
18 Special Attributes

The eighteen āveṇika-dharmas  (‘special attributes’) of a Buddha

十八不共法 āveṇikadharma, or buddhadharma, the eighteen different characteristics of a Buddha as compared with bodhisattvas, i.e.

1. Perfection of body (or person), never making a mistake

2. Mouth (or speech) [perfection of], never boisterous

3. Memory [perfection of], never forgetting

4. Serenity, never mentally disturbed

5. Impartiality to all, no notion of diversity

6. Self-sacrifice, with equanimity not due to a lack of consideration

7. A ‘will’ [pranidhana, vow] that never falters

8. Unfailing vigor therein, virya that never falters

9 Unfailing mindfulness (sati) permanently established due to virya

10. Unfailing concentration (samadhi) due to sati

11. Wisdom that never decreases

12. Liberation that never decreases

13. Revealing perfect wisdom in act,

14. Revealing perfect wisdom in word,

15. Revealing perfect wisdom in thought

16. Perfect knowledge of past, without attachment or hindrance

17. Perfect knowledge of future, without attachment or hindrance

18. Perfect knowledge of present, without attachment or hindrance