
2nd Abode – BHŪMI-PARIKARMA / Preparing the Ground 治地 - mental control

2nd Abode - Preparing the Ground 治地住

Ten mind-states generated toward sentient beings 於諸眾生發十種心

  1. Beneficial (Helpful) Mind 利益心
  2. Greatly Compassionate Mind 大悲心
  3. Joyful Mind 安樂心
  4. Safe (Secure, Peaceful) Mind 安住心
  5. Commiserating Mind 憐愍心
  6. Embracing (Caring, Accepting) Mind 攝受心
  7. Protective Mind 守護心
  8. Identifying [as them] Mind 同己心
  9. [Considering them] Teachers Mind 師心
  10. [Considering them] Guides Mind 導師心

Ten Dharmas to Study

  1. Reading, reciting, and learning 誦習多聞
  2. Uncluttered tranquility 虛閑寂靜
  3. Association with kalyāṇamitra ‘good spiritual guides’ 近善知識
  4. Generating pleasing, kind words 發言和悅
  5. Speech appropriate to the time 語必知時
  6. Fearlessness of Mind 心無怯怖
  7. Understanding of Meaning 了達於義
  8. Cultivation of Practices in accord with Dharma 如法修行
  9. Avoiding foolish confusion 遠離愚迷
  10. Abiding securely in Immovability 安住不動