigning a march the Jin army destroyed the state of Guo; at Jian Tu the rulers signed a treaty.


Hé zūn yuē fǎ, Hán bì fán xíng.

[Xiao] He advocated simple laws; he followed Han [Fei's] philosophy but suffered cruelly under the laws that he himself instigated.


Qǐ Jiǎn Pō Mù, yòng jūn zuì jīng.

The famous generals Qi, Jian, Po and Mu were preeminent in tactics.


Xuān wēi Shā mò, chí yù dān qīng.

Tales of their ascendancy reached even the deserts; their reputation swiftly spread and they are immortalized in paintings [literally ‘red’ and ‘green/blue’ and these colors together mean ‘painting’].


Jiǔ zhōu Yǔ jì, bǎi jùn Qín bìng.

All the nine regions of China bear the traces of Yu the Great; All the hundred districts united by the Qin.


Yuè zōng Tài dài, chàn zhǔ Yún Tíng.

Of the sacred mountains Taishan is the most honored; at its base are altars at Yun and Ting


Yàn mén zǐ sài, Jī Tián Chì Chéng.

The Yanmen pass and the Great Wall; Ji Tian station and Chicheng mountain.


Kūn chí jié shí, Jù yě Dòng tíng.

Kunming Pool and Jieshi Rocks; Juye Wasteland and Dongting Lake.


Kuàng yuǎn mián miǎo, yán xiù yǎo míng.

They are vast and distant, enduring forever; shaded cliffs and caverns shrouded in gloom.


Zhì běn yú nóng, wù zī jià sè.

Getting to grips with agriculture is vital; always give attention to farm work.


Chù zǎi nán mǔ, wǒ yì shǔ jì.

The year begins in the southern fields; I cultivate the cereal crop.


Shuì shú gòng xīn, quàn shǎng chù zhì.

The tax due on ripe grain spurs the cultivation of the new crop; indolence is punished, hard-work rewarded.


Mèng Kē dūn sù, Shǐ Yú bǐng zhí.

Mencius was kind-hearted and genuine; Shi Yu was steadfastly truthful.


Shù jī zhōng yōng, láo qiān jǐn chì.

They neared the Golden Medium; striving for modesty and obeying orders.


Líng yīn chá lǐ, jiàn mào biàn sè.

Listen to what is said and examine its logic; scrutinize people's countenance and their appearance.


Yí jué jiā yóu, miǎn qí zhī zhí.

Make your exemplary principles your legacy; exert yourself so as to nurture respectfulness.


xǐng gōng jī jiè, chǒng zēng kàng jí.

Scrutinize yourself when mocked and admonished; zealously guard against praise inflating self-esteem.


Dài rǔ jìn chǐ, lín gāo xìng jí.

When malevolent dishonor and disgrace comes near; spend time visiting the woods and streams.


Liǎng Shū jiàn jī, jiě zǔ shéi bī.

The two Shu brothers observing other's intentions resigned from office, no-one compelled them.


Suǒ jū xián chù, chén mò jì liáo.

Look for a tranquil place to live; to meditate alone.


Qiú gǔ xún lùn, sàn lǜ xiāo yáo.

Seek out and ponder on ancient writings; dispel worries and take your leisure.


Xīn zòu lèi qiǎn, qī xiè huān zhāo.

Enjoy music to banish tension; troubles wane as joy is welcomed.


Qú hé de lì, yuán mǎng chōu tiáo.

In the waterways the lotus plant grows; in the countryside lush wild-flowers flourish.


Pí pá wǎn cuì, Wú tóng zǎo diāo.

The Loquat tree retains its green leaves; while the Wutong tree's leaves are early to fade.


Chén gēn wěi yì, luò yè piāo yáo.

Old roots suffer from decay and are cast aside; the fallen leaves float down forlornly in the wind.


Yóu Kūn dú yùn, líng mó jiàng xiāo.

The huge, roaming bird journeys alone; soaring to touch the purple heavens.


Dān dú wán shì, yù mù náng xiāng.

Indulge reading for fun at the market; with a roving eye look for new boxes of books.


Yì yóu yōu wèi, zhǔ ěr yuán qiáng.

Gossip and rash talk should be dreaded; as even apartment walls have ears.


Jù shàn cān fàn, shì kǒu chōng cháng.

When preparing meals eat plain food; suit the palate and fill the stomach.


Bǎo yù pēng zǎi, jī yàn zāo kāng.

Gluttons will gorge on boiled meat; the starving will relish even the poorest husks.


Qīn qī gù jiù, lǎo shào yì liáng.

Relatives and old friends; the old and the young like different food.


Qiè yù jì fǎng, shì jīn wéi fáng.

The concubines run the chores; they do the laundry and tidy rooms.


Wán shàn yuán xié, yín zhú wěi huáng.

White silk fans round and unblemished; silver light of brilliant candles.


Zhòu mián xī mèi, lán sǔn xiàng chuáng.

For snoozing at noon and sleeping at night; blue bamboo mats and ivory framed beds.


Xián gē jiǔ yàn, jiē bēi jǔ shāng.

Amidst music and feasting; raise the glass and make a toast.


Jiǎo shǒu dùn zú, yuè yù qiě kāng.

Wave the hands and stomp your feet; everyone is joyful and at ease.


Dí hòu sì xù, jì sì zhēng cháng.

May the principal heir endure; offer sacrifices at the appropriate season.


Qǐ sǎng zài bài, sǒng jù kǒng huáng.

Kowtowing to the ground repeatedly; in dread, awe and trembling.


Jiān dié jiǎn yào, gù dá shěn xiáng.

In correspondence be concise; give carefully considered and comprehensive replies.


Hái gòu xiǎng yù, zhí rè yuàn liáng.

When dirty to the bone we desire a bath; when we grasp something too hot we crave coolness.


Lǖ luó dú tè, hài yuè chāo xiāng.

Just as donkeys, camels, calves and bullocks; when startled, they leap around and take flight.


Zhū zhǎn zéi dào, bǔ huò pàn wáng.

Punish by beheading thieves, traitors and robbers; seize the rebels who flee.


Bù shè Liáo wán, Jī qín Ruǎn xiào.

Lu Bu the archer, Yi Liao the juggler; Ji Kang the musician and Ruan Ji the flute player.


Tián bǐ Lún zhǐ, Jūn qiǎo Rén diào.

Tian invented the writing brush, Lun paper; Jun was an inventor, Ren an angler.


Shì fēn lì sú, bìng jiē jiā miào.

They all overcame life's difficulties and brought benefits to all; taken together they were all marvelous.


Máo Shī shū zī, gōng pín yán xiào.

Mao and Shi were benevolent and beautiful; even while working their frowns were charming.


Nián shǐ měi cuī, xī huī lǎng yào.

Years pass like flying arrows each in urgent haste; but the sun continues to shine bright and glorious.


Xuán Jī xuán wò, huì pò huán zhào.

The Big Dipper hangs and turns in the sky; the pale moon light encompasses the luminous earth.


Zhǐ xīn xiū hù, yǒng suí jí shào.

Like the tinder that lights fires; always encourage and then good fortune will be the reward for effort.


Jǔ bù yǐn lǐng, fǔ yǎng láng miào.

Regulate your pace and lead the way; bowing at the Imperial court.


Shù dài jīn zhuāng, pái huái zhān tiào.

Girt with your belt esteemed and grand; walking with hesitancy as you gaze around your lands.


Gū lòu guǎ wén, yú méng děng qiào.

Fools and numbskulls; dunderheads and the absurd may deride you.


Wèi yǔ zhù zhě, yān zāi hū yě.

At last these will help: that's it, all done, finito, the end.