


The second ground of the Ten Bhūmis is called Vimalā, ‘Stainless’ (離垢). It is sought by way of ten dispositions of mind. In this stage practitioners naturally avoid killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, false speech, coarse speech, useless speech, covetousness, malevolence, and erroneous views.

Entry Into The Second Ground

The bodhisattvas brings forth ten profound intentions of mind:

  1. An upright, straightforward mind 正直心
  2. A gentle mind (mañjūṣaka) 柔軟心
  3. A capable mind 堪能心
  4. A tame mind 調伏心
  5. A calm, quiet mind 寂靜心
  6. A beautiful mind (kalyāṇatā?) 純善心
  7. An untainted mind (asaṃkīrṇa) 不雜心
  8. An unattached 無顧戀心
  9. A broad, inclusive mind 廣心
  10. A magnanimous mind 大心

And is, of course, already observing the Ten Wholesome Karmic Actions:

  1. Avoiding killing
  2. Avoiding taking what has not been given
  3. Avoiding sexual misconduct
  4. Avoiding false speech
  5. Avoiding divisive speech
  6. Avoiding harsh speech
  7. Avoiding frivolous speech
  8. Avoiding covetousness
  9. Avoiding ill will
  10. Avoiding wrong views

Abiding in The Second Ground

The bodhisattvas reflects on the ten courses of wholesome and unwholesome karmic action, and on the karmic destinies to which they lead.

Practices Associated with the Second Ground

They then reflect thus: “I must entirely abandon the ten courses of unwholesome karmic action and instead take the ten courses of good karmic action as the gardens of the Dharma wherein I am delighted to abide, dwelling there myself while also encouraging others so that they too are caused to dwell therein.”

The sutra gives a variety of ‘counteractive’ upaya to encourage others to avoid unwholesome karmic action.

Analogy of Gold

Like a goldsmith using Kāsīsa (Green vitriol or Iron sulfate) when smelting already refined gold to remove all impurities, making it even more radiant.

Use of the Four Means of Unification

The bodhisattva employs kind speech

Association with the Ten Paramitas

The practice of śīla, moral discipline.

Becoming a World Leader

The bodhisattva dwelling on the Second Ground often becomes a Wheel-Turning Sovereign endowed with the seven treasures.

Acquisition of Samadhis, vision of buddhas, etc.

Acquiring thousands of samadhis, etc.