
The 5 Aggregates

The Five Aggregates - Pañca-skandha: 五蘊 also 五陰; the five accumulations, substances, or aggregates, of a ‘sentient being’

(1) Rūpa 色, form, matter - the physical form of the sense organs

(2) Vedana 受, sensation, feeling, ‘reception’ - the sensing and responding to stimuli

(3) Saṃjñā 想, perception, conception, or discerning - the distinguishing of different phenomena

(4) Saṃskāra 行, conditioning - habitual actions of body, speech, and mind in regard to phenomena

(5) Vijñāna 識, consciousness, discriminative awareness - each sense organ ‘being aware’

Form is said to be physical, the other four mental.