
2nd Practice – Abundantly Benefiting 饒益行

Second is what is known as beneficial practice, based on transcendent morality. The practitioner maintains pure discipline and self-control, free from attachment to material senses, without seeking power, status, wealth, or dominion. By knowing all things are unreal, practitioners are able to master life, death, and nirvana; to liberate themselves and others; to attain tranquillity, security, purity, dispassion, and happiness; and to foster these attainments in others. Practitioners aspire to follow the enlightened; to detach from mundane activities; to fulfill the qualities of buddhahood; to remain supremely equanimous and be impartial towards all; to understand objective reality clearly; to eliminate error; to cut through conceptualization; to abandon attachment; to achieve emancipation; and to abide mentally in supreme wisdom.