


The Sixth Ground is a called Abhimukhī (’Manifestation’ or ’Direct Presence’) 現前. Practitioners enter this stage by observing phenomena in terms of their equality. They observe the formation and disintegration of worlds, they realize that the origins of worldly ways are all rooted in attachment to self. This leads them to a thorough examination of the process of conditioning, followed by liberating absorption in emptiness, characteristiclessness, and wishlessness. Practitioners in this stage furthermore develop unbreakable intent and become immune to delusive influences.

Entry into the Sixth Stage

“By taking up cultivation of ten dharmasamatā (’equality of dharmas’). All dharmas are the same due to:

  1. The absence of inherent nature
  2. Being characteristicless (‘signless’ or ‘without marks’)
  3. Being uncreated (‘birthless’, ‘unproduced’)
  4. Being undestroyed (’inexhautible’)
  5. Being fundamentally pure
  6. Being beyond frivolous theoretical ideation
  7. Being beyond either grasping or relinquishing
  8. Being entirely transcendent
  9. Being like illusions, dreams, shadows, echoes, the moon reflected in water, images in a mirror, like mirages, and like magical transformations
  10. The inherent non-duality in their neither existing nor not existing

“Although the patient-tolerance for the birthlessness of all dharmas has not yet become ‘directly manifest,’ the mind will then have already acquired clarity and acuity and thus successfully develops the ‘conforming patient-tolerance.”

Abiding in the Sixth Stage and the Practices associated with it

The bodhisattva contemplates:

“In all circumstances throughout the entire world wherein one takes on physical rebirth, it occurs due to attachment to a self. Were one to abandon all attachment to a self, then there would be no further circumstance in which one would take rebirth in the world.”

And further contemplates the 12-link chain of causation in ten different ways, knowing that within these twelve causes and conditions, there is no entity that endures them.

  1. Contemplating the sequential continuity of the 12-links
  2. Contemplation to their reduction to a single mind-moment
  3. Contemplation of each link supporting the others
  4. Contemplation of the inseparability of the links
  5. Contemplation of the links conforming to afflictions, karmic actions, and suffering
  6. Contemplation of the links in regard to past and future
  7. Contemplation of the links and their relation to thee three sufferings: karma, suffering, decay
  8. Contemplation of the links arising due to causes and conditions
  9. Contemplation of the links association with the bonds
  10. Contemplation of the links in terms of utter nonexistence and utter cessation

Direct Manifestation of the Three Doors of Liberation in the Sixth Stage

“At this time, pursuant to this reflection on the 12-links, the bodhisattva contemplates and observes the nonexistence of self, the nonexistence of beings, the nonexistence of any entity possessed of life, the nonexistence of any person, the absence of any inherently existent nature, and the transcendence of any agent of actions, any director of actions, or any subjective entity, they observe that, because they belong to a multiplicity of causes and conditions, they are devoid of anything at all that exists. When they contemplate in this manner they then acquire the ‘direct manifestation’ of the Emptiness Door of Liberation.

Due to perceiving the cessation of these phenomena so that they no longer demonstrate any continuity of existence, they acquire the ‘direction manifestation’ of the Characteristiclessness Door of Liberation.

Having realized both of these things, they then no longer feel any pleasure in taking on rebirth with the sole exception of doing so to implement the mind of great compassion. They then acquire the Wishlessness Door of Liberation.

Association with the Ten Paramitas

Associated with Prajñā

Analogy of Gold

Like adding a lapis lazuli jewel to polished gold with such lustrousness that it’s brilliant appearance becomes ever more radiant.

Becoming a World Leader

Bodhisattvas dwelling on the fifth ground often become lords of the Nirmāṇarati Heaven

Use of the Four Means of Unification

In whatsoever endeavors they take up, whether that be the practice of giving, kind speech, volunteerism, or cooperation, they never depart from mindfulness of the Buddha, the Dharma, their Bodhisattva Companions, etc.

Acquisition of Samadhis, sight of buddhas, etc.

Acquiring a tens of myriads of kotis of samadhis…