
5th Abode – SAMPADA-UPAYA / Fulfilling Skillful Means 具足方便 - perfect adaptability

5th Abode - Completing Upaya 具足方便住

In cultivating good roots, it is entirely:

  1. To rescue all sentient beings 救護一切眾生
  2. To benefit all sentient beings 饒益一切眾生
  3. To bring joy to all sentient beings 安樂一切眾生
  4. With sympathy for all sentient beings 哀愍一切眾生
  5. To liberate all sentient beings 度脫一切眾生,
  6. For all sentient beings to be free of calamities 令一切眾生離諸災難
  7. For all sentient beings to be escape the suffering of Birth & Death 令一切眾生出生死苦
  8. For all sentient beings to develop pure faith 令一切眾生發生淨信
  9. For all sentient beings to attain total self-mastery 令一切眾生悉得調伏
  10. For all sentient beings to completely realize Nirvana 令一切眾生咸證涅槃

Ten Dharmas to Study

  1. Knowledge of the limitlessness of sentient beings 知眾生無邊
  2. Knowledge of the immeasurability of sentient beings 知眾生無量
  3. Knowledge of the incalculability of sentient beings 知眾生無數
  4. Knowledge of the inconceivability of sentient beings 知眾生不思議
  5. Knowledge of the immeasurable forms of sentient beings 知眾生無量色
  6. Knowledge of the incapacity of measure of sentient beings 知眾生不可量
  7. Knowledge of the emptiness of sentient beings 知眾生空
  8. Knowledge of the uncreatedness of sentient beings 知眾生無所作
  9. Knowledge of the inexistence of sentient beings 知眾生無所有
  10. Knowledge of the lack of inherent existence of sentient beings 知眾生無自性